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Club AGM's


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Now the sjfa is rightly attacked for being backwards and has a number of batshit crazy rules still in place, but for the majority of them there is some vague reasoning to justify them. But that just seems utterly ridiculous.

Lol aye - we used to have a waiting list. Essentially someone had to die before you could pay your money up front.

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My reckoning on the subject is that, I think, at Arthurlie the members, season ticket holders plus social club members, this might have changed to just season ticket holders?

Anyway been to a few the office bearers host the meeting then everyone is up for election re-election etc, nominations seconded passed etc to join the committee. The committee then has a higher archly of club president, vice, secretary, and treasurer who run the club alongside the other committee and it's members.

My understanding is that the exec committee will make decisions but they will then take them to the committee are a whole before anything is set in stone.

It's so easy to mouth off at the so called 'top table' guys but are you willing to commit to the work they do?

On the original theme I think it's kind of sad that many people in positions of power expect instant success, if they'd any clue about football and juniors in particular and seen what the original management duo had to endure this season at Cambuslang regards injuries... Bigger stronger sorts have walked Doyle stayed the course.

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