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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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Donald Trump has mentioned Jimmy Carter was ahead of Ronald Reagan in the polls of March 1980, but the percentage ahead was only 5%.


Compare that to now and Clinton is about 11% ahead of Trump.



Bill Clinton was in 3rd place in 1992 behind Bush and Ross Perot. Polls this far out are meaningless, especially when Trump has already faced down a hostile media and hundreds of millions of attack ads.

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Ann Coulter predicts Trump on June 19, 2015. Everyone laughs at her. Of course she doesn't get invited on tv to talk about elections very much because she goes off the mainstream media script too often. LOL.



That's some Adam's apple on Ann Coulter!  8)

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Bernie was in my town today. All the smelly folks were out. And I don't mean smelly because they were working all day. Smelly because they're too busy smoking dope, playing video games, and writing poetry to take a shower.


Trump was in Charleston for a huge rally even though he's locked up the nomination. Trump's rally was 10X bigger of course.


Hillary had a small managed event a few days ago with a dozen or so folks. It was in a town called Williamson with around 3,000 people. Hundreds showed up in the rain to protest outside. She's not really allowed out in public in West Virginia.

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The Tea Party is trying to primary Paul Ryan. The gentleman running against him is named Paul Nehlen. Since Ryan isn't ready to endorse Trump, maybe Trump should go get behind this guy. Trump won Ryan's hometown while losing Wisconsin, so maybe he could make a difference. The Tea Party took out the Republican House Majority Leader at the last primary election. It would be great to take out the Speaker this time around.


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Did Ryan not used to be Tea Party favourite?

He generally rode the fence as popular with both the movement conservatives and Wall St / DC crowd.

His problem with the modern conservative movement is that he hasn't moved away from a fundamentalist, free market view on open borders. And beyond not moving away from that view, he actively fights for open borders as a top priority. That view on borders was more popular with conservative people in the 90s and early 00s. But he is an ideologue on the issue and hasn't changed his view as evidence came in which has refuted the conservative case for open borders.

He's running into the same issue with 3rd world trade deals.

To the extent that he's very, very conservative, it comes on stuff like privatizing Medicare and Social Security or reforming the tax code, and that stuff was always more popular with the conservative think tanks and media than with the mass of conservative voters.

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Some in the NeverTrump crowd are floating an interesting idea to defeat him without handing the election to Clinton. They would choose 5 people to fun as favored son candidates in one state each. The goal would be to deny both Trump and Clinton a majority in the electoral college. The House of Representatives would then be able to choose a different Republican to be President.

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EUGENE, Ore. — An unrestrained Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton an "unbelievably nasty, mean enabler" who "destroyed" the lives of her husband's mistresses during a rally in Oregon on Friday night.


. . .


"She's been the total enabler. She would go after these women and destroy their lives," Trump said. "She was an unbelievably nasty, mean enabler, and what she did to a lot of those women is disgraceful."





Hacker Guccifer Claims He Broke Into Hillary Clinton's Email Server

The Romanian hacker who first inadvertently revealed the existence of Hillary Clinton’s secret, off-the-books email account back in 2014 now says he directly breached her home server, contradicting claims to the contrary by the Clinton campaign.


In a prison interview with Fox News, Guccifer—whose real name is Marcel Lehel Lazar—claims it was “easy†to breach Clinton’s server after compromising an email account belonging to her friend and adviser, Sydney Blumenthal:

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So Trump is already starting to go places that conventional politicians wouldn't go. People who think this is in the bag for Hilary Clinton may be in for a shock. To understand what he is saying you need to know what flies just below the radar in mainstream media terms in the United States:


{relevant bit starts at 3:44}

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It seems to be the new fad in politics to accuse your opponent of stuff without providing any evidence, forcing a response and headline. "I heard the Pope's got a rent boy on call in the Vatican" "Pope denies rent boy story, claims he's celibate" Well he would, wouldn't he. Where's the proof? All very fishy.

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So Trump is already starting to go places that conventional politicians wouldn't go. People who think this is in the bag for Hilary Clinton may be in for a shock. To understand what he is saying you need to know what flies just below the radar in mainstream media terms in the United States:


{relevant bit starts at 3:44}

Surely calling someone a rapist, in this case repeatedly, is libellous. Why wouldn't Clinton sue?

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The last thing a Hillary White House bid needs is her husband suing a bunch of cranks writing conspiracy theory books and hooring them out on shock jock talk shows.

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Some context on Roger Stone: he has recently claimed that the Clintons had JFK's son killed because of a plan on his part to run for the same Senate seat as Hillary.

He straddles the line between benign mentalist and malignant smearer.

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The more benign of the possible explanations is because he doesn't want the negative publicity involved with a trial. David Icke and Edward Heath was a similar scenario in a UK context.


The last thing a Hillary White House bid needs is her husband suing a bunch of cranks writing conspiracy theory books and hooring them out on shock jock talk shows.

So we can assume he will sue after the Presidential election.

Of course there could be other reasons.

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So we can assume he will sue after the Presidential election.

Of course there could be other reasons.

It's hardly what Hillary Clinton wants boiling over in the background in the first 100 days of her Presidency either Granny. Lay off the innuendo.

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It's hardly what Hillary Clinton wants boiling over in the background in the first 100 days of her Presidency either Granny. Lay off the innuendo.

So he'll wait to after 100 days? Or is that innuendo too?

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So he'll wait to after 100 days? Or is that innuendo too?

Yes, because you're implying that if someone doesn't sue someone for defamation it necessarily means that either what is said is true or that they've got something to hide. That's not how justice works champ.
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