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Rochester and Strood by-election


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Does anyone think that UKIP could win a seat where it doesn't involve a defection? Clearly the fact that these two were holding the seat and defected from a party is going to falsely increase their share of the vote?

Yes. Certainly Farage is capable of it, with the right seat selected.

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I said in the referendum thread that there was a real chance that UKIP would form a coalition government with the Tories at the next election and was shot down by some expert and told that UKIP "don't even have a MP". Well in that time they've won two by elections and I fancy them to add more in the general election.

The Lib Dem vote will collapse, Labour are, let's face it, unelectable with the current leader, and the Tories are cutting each others throats in a 'how racist should we be to win votes?' style civil war.

You don't need to be the Brain of Union Jack flying, island nation, Britain to see who is going to pick up the slack.

That is just not true. The MSM would love people to think so but as things stand Labour will have the largest number of MPs in May.

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Still, Great news though eh ?

Anyone who gets rid of the liars & thieves that are labour & tories can only be good.

And by extension it'll upset all the dreary bellends on here that keep spouting the "racist, bigoted, homophobic" claptrap, so that's great news as well. :thumsup2

Err, the Hamiltons?

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Another win for UKIP, more positive publicity for them, more bad news for rational people everywhere.

Surprises me just how much attention they get from the media considering this is, what, their 2nd seat?

Free advertising on a huge nation-wide level. Well played though.

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Surprises me just how much attention they get from the media considering this is, what, their 2nd seat?

Free advertising on a huge nation-wide level. Well played though.

They did win the European elections and are polling as the thrid biggest party in the country all the same. There is SOME sort of a story to be told.

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Does anyone think that UKIP could win a seat where it doesn't involve a defection? Clearly the fact that these two were holding the seat and defected from a party is going to falsely increase their share of the vote?

Disagree - defectors don't usually put themselves up for re-election, they usually hang on to their seats and get turfed out at the next general election. If people had wanted to vote conservative they had a conservative candidate to vote for.

Would not be surprised if one, if not both, hold on to their seat(s) at the general election.

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you obviously feel a Pole is less than a Brit so you are racist, quite simple really, a bit like your posts on this subject

Not at all. What I mean is this:

An unemployed Polish person, living in the UK, is not entitled to British benefits

An unemployed British person, living in the UK, IS entitled to British benefits.

Thus it is absolutely more benefit to the economy to have a British person filling a job. If there's a job going, and the two candidates are a Brit and a Pole, then it benefits the country if the Brit gets it, because if he doesn't, the government is on the hoot for £60 a week or whatever JSA is now. If the Brit gets the job then he's off the dole and the Pole can't sign on.

HTH :)

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