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So you tell your neighbour, who you have lived next door to for years and even shared a bank account for maintenance expenses, that you can't stand him, you think he has been ripping you off for years and stealing from you, and that you want nothing more to do with him. Unfortunately you have not worked out the financial aspect fullly so you tell him that for the time being you will continue to share the bank account and can still be good neighbours.

This is how the rest of the UK see Scotland. Are we going to share a bank account? NO.
Are we going to be good friendly neighbours? NO.

The hatred and loathing will be mutual. Permanent.

Good luck with your new masters in Brussels and Berlin.

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So you tell your neighbour, who you have lived next door to for years and even shared a bank account for maintenance expenses, that you can't stand him, you think he has been ripping you off for years and stealing from you, and that you want nothing more to do with him. Unfortunately you have not worked out the financial aspect fullly so you tell him that for the time being you will continue to share the bank account and can still be good neighbours.

This is how the rest of the UK see Scotland. Are we going to share a bank account? NO.

Are we going to be good friendly neighbours? NO.

The hatred and loathing will be mutual. Permanent.

Good luck with your new masters in Brussels and Berlin.

Alternatively, you can continue to give your neighbour all of your wages. He'll then decide how much of it to give you back and tell you what you can and cant spend it on. He'll also make all the important decisions for you because you're not really clever enough to think about complicated things like that. Oh, but dont worry, he's promised to give you more say, sometime in the future, just not exactly what

Oh, and who shares a bank account with their neighbour :lol:

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So you tell your neighbour, who you have lived next door to for years and even shared a bank account for maintenance expenses, that you can't stand him, you think he has been ripping you off for years and stealing from you, and that you want nothing more to do with him. Unfortunately you have not worked out the financial aspect fullly so you tell him that for the time being you will continue to share the bank account and can still be good neighbours.

This is how the rest of the UK see Scotland. Are we going to share a bank account? NO.

Are we going to be good friendly neighbours? NO.

The hatred and loathing will be mutual. Permanent.

Good luck with your new masters in Brussels and Berlin.

Do f**k off, there's a good chap.

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So you tell your neighbour, who you have lived next door to for years and even shared a bank account for maintenance expenses, that you can't stand him, you think he has been ripping you off for years and stealing from you, and that you want nothing more to do with him. Unfortunately you have not worked out the financial aspect fullly so you tell him that for the time being you will continue to share the bank account and can still be good neighbours.

This is how the rest of the UK see Scotland. Are we going to share a bank account? NO.

Are we going to be good friendly neighbours? NO.

The hatred and loathing will be mutual. Permanent.

Good luck with your new masters in Brussels and Berlin.

Good post


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Well, everybody needs good neighbours, with a little understanding you can find the perfect friend.

In summary, neighbours should be there for one another. That's when good neighbours become good friends.

Perfect blend, not perfect friend.

Always thought the lyrics would be good for a coffee advert.

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You're unwilling to engage with anything outside of 'vote yes and everything will be great'! All that you care about is getting a yes vote.

Is that right, champ? Somewhat ironic coming from you.

All I care about is what is best for the Scottish people, my friend, so less of your condescending bullshit.

As it is the only people who have failed to engage has been the massive negativity and fear mongering of the mainstream parties and the London-centric press. They are the ones who should be held up to account for creating an environment that perpetuates hate.

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In the two-year Scottish referendum campaign, Whitehall and Westminster have been in denial about the prospect of Scotland voting Yes to independence. Suddenly, as the opinion polls show it as a very real prospect, the London-based political establishment is anxiously thinking about the implications.

“The consequences, not just for England, but Wales and Northern Ireland, are frankly unimaginable,” one senior Whitehall official said today. This is not an obscure debate about more devolution: some MPs fear the peace process in Northern Ireland, or at least order on the streets, could be at risk, and that there could be new demands for a united Ireland. There would inevitably be calls for a stronger Welsh Assembly, more devolution to the English regions and even an English Parliament.

If Scots vote to walk out of the marriage, there is no guarantee of an amicable “velvet divorce”. Alex Salmond could afford to be conciliatory in victory. He would invite a vanquished Alistair Darling to join all-party talks to ensure a smooth transition to “independence day” in March 2016.

