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The 2016 US Presidential Election


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He's utterly unelectable.  Fortunately.


And besides, he's an utter cretin.  

Nearly even in the polls and dominating with independents. What's holding him back is that Hillary is much more popular with Democrats than Trump is with Republicans right now. An actual general election campaign should remind the anti-Trump Republicans that they don't want Hillary to be President.

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What's this Congress thing? We live in Obama's America when it comes to immigration policy. :)


Again with the Obama thing. How has he changed immigration policy? 

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Again with the Obama thing. How has he changed immigration policy? 

He decided to legalize all illegal immigrants brought to the US as children and their families. He did this after claiming about 15 times that he couldn't do this because he didn't have the legal authority. Of course the executive as proprietorial discretion. But to use that discretion to pretty much change a law is beyond the pail, and it's certainly unconstitutional when done by a President because the Constitution specifically says the President is required to faithfully execute the laws of the US. This clause was put in by the Founders to avoid a situation like existed in Europe where the monarch would often ignore laws passed by parliament. This amnesty legalizes millions and millions of people and has drawn a massive increase of hundreds of thousands of minors crossing the border.

By the way, Republicans are generally willing to pass such an amnesty, but only after the border is secured from future illegal immigration and future legal immigration is reduced. Democrats will not agree. Obama tried to work with Congress for the first 6-7 years of his term, but they couldn't come to an agreement. This is what killed Rubio's candidacy because he was a leader of pushing Obama's amnesty in Congress without the conditions required by the more conservative members.


He changed policy on catching people at the border. In general illegals caught in this country are given a court date and released. However, if Mexicans are caught at the border they are immediately sent back across the border. Obama made it so that the border agent has to literally see them crossing the border, or they have to be released. Even if they are 50 yards from the Rio Grande with no identification and soaking wet, the border agent has to release them. The border agents union endorsed Trump. He is the first Presidential candidate they've ever endorsed.


Obama refuses to threaten local governments that release illegal immigrant murderers into the public and circumvent federal law through sanctuary city policies. Since he just passed regulations to cut off school funding to any state which doesn't allow transgender students to use the locker room of their choice, I guess he doesn't want federal immigration laws enforced against violent criminals. He could certainly do the same to make sure local governments cooperate in enforcing immigration law.

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He decided to legalize all illegal immigrants brought to the US as children and their families. 


Didn't happen.


He changed policy on catching people at the border. In general illegals caught in this country are given a court date and released. However, if Mexicans are caught at the border they are immediately sent back across the border. 


Liberal namby pamby.


Obama refuses to threaten local governments that release illegal immigrant murderers into the public and circumvent federal law through sanctuary city policies. 


So he's kept to the same laws regarding State rights. 


What a radical commie.  :lol:

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What a radical commie. :lol:

You never win with these people. A president allows a state to regulate themselves and is criticised as weak. A president passes an executive order and they go winging about how it is unconstitutional (which you could literally apply to almost any executive order) and how their liberties are being taken away by the big bad federal government.

There's no middle ground or reasoning whatsoever. Instead, the presidential system means that they will just seek someone who can satisfy their simplified delusions on how the country works and then decide they are the problem and go through the whole thing again.

Obama is a ridiculously intelligent guy who has consistently compromised throughout his political career and had achievements in tweaking legislation and trying to get things passed while being realistic. It's funny to see people think he's some sort of radical.

Trump has no experience of government, hasn't even met his foreign policy advisors and has pissed off a lot of people before starting. His whole campaign has been based off of media manipulation and basically satisfying people with slogans are ridiculously oversimplified solutions to difficult problems. Even if he has the perfect plans and all the best words (his vocabulary is yuggge), how's he going to actually do anything? Like seen with Obama, it's not so easy when you are working with loonies (seeking re-election) in Congress. His term will just be one big stagnation and end up just being a total PR exercise to distract from all of his failures.

What America needs more than anything is heavy constitutional reform.

