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Thought I'd give this a wee bump. Our attendances are looking good so far this season and we've still to play the big teams so should improve further.

League Average = 15103

Europe Average = 16744

Overall Average = 15923

This is actual bums on seats though not tickets bought. If it was tickets bought it changes slightly. This is called an 'attendance' for any green bhoys looking in.

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The always excellent @sportingintel bumped a report about attendances the other week. Scotland in 4th.


Its from 2012 but still good. However celtics attendance of 49441 is just a lie. Their actual attendance at the games that season on average about 20,000 less than the lies they told according to the Freedom of Information Requests that litter the internet.

That is why we should have a rule where the attendances are 'actual' rather than 'potential'. If celtic averaged 29000 a game (their actual attendences), whilst still ahead of the rest its not that much ahead. And with the 'actual' attendance rather than 'potential' published we can finally put paid to the lie that celtic are a big club. Potentially they are of course but not actually.

celtics leverage in Scottish Football is then diminished for the benefit of almost all the other clubs.

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Tbf, financially the money has gone into the club whether or not the person actually attends... so in that respect, Celtic and Rangers publishing "tickets sold" rather than "people present" is in some ways a more informative measure.

Obviously if you're interested in how many people watched, it's not.

As regards our placing behind Iceland, Cyprus and the Faroes (who don't normally feature - even EFS can't seem to get regular figures for them) it's a question of whether you measure the average per game, per matchday or per season, too. We close on the second measure and surpass on the third: for example in Iceland they only play 22 league games, in the Faroe Islands they only play 27, hence over a season our turnstiles click more per head.

EDIT: I also see they considered the top 5 Scottish divisions (in 2012 - what level 5?) but only the top 1 for those above us.

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Tbf, financially the money has gone into the club whether or not the person actually attends... so in that respect, Celtic and Rangers publishing "tickets sold" rather than "people present" is in some ways a more informative measure.

Obviously if you're interested in how many people watched, it's not.

As regards our placing behind Iceland, Cyprus and the Faroes (who don't normally feature - even EFS can't seem to get regular figures for them) it's a question of whether you measure the average per game, per matchday or per season, too. We close on the second measure and surpass on the third: for example in Iceland they only play 22 league games, in the Faroe Islands they only play 27, hence over a season our turnstiles click more per head.

EDIT: I also see they considered the top 5 Scottish divisions (in 2012 - what level 5?) but only the top 1 for those above us.

I'm not really bothered about Iceland or the other countries but I do care about Scottish Football. The media and celtic and the old rangers have pushed their importance to the top of the agenda for a generation using the so-called attendances as proof of their importance to Scottish Football backed up by the media. Now that would be ok if it were true but its not. And I do agree that tickets sold is informative and useful but you can sell a million tickets and if only 10000 turn up then thats your attendance and thats the number that can be used as a comparison.

The last lot of Freedom of Information with regards to celtics attendances for the season 2013/14 covering 16 home games, in the league only, showed this:

Potential based on tickets sold (including season tickets) = 748,926

Actual number of supporters attending those games = 517,567

A difference of 231,359 or over two hundred thousand supporters not turning up for games. That is a huge number and most clubs would admittedly be overjoyed with that as their annual attendance never mind the ones buying a ticket and not turning up. So I get that. But what I struggle with is the continuing necessity for celtic as a club to go on about how big they are, which is frankly embarrassing to the whole of Scotland. There are many clubs in England who have higher actual attendances than celtic. They are currently bigger clubs therefore by that measure. So the reality is that in a successful season celtic averaged not 46,808 but rather 32,348. The latter is now only double that of Aberdeen or Hearts this season, not much more than double that of Hibs (guessing this one tbf) in the Championship and certainly behind the other cheeks in Goven this year but not last. And I think that if either Hearts or Aberdeen had larger grounds they possibly would be getting in the mid twenties currently and more for the bigger games to be just behind the 'big' club themselves in actual real people sitting in seats at the games not tickets sold. The difference between fans and supporters I think. So how important are celtic in Scotland. Very because they are still the largest club by turnover and attendance (probably). In UK though they are now an average to slightly above average sized club. In Europe, run of the mill, middle of the road.

I suspect that the attendances this year at porkheed will be even less and look forward to seeing the 'actual' attendance figures rather than the 'potential'lies as told by peter and the promoted by the media.

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