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I've never hidden my colours on here, they are completely transparent.

If I have posted anything on here that displayed the views of a bigoted, sectarian racist, then I'm pretty sure the site moderators would have taken the necessary and appropriate action.

If I offend you so much, I understand that there is an ignore facility, please use it.

I'm away to my Golf.





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Just watching this now. Jim sillars was spot on about the media tory win spin

Plus Mundell kept mentioning the referendum as did kez, humza didn't. Mundell is a prize tit imo. Governor of the north with no mandate. The Scottish office is a farce. Where's the English office BTW? Who's secretary of state for England?

Scotland is seen as a fukin colony and people like Mundell luv it

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Just watching this now. Jim sillars was spot on about the media tory win spin

Plus Mundell kept mentioning the referendum as did kez, humza didn't. Mundell is a prize tit imo. Governor of the north with no mandate. The Scottish office is a farce. Where's the English office BTW? Who's secretary of state for England?

Scotland is seen as a fukin colony and people like Mundell luv it

...and a few others on here.

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RedRob72, on 15 May 2016 - 11:05, said:

And another, wow the wagons are circling now eh!? Did I write of an irrational hatred that I had? Nah they're just your words. I simply pointed out Irish Republican sympathies within the SNP, still don't see what the problem is with that.


So that's the reason for "Herr Salmond" then? The insinuation was there for all to see. The sort of thing that you expect from Fuzzy... or yourself I suppose, given you're an utter wreck of a person.

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I've never hidden my colours on here, they are completely transparent.

If I have posted anything on here that displayed the views of a bigoted, sectarian racist, then I'm pretty sure the site moderators would have taken the necessary and appropriate action.

If I offend you so much, I understand that there is an ignore facility, please use it.

I'm away to my Golf.



"Confused" Humza Yousaf's name with that of a notorious hate preacher and friend of terrorists.

Likened Alex Salmond to the Nazi's.

Insinuated that the SNP have Irish republucan supporters and sympathies.

Is a Rangers fan.

Is a monarchist.

Is a Unionist.

Is a bigot.

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"Confused" Humza Yousaf's name with that of a notorious hate preacher and friend of terrorists.

Likened Alex Salmond to the Nazi's.

Insinuated that the SNP have Irish republucan supporters and sympathies.

Is a Rangers fan.

Is a monarchist.

Is a Unionist.

Is a bigot.

Compelling argument in fairness

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So that's the reason for "Herr Salmond" then? The insinuation was there for all to see. The sort of thing that you expect from Fuzzy... or yourself I suppose, given you're an utter wreck of a person.

You don't know me Pal, I don't know you, again stick me on ignore, that's yer best bet and then go finish your assignment for tomorrow, there's a good lad eh!?😉
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"Confused" Humza Yousaf's name with that of a notorious hate preacher and friend of terrorists.

Likened Alex Salmond to the Nazi's.

Insinuated that the SNP have Irish republucan supporters and sympathies.

Is a Rangers fan.

Is a monarchist.

Is a Unionist.

Is a bigot.

1) Didn't 'confuse', an honest spelling mistake

2) Didn't liken Salmond to anyone

3) Not an insinuation but fact, with regards to individuals not necessarily the SNP as a whole.

Poor attempt at bending and distorting, really poor...

4,5&6 yep, no problem

7) A bigot? just a throw away insult with no substantiation whatsoever.

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1) Didn't 'confuse', an honest spelling mistake

2) Didn't liken Salmond to anyone

3) Not an insinuation but fact, with regards to individuals not necessarily the SNP as a whole.

Poor attempt at bending and distorting, really poor...

4,5&6 yep, no problem

7) A bigot? just a throw away insult with no substantiation whatsoever.

It's just my opinion.

Based on a series of indicators, I believe that it's quite likely that you are.

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1) Didn't 'confuse', an honest spelling mistake

2) Didn't liken Salmond to anyone

3) Not an insinuation but fact, with regards to individuals not necessarily the SNP as a whole.

Poor attempt at bending and distorting, really poor...

4,5&6 yep, no problem

7) A bigot? just a throw away insult with no substantiation whatsoever.

Compelling defence

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1) Didn't 'confuse', an honest spelling mistake

2) Didn't liken Salmond to anyone

3) Not an insinuation but fact, with regards to individuals not necessarily the SNP as a whole.

Poor attempt at bending and distorting, really poor...

4,5&6 yep, no problem

7) A bigot? just a throw away insult with no substantiation whatsoever.

For f**k sake, away and play another 18 holes.
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Oh dear.  Rob still trying the happy go lucky innocent approach after comparing Big Eck to a Nazi?


And the whole "I could have called him Monsieur Salmond or Signor Salmond" schtick will not wash at all.

Exposed as a nasty bigot.

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Oh dear. Rob still trying the happy go lucky innocent approach after comparing Big Eck to a Nazi?

And the whole "I could have called him Monsieur Salmond or Signor Salmond" schtick will not wash at all.

Exposed as a nasty bigot.

Deary me, another paid up member of the faux offended brigade. This from a guy who is the P&B shining beacon of unprejudiced tolerance. Aye right.

Just have a look back on your last 12 months post history Fide and count the amount of small minded insults you have dished out, then come back and tell me who the nasty bigot is? (cue the deflection, aye it's still you)

I'm not taking that from YOU of ALL people.

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Red(hand)Rob the defender of the monarchy and the uber yoon insinuating that he has never belted out slightly derogatory blue hymns...I right yeah are.

More made up pish, show me where I've posted or insinuated that?

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Deary me, another paid up member of the faux offended brigade. This from a guy who is the P&B shining beacon of unprejudiced tolerance. Aye right.

Just have a look back on your last 12 months post history Fide and count the amount of small minded insults you have dished out, then come back and tell me who the nasty bigot is? (cue the deflection, aye it's still you)

I'm not taking that from YOU of ALL people.

No one's actually offended - your little passive aggressive jolly innocent act has just been rumbled. Not that it ever really fooled anyone.

Edited by Antlion
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More made up pish, show me where I've posted or insinuated that?



I've been called many none too complementary things over the years I'm sure, but a Bigot isn't one of them.

So by saying no one ever calls you a bigot insinuates that you are squeaky clean when it comes to this sort of things. So have you ever fired out the odd FTP or sung about catholic blood paddling?  If it walks like a duck.....

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Rob, you are, by the very definition of the word, a bigot. A man who is intoleranty devoted to your own prejudices and opinions, as evidenced by the language you have used many times before aimed at Scottish nationalists. While there's been plenty of name calling on here, you've been the only one who has made connections to the Nazi party and Hitler, while also talking about Scottish nationalists as enemies of the union before furiously backtracking on that one as well.


You show your colours all of the time. Your bigotry is there for all to see, and if you are seriously trying to say you're not a bigot, then quite frankly, you've not done a great job of hiding it.

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No one's actually offended - your little jolly innocent act has just been rumbled. Not that it ever really fooled anyone.

Nothing to rumble at all, there's no jolly innocent act, it's your own fabrication! You've continually used the repellent bigotry jibe (though not offended), but don't see the spiteful intolerance in your own contributions on here, it's just business as usual pal.

Don't worry you're not alone, there's a good core of you on here who throw around accusations of bigotry, racism, sectarianism etc like confetti. It serves no purpose whatsoever other than to firmly reinforce your own clear prejudices.

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