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Link requires a login and nothing provided on BUGMENOT works. As for Trump. I do have some legitimate criticisms of his policies which I'll get into once the election campaign is in full swing. The problem is the anti-Trump crowd don't seem to understand the mindset of most swing voters. Trying to smear Trump with the bigot card is not going to work. It's only convincing those who were never going to vote for him to begin with. 

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Watched tonight's second interview with Piers Morgan & Trump a couple of hours ago. The questions felt even easier than the first time, he didn't even need to answer any 'how would you handle ISIS?' questions with brain-dead responses like 'I would destroy them' as he did last time. 


He got asked for his views on Brexit, and seemed to say he was pro-stay then pro-go, and not giving an exact answer as to what he thought was best.


All in all, 30 minutes of pretty much nothing. 

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What a radical commie.  :lol:

I've never said he was a radical on economics. I certainly think that he had those views at one point in his youth, and I think that his ethical views line up with Marxism. He probably wishes it worked in the real world, but he's a smart guy. I'm right of center on economics, but no free market fundamentalist. He's left of center, but no socialist. That's not my issue. He's a radical on cultural Marxism. He fully buys into the idea that if racial / ethnic / whatever groups don't end up with equal results in society that it must be the fault of societal structures and not the results of individual choices more likely to be made by people belonging to different groups. He's turned the Democrat party completely into a party of identity politics and I think that's bad for democracy in addition to the idea of cultural Marxism being just as wrong as economic Marxism.



Didn't happen.

I'm not sure why you're claiming this. Are you playing semantics with my use of the word "legalize?"



So he's kept to the same laws regarding State rights.

Even the most ardent state's rights type understands that citizenship and immigration are federal issues. Obama goes out of his way to bring the full weight of the federal government onto any state that passes laws contrary to federal law if they are anti-immigrant. But he allows any local pro-immigrant law that contradicts federal law, even up to the point of releasing thousands of murderers, rapists, and violent gang members back out onto our streets.

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You never win with these people. A president allows a state to regulate themselves and is criticised as weak. A president passes an executive order and they go winging about how it is unconstitutional (which you could literally apply to almost any executive order) and how their liberties are being taken away by the big bad federal government.


I think that's not fair. I am allowed to care about issues like the rule of law and the constitutional balance of power. Sure Presidents push for power. The difference now is that the Democrats in Congress cheer him on and that Obama doesn't even seek to justify what he's doing in the law. He just mocks the American Constitutional system in a way that only Woodrow Wilson did previously.



Instead, the presidential system means that they will just seek someone who can satisfy their simplified delusions on how the country works and then decide they are the problem and go through the whole thing again.

That's an interesting take on the situation and probably true in general.



Obama is a ridiculously intelligent guy who has consistently compromised throughout his political career and had achievements in tweaking legislation and trying to get things passed while being realistic.

He was a nobody state legislator and a nobody Senator. He had one major legislative accomplishment as President, Obamacare. This was the first major expansion of the welfare state pushed through in a completely partisan manner, and that was only successful by rewriting the internal rules of the Senate after it looked like the Republicans would be able to block Obamacare by electing Scott Walker in Massachusetts when Ted Kennedy died. There was no compromise other than with the insurance industry and what was politically feasible with the public. He hasn't been able to compromise or work with Republicans to get any other program through Congress.



Trump has no experience of government, hasn't even met his foreign policy advisors and has pissed off a lot of people before starting. His whole campaign has been based off of media manipulation and basically satisfying people with slogans are ridiculously oversimplified solutions to difficult problems. Even if he has the perfect plans and all the best words (his vocabulary is yuggge), how's he going to actually do anything? Like seen with Obama, it's not so easy when you are working with loonies (seeking re-election) in Congress. His term will just be one big stagnation and end up just being a total PR exercise to distract from all of his failures.

Actually, one of the things that convinced me to support Trump is that I think he knows how to work with opponents to accomplish goals. He's not an inflexible ideologue like Obama. I initially thought I'd support Rand Paul, and was willing to give some of the governors and folks from outside of politics who I wasn't very familiar with an open mind. The idea that I'd support Trump when he announced was laughable. I realized when Trump talked about Obama and his inability to negotiate that Rand Paul was probably just the Tea Party version of Obama. I think that Trump will be able to get a large portion of his proposals through Congress.



