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Get it right up yeez!


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Another sarky comment mate, today's a new day! Scotland has just changed politics, potentially forever! It is a beginning- fact!!!

No, it hasn't. Westminster can now safely ignore scotland for at least a generation. The threat of indy was always the WMD by which first the tartan mafia labour mps, then Holywood Couled extract concessions from them. That is now gone. Our influence with. We can only now hope that westminster is feeling generous because I feel that this 'better faster change' is bulls hit. Next year's ge is another contest between right wing rent a suits. How is that change?

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It hasn't changed party politics but it will change devolution and representation for Wales NI and England as well as of course more powers for Scotland! That is seriously an achievement to be proud of.

It really fucking isn't mate. Tories, farmers, the elderly and the middle classes have won this.

THAT is Scotland's shame.

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It's not sarcy it's my 100 percent genuine thought..

Genuine thought maybe but with a sarcastic tone which helps no-one! Maybe its because you lot are sleep deprived and I'm just up (couldn't slog it out) but although I think we could have gone it alone this isn't a step back it's the biggest step forward since devo in 1999!

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It really fucking isn't mate. Tories, farmers, the elderly and the middle classes have won this.

THAT is Scotland's shame.

See to you this is not about improving Scotland is it? You're obviouslt so set in your ways about about getting it up the Tories that you can't see the good that will still come out of the campaign.

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See to you this is not about improving Scotland is it? You're obviouslt so set in your ways about about getting it up the Tories that you can't see the good that will still come out of the campaign.

We had our chance to improve Scotland. The selfish silent feartie majority has put paid to that.

I have no interest in getting it up the Tories.

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We had our chance to improve Scotland. The selfish silent feartie majority has put paid to that.

I have no interest in getting it up the Tories.

and yet you have a go at the Tories and middle class who weren't the only ones that voted against indy! We can't play the blame game, it's a democracy and everyone has a right to make a "selfish" choice. We have taken our chance to improve Scotland! We did enough to scare WM into offering more devo which believe it or not IS an achievement and an improvement!!!

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We should be doing what the majority of people in this country want, be they Tories, farmers or middle-class, or be they poor, nationalist or shop assistants.

Just because the Yes campaign was more vociferous, more cringey and more in your face doesnt mean that its more 'right'. The people have said what they want.

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It really fucking isn't mate. Tories, farmers, the elderly and the middle classes have won this.

THAT is Scotland's shame.

It's not as simple as that. As a one-time active member of the SNP I was always very aware of how many rural members were not conviction nationalists, but rather it was a convenient political pigeon-hole for them. Comfortable with winning council and some Euro, Holyrood and Westminster seats but not disposed towards real political clout.

And so I'm not at all surprised that with an SNP-controlled administration in Edinburgh, when it came to the crunch those shortbread tin nationalist in 'heartlands' like Moray and Perthshire completely shat the contract. What an irony that my own area of West Dunbartonshire which has previously proved a tough nut to crack was one of only four areas to come out for Yes.

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