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Crusader Kings II


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Been reading some very, very positive reviews about this game. Very, very tempted to buy it, but for £30 I thought I'd gather some reviews from people on here. I'm sure someones played it?

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Keep an eye on Steam - they quite often have it on offer at half-price or less. As to the game, it appears to be a really top-notch game of its type - which is really in-depth management, in this case of Kingdoms, families and economics. A bit too hard-core for me, so I can't give a decent report myself.

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I bought it last night for £30 :lol:

Can see why its considered a "hardcore" game, its impossible to figure out sometimes. The lack of tutorial doesn't really help.

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Was 300 or so years into my first game on this. I'd just unified the U.K. under my King of Scotland character ... and then I died in a pointless battle. My 6 year-old heir was promptly arrested and declared incapable to rule. No power whatsoever. I sat through 10 years of this until finally, finally, the regency was over. I could start doing things again, get married, ensure the family line continued.

My character died of pneumonia a month later.

The throne passed to my aunt. Since her children weren't of her dynasty (that's important) I had to try and kill them all. Had three assassinated, but the last one got away. Game over.


Great game.

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Was 300 or so years into my first game on this. I'd just unified the U.K. under my King of Scotland character ... and then I died in a pointless battle. My 6 year-old heir was promptly arrested and declared incapable to rule. No power whatsoever. I sat through 10 years of this until finally, finally, the regency was over. I could start doing things again, get married, ensure the family line continued.

My character died of pneumonia a month later.

The throne passed to my aunt. Since her children weren't of her dynasty (that's important) I had to try and kill them all. Had three assassinated, but the last one got away. Game over.


Great game.

Yeah its the wee things that make this. I'd being trying to control the whole of Ireland to start with. Got my son a wife with the "lustful" trait so he'd hopefully have a rake of children, he had a son, who I started being a guardian too, this seemed to piss my son off without me actually realising though as his opinion of me rocketed right down.

Got a message telling me about going into a pub, then the whole pub exploding and me dying :lol: Took control of the son, hovered over the previous ruler and its "suspicious circumstances" while my son now has the "kinslayer" trait.....

Son was then assassinated by the allies I'd made when I was the dad, in a cracking twist.

Going to take a lot of plays before I learn to cover every angle I reckon.

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I've wasted so much time on this game, and I have all DLCs too and I am still learning new things. Had since release day too.

In my current game after knocking the Umayyad down to Grenada and Valencia, take everything else as Asturias/Leon (CM start) I decide with my current character to give my youngest son the Kingdom of Portugal, while my eldest will take the rest. Did this so I had a forever ally in future. Only problem, my youngest son goes and loses a claimant faction war while I was on Crusade.... :(

Edited by Antiochas III
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A steep learning curve right enough (video tutorials are a decent start) but after that the game opens up to all sorts

Best save was starting off as Brittany in 1066, with the self-declared intention of uniting all the Celtic nations under my banner. Survived a bat-shit HRE (who went heretic very early doors and so could invade everybody to the west with impunity), despite having to start one reign as a 4-day old girl, and managed all the way to 1453. That's 6 months I'll never get back :D

Ended up creating the Empire of Britannia - which incuded the western seaboard of France and a chunk of the Balkans


Edited by The Old Northerner
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Started with just Clydesdale in my latest save. After around 100 years I've added Galloway and Carrick, to create my own little corner. Foolishly started a war with the Duke of Lothian, who I under-estimated, two years after it begins I go bankrupt due to the cost of the war. In a frankly huge stroke of fortune the Duke of Lothian dies the same month, and his son offers me peace which I gobble up. Currently trying to recoup my money, pride and army for my next attempt at expansion. May look towards Ireland instead, but the English are already making moves that way.

Probably doing fairly shite, but wanted to start low so I could get to grips with the game without the hassles of rebellions and plots against me. Starting to realise the importance of arranging marriages too. Been reading about trying to get claims on other counties, and it turns out you can look up claimants, and invite those with strong claims to your court. Once they've arrived you can declare war on their behalf.

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Iv started a King of Scotland one. It's really hard.

It takes me about 4 years to make 100 coins. How the fck do you make money? Even winning a battle seems impossible.

I generally try and always have someone "collecting taxes" and have my armies raised as little as possible. Think economic research helps things too.

I'm actually going to buy a new laptop just for this. What are the battle SCENES like?

Two guys fighting. Dont think you get a full on battle on screen like total war. You also need to have more men and higher army morale to stand any chance of winning. Taking control of new counties can take a while, as seiges can sometimes last months, and they can be expensive.

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I generally try and always have someone "collecting taxes" and have my armies raised as little as possible. Think economic research helps things too.

Two guys fighting. Dont think you get a full on battle on screen like total war. You also need to have more men and higher army morale to stand any chance of winning. Taking control of new counties can take a while, as seiges can sometimes last months, and they can be expensive.

Cheers, managed to get the cash flow going a bit better. Lasted about 100 years and a Scottish excommunication against my Kingdom just ended my game. Was gutted, I married the 16 year old Swedish princess to make her the Queen. Didnt have a kid till I was nearly 60 then had another 5 after that :o .Died when I was in my late 70's, took over as the eldest son and he only lasts 2 years and our reign is over.

Trying to get my head around some of it, battles are really hard to win. Think I'll go a bigger nation, the Scottish one seems to be really hard to start up.

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Cheers, managed to get the cash flow going a bit better. Lasted about 100 years and a Scottish excommunication against my Kingdom just ended my game. Was gutted, I married the 16 year old Swedish princess to make her the Queen. Didnt have a kid till I was nearly 60 then had another 5 after that :o .Died when I was in my late 70's, took over as the eldest son and he only lasts 2 years and our reign is over.

Trying to get my head around some of it, battles are really hard to win. Think I'll go a bigger nation, the Scottish one seems to be really hard to start up.

Yeah some of it seems quite simple, and some of it just seems utterly odd and confusing. A few people on forums say it takes about four or fives decent lengthed saves to just get used to how everything works and the best way to do things, as theres so many variables.

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  • 4 months later...

Bought this on Friday night and my word, it's bloody hard. Started off as the Earl of Dublin as that's supposed to be the easiest character to begin with but I don't have a clue what I'm doing. I wanted to just steam in there and annex the Isle of Man but I have no idea to raise an army.

I think once the Hollyoaks omnibus is finished I'll play along with a tutorial guide to make sure I know what I'm doing but this game really isn't instinctive.

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Things seem to be going okay - my da passed away and I inherited his land, so I've got the south-east coast of Ireland sewn up. I'm holding festivals and feasts and all that to draw favour from my vassals and my chancellor is getting up in people's faces, fabricating claims and all that.

When I last left it, I was plotting to kill my wife. She's not nice to look at and she's got rubbish stats so I'm going to bin her and marry a princess.

It's an interesting game but I don't feel like I'm influencing anything, I feel like I'm just waiting for things to happen.

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