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Centre-Left think tanks include IFS, IPPR, the Social Market Foundation, Fabian Society, Demos, Compass, the Smith Institute and the New Economics Foundation. The Institute For Fiscal Studies (IFS) gets tons of coverage on the BBC. Then there is the Kings Fund, very pro NHS, on health.

When was a representative of one of them last on QT? I'd like to balance their appearances against motormouth's.

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The EU is intractable, resistant to change, corrupt and undemocratic, according to Daniel Hannan, who thinks the UK parliament is amazing, open to change when a member nation might leave, democratic and uncorrupt. 😂

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What Owen Smith said there about Corbyn's support for the EU is just about right: most people aren't dripping with enthusiasm about every single aspect of the EU, but most people aren't overly cynical or wholly negative about it either. 

Corbyn's 'journey' to being pro-EU is valuable and can resonate with sceptical voters, as long as it is communicated correctly and properly. 

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Each word was properly enunciated so people will think she knows what she's talking about.

She also just bemoaned the perceived elitist preserves of the EU. If she did that genuinely then she's clearly a comedy hollogram who is taking the place of a representative from the taxpayers alliance. Edited by Shades75
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Do people really expect Corbyn to fight every single fight with his party if they don't agree with him? Even if he is a bit Eurosceptic, he's the leader of a party who aren't. He has to represent his party as leader and not constantly force them all to fall in line behind every view he has. I suspect he will fight his corner on trident a lot harder.

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Jenny Jones still peddling lines from 2008 on immigration shows just how out of touch the Greens are with working-class communities. 

I would happily describe myself as 'pro-immigration', but the "What about the Brits that go abroad!?" argument has just got no resonance whatsoever outside middle-class suburbia. 

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every week this gets trotted out.

Who has their country?

The EU, and all that stuff that goes on "there"...

Interesting that Hannah wants countries to be in CONTROL over important things like borders and immigration that are damaged by political union. But that doesn't apply to the countries in the British union. It is right and proper that those silly little sausages don't have control of unimportant things like borders and immigration, and rather cede it to a union parliament.

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Oh god inheritance tax. Fucking hell. You can pass on hundreds of thousands of pounds before even getting to the barrier. What kind of cretinous person would care about what happens to their money when they're not even on this planet.

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The EU, and all that stuff that goes on "there"...

Interesting that Hannah wants countries to be in CONTROL over important things like borders and immigration that are damaged by political union. But that doesn't apply to the countries in the British union. It is right and proper that those silly little sausages don't have control of unimportant things like borders and immigration, and rather cede it to a union parliament.

You've already said this.

It's boring.

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You've already said this.It's boring.

Seething over your own inability to answer it, or are you a proud North Briton who thinks Hannah is on the money, and that control is important, but only for countries you recognise as important?

Edited by Antlion
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