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The problem with people like you and the ned in the video is that you see politics as a platform to spout your racist bigotry and hatred. The aim of politics is to open dialog. But your kind contradict that when you think you can use politics as a way of targetting minorities and different cultures and creeds and stripping them of their democratic rights.

We shut you down, before you can shut others down. Rightly so.

What a load of old shite, what did the guy say that could even be remotely considered as bigoted or racist!?
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1 hour ago, The Chlamydia Kid said:

Name me a country that doesn't think their own nationals should be given priority status in employment??

"It's ok to be racist because other people are" type argument. Pathetic.

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I'm positive that's the same guy that was at a BBC indyref debate and was shouting about how can we trust Nicola Sturgeon when she's not got any children. 


Guys just your typical ***. 

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