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Just when I thought the barrel was being scraped at its lowest point with "we've got better rated Daily Record comments than you" and "we've got more car stickers than you" we get "Holyrood's not had a 1970s and 80s paedophile cover-up so vote Yes".

Words fail me.

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Just when I thought the barrel was being scraped at its lowest point with "we've got better rated Daily Record comments than you" and "we've got more car stickers than you" we get "Holyrood's not had a 1970s and 80s paedophile cover-up so vote Yes".

Words fail me.

No, the cover up is current unless you know something we don't.

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No, the cover up is current unless you know something we don't.

The file that went missing to which the investigation relates was given to Leon Brittan in the 1980s when he was Secretary of State for the Home Department. It has nothing to do with the current crop of Westminster politicians.

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The file that went missing to which the investigation relates was given to Leon Brittan in the 1980s when he was Secretary of State for the Home Department. It has nothing to do with the current crop of Westminster politicians.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

The commons is rotton and we all know it.

Russell Johnstone got and Charles Kennedy is getting all he can out of it.

Good work if you can get it, good work if you can park your morals back in the highlands.

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The file that went missing to which the investigation relates was given to Leon Brittan in the 1980s when he was Secretary of State for the Home Department. It has nothing to do with the current crop of Westminster politicians.

Was it not 114 files that went missing, as for the rest, you like myself have absolutely no idea whether or not it involves any current Westminster politicians, perhaps if those in power had been more upstanding those files involving their friends, colleagues, lovers wouldn't have disappeared.

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He looks about 10 and is clearly trolling. Anyone that believes him is a fuckwit.

"Nowhere are these connections more deep-seated than in our willingness to support each other's health and give to each other, when in need, blood and even organs such as hearts, lungs and livers and not primarily as a commercial transaction but as a gift, and often creating a lifelong bond.

"Simply to chart those links and see the willingness to help each other in times of trouble should leave all of us bursting with pride at what we have achieved by co-operation and working together. None of this must be put at risk."

Gordon Brown, not 10, apparently not trolling.

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Halt NHS privatisation, says Labour's Burnham
By James Gallagher
Health editor, BBC News website
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Labour has called for the NHS in England to stop privatising services until after the general election.

In a speech, shadow health secretary Andy Burnham said "privatisation is being forced through at pace and scale".

He said voters needed a "proper debate" about the future of the NHS.

The government called this "pure political posturing" from a party with a record of privatisation when it was in power.

Labour argues the restructuring of the NHS, which came into force in 2013, led to privatisation by the back door.

This includes plans for the biggest outsourcing deal in NHS history which could see cancer care across Staffordshire privatised as part of a £1.2bn contract.

The Department of Health said that since 2010 a further 1.3% of the NHS budget was being spent in the private sector, with the total standing at about 6%.

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Andy Burnham says 'NHS is based on people, not profits'
In his speech, Mr Burnham said: "Commissioners have been ordered to put all services out to the market, NHS spending on private and other providers has gone through the £10bn barrier for the first time.

"When did the British public ever give their consent for this?

"It is indefensible for the character of the country's most valued institution to be changed in this way without the public being given a say."

Mr Burnham has written to the boss of NHS England, Simon Stevens, to call for a pause in privatisation unless patient safety or service is at risk.

However, NHS England said most funding decisions were now being made by groups of GPs, who were given the purse-strings in the NHS reforms.

A government spokesman said Mr Burnham was playing politics and pointed to his record of privatisation while he was health secretary in the last Labour government.

"Use of the private sector by the NHS doubled in the last four years of Labour, a far bigger increase than under this government.

"Andy Burnham himself signed off the privatisation of Hinchingbrooke Hospital during Labour's final year so it is pure political posturing to try to interfere with doctors making the best clinical judgements for patients."

Healthcare team of nurses and doctors
Matt Tee, chief operating officer of the NHS Confederation, which represents NHS Trusts, said the argument should be about what is right for patients.

He said: "Our members are very clear that there are plenty of things which keep them awake at night, but contracting is rarely cited as one of them."

Dr Steve Kell, one of the chairs of the group NHS Clinical Commissioners, said: "I am quite clear that no clinical commissioning group [CCG] has a privatisation agenda."

"CCGs are independent statutory bodies with a clear focus to improve services for our patients - to stop clinical commissioners from signing contracts where a local need has been identified will leave gaps in local clinical services putting patients at risk."

I thought the NHS wasn't being privatised down South, not only is it being privatised but Labour are fine with it.

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But it’s what he wants done about it that made us double-take.

Wait, a PAUSE? Labour just want to PAUSE the privatisation of the English NHS for a bit? So they’re fine with it happening, they just want to slow it down slightly?

And remember, readers, that Andy Burnham is already on the record as saying that he wants the NHS to be the same across the UK.

So don’t say you weren’t warned, folks.

He probably wants the pause to last until labour get back in so as he can get to sell whats left off to some of his mates and family.

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He probably wants the pause to last until labour get back in so as he can get to sell whats left off to some of his mates and family.

Ach, those fine upstanding representatives in Westminster don't do all that nepotism shite, you'll never find one family member or friend that has benefited from their ties to an MP.

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Ach, those fine upstanding representatives in Westminster don't do all that nepotism shite, you'll never find one family member or friend that has benefited from their ties to an MP.

Oh aye. Fine up standing B'Stard's.

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See Darling has his fingers in private health pies. No wonder these pirates want a no vote - they can keep lining their pockets before getting a cushy one in the House of Lards, not to mention a further few part-time 'directorships' under their belts.


Labour MP Alistair Darling was paid thousands of pounds by a company heavily involved in the privatisation of the English NHS, it has emerged.

In 2011, the Edinburgh MP who heads the anti-independence campaign Better Together, received over £10,000 for addressing a dinner organised by Cinven Limited.
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