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General Election 2015


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Cameron's enemies wiped out in one fell swoop !! Keep his promises on further devolved powers for Scotland then the Tories and the Union are secure for some time yet!!

No I think Osborne and BoJo are still there.

You do know some of these further powers are likely to wrapped up in a constitutional package that is bad news for Scotlandand the Scottish people? What am I saying you're not even bothered, it's all about "Preserving ra Union 1!!!1". Honestly think you'd be happier in the failed statelet Rab, you'd be free to indulge your nationalistic tendencies till your heart's content there as well.

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I'm not replying to that troll again. Weirdo. The NHS is a waste of money, holy shit.

There is an argument, not one I agree with but, that we don't get value for money with the NHS, and compared to some foreign healthcare systems it's ineffective and inefficient. But something tells me that argument, or any vaguely sophisticated one, is not going to be forthcoming.

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There is an argument, not one I agree with but, that we don't get value for money with the NHS, and compared to some foreign healthcare systems it's ineffective. But something tells me that argument is not going to be forthcoming.

We pay our doctors twice what French doctors get, but they've got twice the number of doctors, and their waiting lists are much shorter. We spend less on health as a proportion of national income than most other European countries. I've encountered German doctors who fly over to Scotland for the weekend to do locum work for extra cash. Blair made a daft commitment to improve our health stats to European levels by a certain date, and Brown, though angry, tried to make it happen. The solution was reducing Doctors hours to 35 a week, giving them weekends off, and doubling their wages, and bringing in PFI to build more hospitals. And we still send hip replacement patients over to France because it's quicker and cheaper.

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Absolutely, as they almost all are. Boris is the biggest sociopath of the lot.

If you read into that they say that the number of sociopaths and psychopaths in politics is exponentially higher than the general public. This is because those sort of people believe they should be running things, and they have the persistence and enthusiasm to put up with all the crap required to make it in politics.

They say the proportion of sociopaths and psychopaths in the highest echelons of politics (Hilary Clinton, Boris Johnson, Jim Murphy, they're everywhere) is ridiculous like the majority would fit that definition. And also CEO's, the percentage of CEO's basically people at the top of business and poltics that are psyhopaths, narcissists and sociopaths would stagger you. Literally the majority.

That's the key to why the world is such a fucked up place, normal people can't generally be arsed with all the shit that goes with making it to the top of these professions and staying there.

That's because these positions have so much power. There is plenty of personal reward and you're shielded from the consequences of your bad decision making. If you know what to look out for, these people are relatively easy to spot. There is four different types of psychopaths. There is the type 4 which is the anti-social; then the type 3 which is the thrill seeker. Followed by type 2 which is having a lack of remorse/guilt and fail to accept responsibility (definitely fits in with Jim Murphy). Finally there is the type 1 who has a superficial charm, is a pathological liar, and an elevated sense of self worth. Obama most definitely fits in that category. The type one's are the ones you should be most afraid of, as they are masters at hoodwinking the unsuspecting.

Yeah they said that about the minimum wage and every rise since. Got anything other than moronic right-wing soundbites?

Why is youth unemployment so high, and why are people getting their hours cut back?

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Just listening to call KayE

What roster Susan was about 50:00 in. Talking about Russia & North Korea with the finger on the button aimed at Scotland now. :1eye

Where do they find these people, do BBC have a phone book they call up?

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