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BBC commissioned polls aren't reliable.

But Yougov, which did the research, is a very reputable and reliable polling company. Professionally, I have used most of the big polling and market research companies. In general, for opinion polling, ICM is the best. Yougov is second provided that Peter Kellner does not interfere. ComRes were poor but, hopefully, they have improved.

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But Yougov, which did the research, is a very reputable and reliable polling company. Professionally, I have used most of the big polling and market research companies. In general, for opinion polling, ICM is the best. Yougov is second provided that Peter Kellner does not interfere. ComRes were poor but, hopefully, they have improved.

Yougov are not an impartial organization when it comes to politics.

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Yougov are not an impartial organization when it comes to politics.

True, especially on EU matters. Peter Kellner, its President is married to Baroness Ashton, who was an EU Commissioner appointed by the last Labour government. However, I found it to be very professional on the political polling.

Polling companies often draft biased questions to suit the client's perceived objectives. I wanted accurate results and redrafted questions to eliminate the bias. One of the big problems is that their staff are mainly politicos with little expertise and no qualifications in market research.

Edited by Bishop Briggs
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Is this democracy?


Anti UKIP protesters chase him and his wife and 2 kids out of a pub.

As embarrassing as the fucknugget protesters when he was up in Edinburgh.

By all means protest and argue with him but try to not make yourselves look worse than UKIP while you're doing it.

Unfortunately, the far left are as bad if not worse than the far right.

"c***s" IMHO.

I've no time for Farage but it's disgraceful behaviour. The Edinburgh thing was at least "political" (he was on UKIP business, wasn't he?) but this is ridiculous, he was out with his family.

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"c***s" IMHO.

I've no time for Farage but it's disgraceful behaviour. The Edinburgh thing was at least "political" (he was on UKIP business, wasn't he?) but this is ridiculous, he was out with his family.

I'm not commending the actions of those involved, but if you insight the sort of racial hatred that Farage does, you can't expect an easy ride from those you're fear-mongering against.

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Is this democracy?


Anti UKIP protesters chase him and his wife and 2 kids out of a pub.

As embarrassing as the fucknugget protesters when he was up in Edinburgh.

By all means protest and argue with him but try to not make yourselves look worse than UKIP while you're doing it.

Unfortunately, the far left are as bad if not worse than the far right.

As much as they may have a point. Acting like that can only ever play into UKIP's hands. As they can portray themselves as the victims. All they have to do is act more statesmen like and measured in their statements, and in doing so they can say "Who are the unreasonable ones? Who are the real bigots in our society"

Edited by Fotbawmad
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Has he?

When's he up in court for this incitement?

The anti-Romanian thing for a start

Not only that but his party is chock-full of goose-stepping loonies. Court or not... though loads of them seem to have criminal convictions for something of other. Just look at the Hamiltons for a starter.

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But referring to a constituent as 'some ting-tong' wasn't deemed to be bringing the party into disrepute.

Nor the Abu Hamza jibe. Fiddle your expenses - punted. Be a racist b*****d - crack on.

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In general, for opinion polling, ICM is the best.

Not always, unfortunately:


It was a bit of a daft poll though - conducted online, and only 705 folk asked.

UKIP have had an "unwelcome" endorsement along the lines of the Britain First one before, back in 2014. Nick Griffin posted on his blog that most new UKIP voters - post-2013 - would be not only instinctively British nationalist, but "racially aware" into the bargain. Seems he was right enough. He advised his followers to give them a vote whenever they could, so long as it didn't disadvantage the BNP.

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An utter joke of a party. :lol:


“@TimReidBBC: Wilson no longer standing in South Northamptonshire after claiming he's been forbidden to speak favourably about Islam #coburn #yousaf”

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The story about Farage getting hounded out the pub has more holes than a block of Swiss cheese. Genuinely wouldn't put it past him to have deliberately put himself in that position in order to capitalise on maximal publicity.

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