Yet an angry public mood in the rest of the UK, especially in England, could push the political parties into rejecting a friendly separation. Cabinet ministers already describe the SNP’s timetable as “completely unrealistic,” when there are complex issues like the Trident nuclear weapons base on the table. Speaking privately, they suspect that there would be trade-offs, and that Mr Salmond might ditch his “non-nuclear Scotland” policy in return for concessions in other areas.

But it is now dawning on MPs that a public backlash from English voters against the Scots could force the Government to take a much harder line than ministers expect. If the Scots reject enjoying the “best of both worlds” - more devolution and the security of the UK – then why should the remaining UK do them any favours during the divorce settlement?

Such pressures could force the Conservatives to take a hardline stance on the negotiations in their manifesto at next May’s general election. A Scottish breakaway would provide yet more ammunition for Ukip. If Nigel Farage demanded a tough line in the talks, the Tories might have to match it. In turn, that could put pressure on Labour to follow suit.

I'm sure those not willing to look beyond getting a Yes vote will say, "scaremongering" but I would add this...The ill feeling has already started between your countrymen never mind the 'auld enemy'!

I've seen many on here berating the London media. Whay on earth do you think that they would come onside after a vote for independence? One thing that the union brought, outside of all the amazing achievements, is peace.

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So you tell your neighbour, who you have lived next door to for years and even shared a bank account for maintenance expenses, that you can't stand him, you think he has been ripping you off for years and stealing from you, and that you want nothing more to do with him. Unfortunately you have not worked out the financial aspect fullly so you tell him that for the time being you will continue to share the bank account and can still be good neighbours.

This is how the rest of the UK see Scotland. Are we going to share a bank account? NO.

Are we going to be good friendly neighbours? NO.

The hatred and loathing will be mutual. Permanent.

Good luck with your new masters in Brussels and Berlin.

Don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out William

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So you tell your neighbour, who you have lived next door to for years and even shared a bank account for maintenance expenses, that you can't stand him, you think he has been ripping you off for years and stealing from you, and that you want nothing more to do with him. Unfortunately you have not worked out the financial aspect fullly so you tell him that for the time being you will continue to share the bank account and can still be good neighbours.

This is how the rest of the UK see Scotland. Are we going to share a bank account? NO.

Are we going to be good friendly neighbours? NO.

The hatred and loathing will be mutual. Permanent.

Good luck with your new masters in Brussels and Berlin.

What a load of utter shite.

Are you 6?

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Don't worry bowmore we've come to expect hatred and xenophobia from the English. If it's not the French, the Germans, the Romanians, the Pakistanis it'll be us. That's why we will vote for independence tomorrow, to break the chains of right wing politics that is dominating South of the border.

Enjoy that UKIP/Conservative dream ticket while we enjoy a socially just and fair society.

Still we will try to treat you with respect, I just hope it's returned.

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Don't worry bowmore we've come to expect hatred and xenophobia from the English. If it's not the French, the Germans, the Romanians, the Pakistanis it'll be us. That's why we will vote for independence tomorrow, to break the chains of right wing politics that is dominating South of the border.

Enjoy that UKIP/Conservative dream ticket while we enjoy a socially just and fair society.

Still we will try to treat you with respect, I just hope it's returned.

You see, here is your hatred again and no doubt rationale for wanting rid! Are you going to start posting youtube clips saying that Brits, sorry, English people are all racists again? I post a very real scenario and you try and bring it back to this. Shameful but expected.

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You see, here is your hatred again and no doubt rationale for wanting rid! Are you going to start posting youtube clips saying that Brits, sorry, English people are all racists again? I post a very real scenario and you try and bring it back to this. Shameful but expected.

I see you have yet to condone those people in the videos. Very telling that.

But let's get this straight, you claim there is ill feeling being generated then complain when someone effectively agrees with you about it?

You've absolutely shat yourself here. Painted yourself into a corner then shat yourself.

You like the other pitiful painful nodrone loyalist trolls will be gone by Friday.

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