What America needs more than anything is heavy constitutional reform.

Maybe. I think that Obama might have pushed us over the edge on this front, but it was probably a long time coming. We'll see if things can be put back together again. Our Constitution survived a Civil War and the military occupation of the South and the Great Depression / FDR situation. Who knows?

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I'm not sure why you're claiming this. Are you playing semantics with my use of the word "legalize?"



You wildly exaggerated the effects of his executive order. Undocumented parents of children born in the USA, ie citizens according to the Constitution, who have lived in the USA for more than 5 years will have their deportation deferred for 3 years and will be permitted to work legally and pay their taxes.

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Hillary scrapes a win, by 0.4%, in Kentucky and is beaten soundly in Oregon. At this stage of the contest, with Trump the clear rival, that's incredible.

She leads 27-21 on states against Sanders. Trump, in a much bigger field, has won 32. I get that doesn't mean much on a narrow voter base but I can't help but shift the niggling feeling this election won't be as straight forward as the media are portraying.

Would Hillary be losing the primaries if minority voters went even 55-45 in her favour, rather than the rampant success she has? Anyone know?

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He's a radical on cultural Marxism. He fully buys into the idea that if racial / ethnic / whatever groups don't end up with equal results in society that it must be the fault of societal structures and not the results of individual choices more likely to be made by people belonging to different groups. He's turned the Democrat party completely into a party of identity politics and I think that's bad for democracy in addition to the idea of cultural Marxism being just as wrong as economic Marxism.


Good luck getting people on here to realise this is a thing, a formal ideology, and not some random fringe thoughts. I've been battering my head off the forum for close to two years now trying to get the existence and significant/dangerous negatives of this to sink in.

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Hillary scrapes a win, by 0.4%, in Kentucky and is beaten soundly in Oregon. At this stage of the contest, with Trump the clear rival, that's incredible.

She leads 27-21 on states against Sanders. Trump, in a much bigger field, has won 32. I get that doesn't mean much on a narrow voter base but I can't help but shift the niggling feeling this election won't be as straight forward as the media are portraying.

Would Hillary be losing the primaries if minority voters went even 55-45 in her favour, rather than the rampant success she has? Anyone know?

How is it incredible? Have the polls not shown that Sanders has a better chance of beating Trump than Clinton?

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How is it incredible? Have the polls not shown that Sanders has a better chance of beating Trump than Clinton?

Yes, but Sanders also has about a 0.01% chance of winning. At this stage you'd expect the party to be rallying around the nominee - not prolonging the fight.

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Yes, but Sanders also has about a 0.01% chance of winning. At this stage you'd expect the party to be rallying around the nominee - not prolonging the fight.


Given that the expectation is that Clinton will be about as gracious a winner as Mario Balotelli, it is absolutely vital to the Democratic Party's democratic (small-d) future for Sanders to take this all the way to the convention and to win some concrete policy concessions from her. Otherwise this lesser-of-two-evils tactic that the Democrats have been playing for the last thirty years is going to mean the next election will be between Trump and someone like Jim Webb.

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Yes, but Sanders also has about a 0.01% chance of winning. At this stage you'd expect the party to be rallying around the nominee - not prolonging the fight.

Clinton is a right wing corporate whore. That's not a sexist comment as I would have used the exact same term had she been a man.

She will be a better choice for President than Trump by a very narrow margin.

I don't blame Sanders supporters for keeping the fight going.

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Link requires a login and nothing provided on BUGMENOT works. As for Trump. I do have some legitimate criticisms of his policies which I'll get into once the election campaign is in full swing. The problem is the anti-Trump crowd don't seem to understand the mindset of most swing voters. Trying to smear Trump with the bigot card is not going to work. It's only convincing those who were never going to vote for him to begin with. 


Apologies, the joys of modern technology.




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