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It's a NO


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Unpopular here but I honestly don't give a monkeys chuff which way it all goes.

My point is why does a person who does not vote always seem to count towards a no vote? Why can't every non voter be an automatic yes vote and then it is up to the no voters to win the majority?


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Fair question deserves a fair reply.

The yes/no Indy question has travelled far further than the powers that be in Edinburgh - messrs Cameron, Clegg and Milliband would have to be cretins of the complete order to ignore this poll. I'd hate to be the one to champion the rise of UKiP, but last year's EU vote - coupled with the sheer closeness of the Indy poll - would suggest that the main parties have lost control of the popular UK vote. We're on the brink of a complete change of order here - it just needs cross border co-operation between Labour/SNP/Plaid Cmyru/principled Lib Dems in order to create the basis of a truly fair and federal UK.

It's open season for next year's UK election. Gather together and you'll make a difference.

Uh-huh. And we can kick out all these cretins from the commons, as you say, by voting for.....erm the same fuckin cretins as they are the only ones on the ballot you complete weapon. Smoke less weed.

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Genuine question, not a duckshoot, how would we use our "energy" to improve the UK from within the Union.

Who we'd vote for, what would happen etc?

Fair question deserves a fair reply.

The yes/no Indy question has travelled far further than the powers that be in Edinburgh - messrs Cameron, Clegg and Milliband would have to be cretins of the complete order to ignore this poll. I'd hate to be the one to champion the rise of UKiP, but last year's EU vote - coupled with the sheer closeness of the Indy poll - would suggest that the main parties have lost control of the popular UK vote. We're on the brink of a complete change of order here - it just needs cross border co-operation between Labour/SNP/Plaid Cmyru/principled Lib Dems in order to create the basis of a truly fair and federal UK.

It's open season for next year's UK election. Gather together and you'll make a difference.

So in terms of parties leading a Government, Labour.

I admire your optimism for a better Britain but sorry, absolutely no chance.

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