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Next UK Labour Leader


Next UK Labour Leader  

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Andrew Neil to the left-wing head of the Fire Service Union: "Are you not concerned that every time Labour moves in the direction you and Mr Corbyn want, they lose elections?"

Aye, Andrew, cos the centre-right Labour Party won the last two elections, didn't it?

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(And since it's the Daily Politics, here's the Daily voice of UKIP whining about how much the EU is costing us.)

Hilarious that this lopsided prink Carswell left the Tories join an anti EU party (whose leader can't stand him) and just a few months later his old party won a GE and provided an EU referendum. Tough luck, Dougie. The bright side is you now get unlimited BBC airtime that you wouldn't have had as a backbench Tory.

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Who would you have replace him?

Dan Jarvis would probably be my top choice, but he is probably reluctant to do it. I like Hilary Benn a lot, and despite being firmly moderate, and often critical of the left of the party, it's interesting how many Corbynistas talk fondly of him. The ideal situation would probably be a compromise candidate but nobody immediately springs to mind. A candidate from nowhere could work in this respect, someone neither affiliated with Corbyn or New Labour.

I would love Liz Kendall to be leader but I feel like she would potentially be too much like the moderate's Corbyn. She is personally not disliked by many in the party, in my experience, but her politics are as disliked by Corbynistas as Corbyn's are to mine. The same would probably go for the rest of the 'neo-Blairites'. Whilst I am personally closer to them politically than anyone else I think the time isn't right for them. Ben Bradshaw, Kendall, Jamie Reid, Jess Philips, Tristam Hunt etc are ones I think who have potential eventually but not right now.

Tony Blair has too much baggage. A wonderful man, leader and Prime Minister for the time, but he (or the 2015 version of him) is not what we need now.

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Jmo will have a Blairite Fidey... cause he is a left of centre social democrat.... lol

Ideally yes, but I don't think the time is right. Honestly don't know how we are going to win the 2020 election. The popularity of the SNP in Scotland, UKIP getting votes from elements of the white working class vote in the North and the Tories tactic of talking left (the 'workers party' and all that crap) whilst acting right means I think Labour will struggle whatever they do. However roughly 1 million people who voted Tory this year considered, or at one point prior to the election planned, to vote Labour. Getting them back would be a good starting point I think.

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Is Tristram Hunt really one of the future big names for labour? Dear lord - there has to be better than him out there surely?

I think Cooper would've been a decent shout for labour as I think she would've been able to unite the party. Obviously doused in MIliband's fail, but she's much better than the damp squib that is Andy Burnham. Kendall would've won back votes in the marginal seats, but I doubt she'd have captured the imagine much outside of that. Certainly wouldn't have helped with the working class in the North or with fighting the SNP up here. Corbyn just doesn't seem cut out to lead and is too reluctant to put his foot down.

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I would like to register my extreme distaste for how Blairitles are b*****dising the word "moderate".

Moderates is being used to describe basically anyone to within the party to the right of Corbyn, not just Blairites.

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So Corbyn is now publicly saying he will aim to convince his party colleagues to vote against engagement in this war. When they do the opposite, where does that leave him as a leader?

His sitting duck status will be stated directly rather than implied.

A shame. He's clearly a decent man, with good principles, who never wanted to be leader and whose parliamentary party is at odds with its membership.

He'll be gone within 3 months, and he'll return to the back benches where he can do more good. Forever to be known as the Labour William Hague.

But a free vote is much more honourable than a three line whip.

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Ideally yes, but I don't think the time is right. Honestly don't know how we are going to win the 2040 election. The popularity of the SNP in Scotland, UKIP getting votes from elements of the white working class vote in the North and the Tories tactic of talking left (the 'workers party' and all that crap) whilst acting right means I think Labour will struggle whatever they do. However roughly 1 million people who voted Tory this year considered, or at one point prior to the election planned, to vote Labour. Getting them back would be a good starting point I think.

Changed the date to be more realistic

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jmothecat, on 30 Nov 2015 - 23:51, said:

5/1 for him to leave this year last time I checked but it was 11/1 only two days before that.

Still 5/1 today, when I stuck a tenner on it. Maximum bet they'd take is 50 quid though, make of that what you will.

If the unthinkable happens on Thursday after a rebellion gets the airstrikes through then he's almost certainly toast.

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If Corbyn goes (and the weak willed c**t doesn't deserve to stay) his replacement will be chosen by the same process. Can't see ordinary Labour Party members changing; they will choose someone similar to Corbyn but someone who now realises that a left winner CAN win the leadership contest.

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