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Anyone know anything about this?

I like the civ games but I did prefer the alpha centauri game.

I think maybe I just prefer the sci fi setting.

This is the latest version of alpha centauri, looks like a really cool game but is it worth the cash?

There are planty of mods for civ 5 which do similar things, is it worth getting the official version?

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They tried this before and it didn't work very well.

There's another game out just now (the name escapes me) which is a sort of SF or fantasy version of Civilization - think this could be them simply trying to steal back any potential market loss by offering the same kind of thing again even if it flopped before.

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I don't buy into hype for games, but I've really followed this one along, they've been doing some decent webcasts from the studio in the run up to the release, and while similar to civ 5 it's different in a lot of ways too. Looks great, however it will be horribly unbalanced at first. I found myself getting stuck in the same strategy for Civ 5, this looks like there will be viable options to play through the game, rather than just the Tradition/Science route of Civ 5.

Think it's out on Friday, if it's addictive as Civ 5 I'm in big trouble.

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The affinities seem to be the main change, they are kind of like ideologies in Civ 5, however they seem to be a lot more important in that it affects what techs you should research, what buildings and units you can make and ultimately how your civilisation will advance and win the game. The virtues that take place of the social policies are grouped into 4 different categories, with less emphasis on finishing policy trees. The tech web is multi directional and less linear than civ 5. Aliens seem to be a little deeper than the barbs.

So while not a complete overhaul (i.e civ 6) it certainly looks to have enough major differences to civ 5, without even taking the story and context into account.

I haven't seen too many civ 5 mods so couldn't comment as to how radical they can be, but I doubt they'd be near the anywhere near the same scope. It's still gonna have the hex grid and be 1 unit per tile though which is the main similarity to civ 5 as far as I can tell.

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So I got this, it's quite hard to get into as I have very little idea what I'm doing. The tech web is pretty big and with all the new resources, it's hard to get a handle on what does what. Going to take quite a long time to get used to I think. Think I may drop the difficulty next time I play too, making a lot of stupid mistakes lol.

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Anyone know anything about this?

I like the civ games but I did prefer the alpha centauri game.

I think maybe I just prefer the sci fi setting.

This is the latest version of alpha centauri, looks like a really cool game but is it worth the cash?

There are planty of mods for civ 5 which do similar things, is it worth getting the official version?

I fucking loved that game.

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I'm at about 230 turns now and have settled things down a bit. The whole world pretty much hates me, but I think I'm ok, I've got a pretty easily defendable civ. I'm still researching things without any real plan of action, but think I may be able to secure a win, we'll see what happens when the inevitable invasion happens, I may just strike first. If I take out Brasilia I'll have a continent pretty much to myself.

Obviously it'll take a bit of time to learn, but it's good fun.

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So I won my first game, very easily it has to be said. Internal trade routes seem to be pretty overpowered and I completely steramrolled the AI. We'll need to see how the harder difficulties go. Quite enjoyable game, but given how much the AI hated me I expected more attacks coming my way, no one once dow'd me. Bottom line is it's as fun and addictive as civ 5, not completely different, but the quests add a bit of narrative to the whole thing and the affinities make for varied playstyles. Good game, but you might want to wait until it's been patched considerably as unsurprisingly it's pretty unbalanced right now.

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