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Scottish Labour Voting Record


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My dad is an old Labour type, who thinks they're pretty indistinguishable from the SNP as a progressive party. I was trying to find a record of all the progressive policies they've voted against in the Scottish Parliament, but I can't find it easily. Anyone more clued up know where I could find a list..?

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My dad is an old Labour type, who thinks they're pretty indistinguishable from the SNP as a progressive party. I was trying to find a record of all the progressive policies they've voted against in the Scottish Parliament, but I can't find it easily. Anyone more clued up know where I could find a list..?

I suspect if you looking at voting records that more often than not they will be on the same side. What tends to make the headlines is arguments over the minutae not the principle behind legislation.

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I just read this the other day and it raised eyebrows;

"both the Scottish Council of the Labour Party and the Scottish Trades Union Congress passed resolutions in favour of home rule and for Scotland to be represented at Versailles* as an independent country..."

p305 "The Flowers of the Forest-Scotland and the First World War" Trevor Royle.

(*the 1919 International Peace Conference)

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I just read this the other day and it raised eyebrows;

"both the Scottish Council of the Labour Party and the Scottish Trades Union Congress passed resolutions in favour of home rule and for Scotland to be represented at Versailles* as an independent country..."

p305 "The Flowers of the Forest-Scotland and the First World War" Trevor Royle.

(*the 1919 International Peace Conference)

Very interesting.

The Labour Party were certainly a different animal in 1919!

I wonder what Keir Hardie would be thinking of this referendum debate?

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