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Takeover at Somerset

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What's for you won't go by you. LC deserves credit where credit is due, as Ayrmad has said he's holding out for what he thinks is the right deal rather than running away with the first wheelbarrow of cash that stops at his feet.

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Has anyone even had their roof restored by this guy?

I know someone who owns a UK wide commercial roofing company, who has large 6-7 figure contracts on the go and has been running it for almost 20 years and he in no way could afford to run a professional full time football team.

From what I can see,Restoraroof were mainly domestic repairs, I'm not doubting the guy has disposable cash and I have no clue about his background, but the guy says hes been a local all his days and an Ayr fan but hes not had anyone back him in the press or any of the message boards.....and if hes local someone must know him personally....it just doesn't sit right.

I know people who know Jim Kirkwood and they all say hes a good Ayr man, No one, other than the man himself, have said that about Hugh Clark

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I know someone who owns a UK wide commercial roofing company, who has large 6-7 figure contracts on the go and has been running it for almost 20 years and he in no way could afford to run a professional full time football team.

From what I can see,Restoraroof were mainly domestic repairs, I'm not doubting the guy has disposable cash and I have no clue about his background, but the guy says hes been a local all his days and an Ayr fan but hes not had anyone back him in the press or any of the message boards.....and if hes local someone must know him personally....it just doesn't sit right.

I know people who know Jim Kirkwood and they all say hes a good Ayr man, No one, other than the man himself, have said that about Hugh Clark

Hugh Clark comes from the brown flats opposite Lidl, I can't vouch for his character now but he was ok when I did know him, I also don't remember seeing him at Somerset on a regular basis over the years, doesn't mean he's not been there but I can't recall seeing him.

Tryfield probably knows more about him in recent times as he was a regular in a pub that shug managed/owned.

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There was something just wrong with the whole situation.

Someone with a cavalier approach would have been the polar opposite to what we have now, but having already been through an unsuccessful spell with an owner heavy spending, added to the fact the guy seemed to appear from the shadows to make a bid made me suspicious.

For me none of the sums added up from the start.Most folk know how much has to be paid off in soft loans to the directors before there is a takeover.Then there would be upgrade costs for Somerset and the playing squad.Like you said if you're not running a huge company where is the money gonna come from?

Says in the express that he offered to lump in 20 grand a month to the playing budget. Is this common knowledge? I don't remember this being mentioned. Think the guy us making it up as he goes along!

It says the same in the Record.Nobody i know has heard of this offer either.However i'd be interested to see if his claim about Lachlan not answering him are true.

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Are we honestly expected to believe that he was going to put in 20 grand per month to the playing budget? It just doesn't make sense ... for starters the window is shut so short of signing whoever is currently sitting on their couch and giving the existing squad massive pay increases what would be the point? Lets say it was a genuine offer then and in january Kenny Shiels was to bring in a load of players based on this 20K per month addition to the budget. They would sign contracts and what happens when the money inevitably runs out? we become another club added to the list of administration/liquidation victims.

I don't even know why I'm debating this because the whole thing doesn't even come close to adding up or making any sense at all.

If Hugh Clarke is the Ayr fan he proclaims to be then why has no one on here (including myself 35 years of going to somerset) ever seen him or if he is the roofing magnate that the paper claims then why have we not seen adverts at somerset before now?

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Guys living in a fantasy world, the less association this guy has with Ayr the better, also there are some idiots on his Facebook page acting like groupies because of his 'intentions' oohhh please don't leave is Hugh! Blah blah blah.

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Lachlan has done nothing wrong. Clarke is now throwing his toys out of the pram because he didn't get his way. To air all all this on his company's Facebook page just show the class the guy has. It is one way to lose business. If he feels it necessary to air everything in the public domain then so be it, but it has backfired. It will be interesting to see if he removes all his DestroyaRoof stuff from round Somerset this week.

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:lol::lol: :lol:

This is an epic meltdown. Using Facebook (which in itself is tragic) to print private emails between two businessmen.

I wouldn't be surprised if Lachlan goes for defamation or slander case here. It's an uber meltdown and getting pretty embarrassing!!

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