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Financially unsure Motherwell vs Celtic 6/12/14

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I always hate games against Celtic as there is an abundance of arseholes that go which puts me off taking the kids tbh. I have taken my kids to Celtic games in the past though and seen some good results mind.

I will probably go though. :(

Approaching the game with a lot of apathy towards the result itself. I paid for my ST, will go along and cheer the team on and hope for the best. If the Well get dicked too bad. I will be at Hampden later on the Xmas night out.

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I don't know, even though we have lost 7 out of the last 8, I just think we get something out of this game.

I've actually been pretty heartened by our post McCall performances. We've improved immeasurably and although Celtic thrashed Hearts in the cup they haven't really been blowing teams away in the league, it's been 1-0, 2-0, 2-1 for Celtic.

If we roll up our sleeves and get stuck in I think we have a chance, after all we got a rare point at Celtic Park earlier in the season.

Of course, on the other hand it could be a massacre but I've just got one of those feelings....

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Looking for a decent performance, I'd expect Celtic to win this but after getting papped out of another Cup at the first hurdle, the players owe us some kind of reaction. It's not too much to ask from them.

I assume Lawson is injured again? On Saturday, it appeared for the first time in 18 months that he could be an asset in this Motherwell side, just a shame he appers to be made of glass.

I liked Ojamaa coming in from the left on Saturday, so i'd start him there again, with Vigurs, Lasley and probably Reid in the middle. Ainsworth is due another start since starting 1 game a week appears to be beyond him for some reason. That leaves a lone striker. Sutton isn't the man for that, plus he's been rotten for the majority of the season. I'd give Erwin a go on Saturday. There's nothing to lose is there?

At the back, get O'Brien a train fare back to Derby. I've not been impressed with him in the slightest. Get Fraser Kerr in alongside McManus. Yes Kenny, that's Fraser Kerr, the centre-half, at centre-half.

Celtic appear to be getting into their stride and Guidetti is scoring for fun, but hopefully, we can put a shift in and have something to kick on with and have something to look forward to ahead of our "must-not-lose" double header with Ross County and St. Mirren.

Twardzik; Ramsden Kerr McManus Angol; Ainsworth Lasley Reid Vigurs Ojamaa; Erwin.

A decent performance and no more injuries please.

Motherwell 1-2 Celtic

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Thinking 3-0 Celtic, Guidetti, Commons(pen) and Dick Van Dyke with his customary goal.

Home crowd of about 2500, away support of about 5000.

86 seats to be broken by accident again due to failure of the fixings which melt the bases........

Motherwell to be utter gash and knackered after 55mins as usual.

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Cant make Saturday so will make do with the tellybox, we often go for a wee swally at Carfin Hibernian club before the game but havent been in a couple years, is it still open and does it still have the massive portrait of JFK in front of the pool table? :D

As previously mentioned we are either very good or shockingly bad through here so im going for the latter seeing as we have been verging on decent the last month or so, 3-0 Celtic

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I love horsing Motherwell at every opportunity, hopefully this will happen this weekend, I have visitors up for the game so hoping for a 7-0 then really go to town second half


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