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Does anyone here believe we can't use the pound?


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I thought Scotland wanted to be independent of Britain?

You want to use the British pound, contolled by the Bank of England, you want to continue with our Queen as head of state, you want to continue using the British Broadcasting Corporation, how exactly will you be independent?

Yep because it is an international currency, As trading as such it is not controlled by any bank but by international exchange rates. Nope I would prefer the Scottish people to decide the head of state and it will be a Scottish BBC with all revenue going to it not the London one. We can sort all that after we vote for Independence though ;) How are you anyway Scothmist..?

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I thought Scotland wanted to be independent of Britain?

You want to use the British pound, contolled by the Bank of England, you want to continue with our Queen as head of state, you want to continue using the British Broadcasting Corporation, how exactly will you be independent?

Yeah you appear to be 3 months behind the debate Bill.

Let me get this straight.

You're arguing against Scottish independent because its not independent for you? I also love the idea that because we still want to watch the BBC we're somehow not independent? That's a bit weird.

Personally, I look forward to a Scottish republic - but let's take one giant constitutional step at a time.

As opposed to the pound - yes we will be using it. Whether or not we're still using it in 20 or 50 years time will be up to the Scottish people. Democracy - don't you just love it.

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I'm not confusing anything. That is my opinion... Backed up by logic.

HBOS owned by Loyds

RBS owned by the UK gov

Standard Life with 80% of it's customers in England.

Yet I've to seriously believe that the BOE won't stand behind them ? Aye OK.

In the event of a yes vote, they will likely transfer the head offices to London, with the subsequent loss of tax revenue and jobs to Scotland.


And using the pound without a CU means no EU membership.

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In the event of a yes vote, they will likely transfer the head offices to London, with the subsequent loss of tax revenue and jobs to Scotland.

There will be some minor changes in quite a few industries. Some of these changes will work in Scotland's favour - some not so much.

The idea that Scotland will lose thousands upon thousands of jobs is just fanciful.

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The prospect of an independent Scotland keeping the pound in a so-called “sterlingisation” set-up would scupper its hopes of getting back into Europe, a former European finance chief has warned.

The news came as Edinburgh-based Lloyds, which owns Bank of Scotland, revealed it has finalised contingency plans which could see it quit Scotland in the event of a Yes vote.

It looks increasingly likely that using the pound without agreement from the UK is the SNP’s favoured option if a formal currency union is rejected.


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What day is it down there Bill?

Just wondered which part of "all three main political parties at Westminster have said an independent Scotland would not be allowed to continue to use sterling." you don't understand?

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There will be some minor changes in quite a few industries. Some of these changes will work in Scotland's favour - some not so much.

The idea that Scotland will lose thousands upon thousands of jobs is just fanciful.

Do tell which ones will work in Scotlands favour, also do you even realise that Corporation Tax is paid in the country where the head office is located, not to mention that it's the high earning jobs that will relocate?

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Do tell which ones will work in Scotlands favour, also do you even realise that Corporation Tax is paid in the country where the head office is located, not to mention that it's the high earning jobs that will relocate?

So where do you think the HQ will base themselves somewhere that is 3% cheaper in tax I think

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So where do you think the HQ will base themselves somewhere that is 3% cheaper in tax I think will be more of a draw.

If you're refering to the promised cut in corporation tax from the SNP in the event of a yes vote, then it's more than likely Westminster would match or better it, and could afford to do so more than a seperate Scotland.

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Just wondered which part of "all three main political parties at Westminster have said an independent Scotland would not be allowed to continue to use sterling." you don't understand?

Oh Bill come on now.

How the hell did you manage to master time travel? Was the Back to the Future story line correct after all? Get with the god damn program.

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If you're refering to the promised cut in corporation tax from the SNP in the event of a yes vote, then it's more than likely Westminster would match or better it, and could afford to do so more than a seperate Scotland.



"lowering corporation tax, an expressed desire of the Scottish government, could cause "a flight of businesses across the border".

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Do tell which ones will work in Scotlands favour, also do you even realise that Corporation Tax is paid in the country where the head office is located, not to mention that it's the high earning jobs that will relocate?

Scottish Defence Force?

I'm pretty certain there will also be some admin jobs that are done UK-wide that will need to be set-up in an independent Scotland.

Can I just check - is it the too wee or the too poor aspect you think we'll struggle with?

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Just wondered which part of "all three main political parties at Westminster have said an independent Scotland would not be allowed to continue to use sterling." you don't understand?

Do you mean the three main political parties that are OPPOSING Scotland breaking away and causing " a humiliation of catastrophic proportions " ?

Did they not tell you that Sterling does not belong to Westminster?

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"lowering corporation tax, an expressed desire of the Scottish government, could cause "a flight of businesses across the border".

Another could, might or maybee, so can you tell me a reason why Westminster wouldn't match any cut by Holyrood, as the gains from the financial sector relocating would, in all likelyhood make up for it.

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Another could, might or maybee, so can you tell me a reason why Westminster wouldn't match any cut by Holyrood, as the gains from the financial sector relocating would, in all likelyhood make up for it.

lol your argument was a could, might or maybe to begin with..!!

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Scottish Defence Force?

I'm pretty certain there will also be some admin jobs that are done UK-wide that will need to be set-up in an independent Scotland.

Can I just check - is it the too wee or the too poor aspect you think we'll struggle with?

True, but I wouldn't count on them offsetting the losses, plus as they would have to be funded by taxation raised in solely in Scotland, they would only add to the current defecit, or result in cuts elsewhere, as would the costs of setting up those departments that are currently UK wide, which the SNP have massively underestimated by the way

As to the "too wee, too poor and too stupid", that only applies to those who seek separation, as they see themselves as small fish in a big pool, and think that a small pool will turn them into big fish. You need look no further than Tommy Sheridan and Alex Salmond for examples of this.

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