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Question Time


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Immigration plays a part in all of the above, Farage didn't have a whole speech blaming these things on immigration. He answered a question from the audience about overcrowding and mentioned factors, not sole reasons why he holds such an opinion.

The question was about overcrowding and had a direct link to immigration. Farage bitched and moaned about how the immigrants were to blame for an overcrowded Britain, putting strain on British resources/infrastructure.

Farage believes Britain is overcrowded because of immigration. Therefore any problems associated with "overcrowding" are caused by immigration. That's what he believes.

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So the main criticism of Brand is that he isn't as much of a politician as the rest.


not really. If he wasn't so outspoken about politics it wouldn't be an issue. But he's been held up as some sort of figurehead for the '99%' and revels in the role as it feeds traffic to his YouTube channel.
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I thought Brand was actually pretty good last night. He lets himself get carried away and is too readily provoked and loses the head when challenged, but at least he is contributing a viewpoint on politics which is normally rarely articulated on these types of programmes.

A good example was the moaning lady adopting the "common-sense", "...I reckon...", "radio phone-in" perspective of attacking immigration, while bleating about not being against immigration per se, while conveniently ignoring all the nuances of the debate. His response that more energy should be expent focussing on the concentration of wealth and influence was fairly well put and helped to frame some of the greetin'-faced UKIP/Tory flock into cold perspective.

All in all, I've more or less given up on Question Time unless it's a show coming from Scotland, or Salmond or Sturgeon is on, or it features someone like Russell Brand.

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The basis of UKIP's immigration policies is racism. A belief that white, "British" people are superior to people from other countries and people of other ethnicities.

This is the truth.

Blaming immigration for domestic problems is a right-wing lie as old as the hills. Literally over a century old.

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UK politics. Where Jim Murphy's a 'big beast'. Really fucking dire.

It became a bit like tuning into a strange conversation about which I care very little. Not just Question Time, but the whole UK political discourse for the past few years seems completely alien.

Jim Murphy's top banter with Gordon Brewer on Sunday Politics today, then a video of him jogging about in retro Scotland top was pretty funny in a laugh and point way. He already looks like he has been caught in the headlights by it all.

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So the main criticism of Brand is that he isn't as much of a politician as the rest.


While I respect Brand's concerns on issues. All he does is create villains. Doesn't see where the problems stem from and thus doesn't actually offer any solutions. Other than targeting people, which ironically will just make the problem even worse in the long run.

I'm not saying you can't. I am saying that Farage reverted to stereotype and went on a rant trying to blame immigration for problems that have a lot more to do with staffing shortages and cuts. He did that in much the same way that Brand constantly implied there was an elite who politicians are really working for, and they are to blame for our problems. It's clear that Farage was trying to demonise immigration and blame it for problems that weren't mentioned in the question. I'm not questioning his right to do so, nor accusing him or being racist, but he did blame immigrants for problems, without any evidence or explanation as to how immigration is to blame, which seems to be his default position.

Even if immigration was the problem, it's not the immigrants themselves people should be blaming. It's the people who let them in they should be blaming. Yelling "racist" against anyone who has concerns over immigration says more about the accuser, than the accused. The real problem is the unhealthy gap between rich and poor. A problem which is largely caused by laws and systems which are designed to protect and expand wealth of the super wealthy at the expense of everyone else.

Purple haired lady yelling racist what a Swampy.Thats yer typical left winger there.

As for brand what a nonce.Speaks alot of shit never makes any valid points because all reality is against him.

The audience does seem rigged when I watch most shows. There is definitely a liberal hate filled bias coming from a disproportionate amount of audience members based on the shows I've seen.

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It became a bit like tuning into a strange conversation about which I care very little. Not just Question Time, but the whole UK political discourse for the past few years seems completely alien.

Jim Murphy's top banter with Gordon Brewer on Sunday Politics today, then a video of him jogging about in retro Scotland top was pretty funny in a laugh and point way. He already looks like he has been caught in the headlights by it all.

Murphy's PR stunts. The Beeb will get a lot worse, will be a cringefest.

Edited by HaikuHibee
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While I respect Brand's concerns on issues. All he does is create villains. Doesn't see where the problems stem from and thus doesn't actually offer any solutions. Other than targeting people, which ironically will just make the problem even worse in the long run.

I disagree, the one thing he does always do is highlight where the problems stem from. In every single video I've ever seen him do he does this. I agree he very rarely offers solutions as such, but what do people expect? Just because he doesn't have a global utopian plan of action doesn't mean he isn't justified in highlighting very real issues in our society. It's up to everyone to come up with ideas to fix the problem, not a comedian. The first step is highlighting some of the main issues, which the media does not do because it has its own agenda. So he tries to do it, and generally does it very well.

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