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Ironic anyone from UKIP should have a pop at the BBC considering they've been championing them for years now

In the context of the interview, she was right to point out the BBC's conflict of interest when it comes to covering the EU. If you take the BBC's word hook and sinker over the years. You would think UKIP are a mad, racist and Nazi like party. Yes, I'm sure if you go looking for it you could find members of UKIP who are racist, or have made racist statements. Just like you could find anyone from the main stream parties. UKIP are Neo-Thatcherites; not a neo-facist party. They want a return to 80's Britain.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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In the context of the interview, she was right to point out the BBC's conflict of interest when it comes to covering the EU. If you take the BBC's word hook and sinker over the years. You would think UKIP are a mad, racist and Nazi like party. Yes, I'm sure if you go looking for it you could find members of UKIP who are racist, or have made racist statements. Just like you could find anyone from the main stream parties. UKIP are Neo-Thatcherites; not a neo-facist party. They want a return to 80's Britain.

So you're a libertarian in the mould of, erm, David Coburn then. Noted.

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In the context of the interview, she was right to point out the BBC's conflict of interest when it comes to covering the EU. If you take the BBC's word hook and sinker over the years. You would think UKIP are a mad, racist and Nazi like party. Yes, I'm sure if you go looking for it you could find members of UKIP who are racist, or have made racist statements. Just like you could find anyone from the main stream parties. UKIP are Neo-Thatcherites; not a neo-facist party. They want a return to 80's Britain.

I could have sworn nige and chums want a return to eighties England after his barnett/Hadrian's wall quip at the leaders debate

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What is there to learn about UKIP that we don't know already? :huh:

UKIP's nonsensical raison d'etre would destroy the Scottish economy, that's pretty much all we need to know.

Bound to be some good point and laugh material whenever that corpulent, xenophobic toad Coburn is getting interviewed, nothing to do with the interviewer.

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What is there to learn about UKIP that we don't know already? :huh:

UKIP's nonsensical raison d'etre would destroy the Scottish economy, that's pretty much all we need to know.

Bound to be some good point and laugh material whenever that corpulent, xenophobic toad Coburn is getting interviewed, nothing to do with the interviewer.

I think a party that is polling 15% nationally (it's a UK election) deserves a fair hearing and not a hatchet job from overpaid mainstream media liberals, or is that too much to ask? The nonsensical prize is all yours given 6.8/10 Scots agree with Nige on immigration and 6.1 out of ten want an eu vote, all your wee reformed trade unionist nats and progressive libtards need to grasp that.

Edited by Pete's Frontier
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Libtards. :lol:

Was going to engage for s minute there but then I remembered you're either



b) A complete thicko

So probably not worth the effort.

yeah, best back away if you want to keep those easily shattered comfort blanket delusions intact, deluded liberals like you are easy meat.

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With all the concerns I have about the political system in Scotland and the UK, the one thing I am grateful of is that there is no overt religious element of any real consequence.

Maybe that will be advantageous if we ever try to get rid of denominational schools.

It would be a good start!

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