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Of course.

Is Salmond a racist?

I don't know.

All we know is that he is pictured above being all chums together with a vile racist.

Would you like to take this opportunity to condemn Alex Salmond for his liaisons with vile racists?

Edited by H_B
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A kipper councillor has been booted from the party making comments on a TV program that is yet to air.

They really are coming out of the wood work.

"jaw dropping"

I bet it's some sort of David Icke, Illuminati conspiracy pish.

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Same again, without Telegraph link though!

Nicholas Fromage. :lol:


Players of Ukik help 'Nicholas Fromage' to kick various immigrants over the White Cliffs of Dover.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ukip website problems...


Disappearance of UKIP website ’caused by immigrants’




Interesting that a search for Ukip seems to tie in with 'looking for older women'!

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Will events in France boost the UKIP vote at the next General Election?

UKIP are the socially acceptable vote for all the people who have concerns over immigration and/or see it as a key issue, so it possibly will.

I won't be voting UKIP but I do have concerns over the nutty Muslim element in society, and the groups they are affiliated to, who carry out these attacks.

I'm not sure what goes on in some of these mosques, but the back story to many terrorist events in Europe seems to revolve around the perpetrators meeting some nutty bloke in the mosque who turns their head, or in the parlance of our times, radicalises them. Do they take these folk into side rooms? Why does nobody see or hear these conversations? How do you manage to create nutty murderers from previous non-murderers?

Personally, I have a concern that religion in general isn't dying off. Islam seems to be the cause that all these nutjobs hitch their wagon to, which makes it the most concerning.

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Will events in France boost the UKIP vote at the next General Election?

UKIP are the socially acceptable vote for all the people who have concerns over immigration and/or see it as a key issue, so it possibly will.

I won't be voting UKIP but I do have concerns over the nutty Muslim element in society, and the groups they are affiliated to, who carry out these attacks.

I'm not sure what goes on in some of these mosques, but the back story to many terrorist events in Europe seems to revolve around the perpetrators meeting some nutty bloke in the mosque who turns their head, or in the parlance of our times, radicalises them. Do they take these folk into side rooms? Why does nobody see or hear these conversations? How do you manage to create nutty murderers from previous non-murderers?

Personally, I have a concern that religion in general isn't dying off. Islam seems to be the cause that all these nutjobs hitch their wagon to, which makes it the most concerning.

Good post.

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Will events in France boost the UKIP vote at the next General Election?

UKIP are the socially acceptable vote for all the people who have concerns over immigration and/or see it as a key issue, so it possibly will.

I won't be voting UKIP but I do have concerns over the nutty Muslim element in society, and the groups they are affiliated to, who carry out these attacks.

I'm not sure what goes on in some of these mosques, but the back story to many terrorist events in Europe seems to revolve around the perpetrators meeting some nutty bloke in the mosque who turns their head, or in the parlance of our times, radicalises them. Do they take these folk into side rooms? Why does nobody see or hear these conversations? How do you manage to create nutty murderers from previous non-murderers?

Personally, I have a concern that religion in general isn't dying off. Islam seems to be the cause that all these nutjobs hitch their wagon to, which makes it the most concerning.

I dont know that events in France will necessarily boost Ukip. Why would it? We have had plenty of "incidents" involving islamic nutters in our own country anyway and will have plenty more.

Ukip aren't racist unless you think the Norwegians are also racist? Ukips policy on immigration and booting out failed asylum seekers and troublemakers pretty much mirrors Norways. Its probably way too late to matter now anyway as we will breed plenty of our own islamic madmen now just as France has. We will just have to live with it

The chat from the BBC and the left in general is one of "anti muslim backlash", which has never really happened in this country and I am not sure it will for a long time. We are pretty tolerant people. We don't mind folk practising their religion as long as they don't make a nuisance of themselves and most of the west is the same .Ironically, the hate mosques get police protection in the aftermath of any islamic inspired incident. Just as happened after Rigby was slaughtered in broad daylight a while back in Woolwich.

Ukip are too late now anyway. maybe if it had been nipped in the bud 20 odd years ago, but theres no chance now.

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