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Holyrood '16 polls and predictions


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Have the snp leadership said anything about a vote for them is vote towards independence in 2016 no they have not.has msp below said it in his letter to the public yes he has misleading of course it is.

Just keep reposting it kev,it makes me smile

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I think the SNP should push for a second referendum. They'll never have a better chance of winning it with the degree of austerity coming from the Tories. The danger for the SNP is that they will have to make cuts and may lose their anti-austerity mantra of they wait until the election after next.

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It's a balancing act for them though. Odds on the austerity only kicks in really hard after the Holyrood election, so they will be trying to win an outright majority again before conditions will have ripened for a Yes victory. Pensioners are the key because when Cameron's cuts start to hit them hard, the Union will no longer be viewed to the same extent by the grey vote as the safer bet for a comfortable retirement. The SNP also badly need the oil price to bounce back up again, which is going to happen eventually but not necessarily by 2018.

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It's a balancing act for them though. Odds on the austerity only kicks in really hard after the Holyrood election, so they will be trying to win an outright majority again before conditions will have ripened for a Yes victory. Pensioners are the key because when Cameron's cuts start to hit them hard, the Union will no longer be viewed to the same extent by the grey vote as the safer bet for a comfortable retirement. The SNP also badly need the oil price to bounce back up again, which is going to happen eventually but not necessarily by 2018.

Id agree with much of this.

Read there that Ireland is booming again with the gov set to slash taxes in october. Gdp is rocketing away from UK.... and they have nae oil.

Cheers nawbags

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Id agree with much of this.

Read there that Ireland is booming again with the gov set to slash taxes in october. Gdp is rocketing away from UK.... and they have nae oil.

Cheers nawbags

What you blaming no voters for now,saving scotland from going down the same road as irelands finacial suffering for its people perhaps,dry your bitter tears away.

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What you blaming no voters for now,saving scotland from going down the same road as irelands finacial suffering for its people perhaps,dry your bitter tears away.

What road ? The successful independent country road ?

The Irish must be gutted that they left :rolleyes:

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What you blaming no voters for now,saving scotland from going down the same road as irelands finacial suffering for its people perhaps,dry your bitter tears away.

I'm genuinely surprised you can actually type words, sometimes even full sentences. You are a complete moron.

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Trying to strike a balance, it has to be a major concern that Salmond and co were so upbeat about the Laffer Curve economics and made so much out of the so called Arc of Prosperity, because it suggests that the RBS and HBoS disasters could have unfolded on their watch rather than Gordon Brown's, but on the flip side is that the RoI is not necessarily the sensible example of what an independent Scotland could be economically. The better place to look is arguably Norway, although the window of opportunity to strike out and do something totally different from the typical UK way of doing things has pretty much closed since the 1970s given Maggie T and Tory Blur's disastrous destruction of the UK's manufacturing base and ever increasing reliance on being a hub for global financial services.

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No need to trot out the stock referendum arguments. Reality is more complex than that. Scotland could make a success of independence like Norway, but it could also fork it up big time like Greece. There are no guarantees either way. Given the UK's finances and its near certain future debt crisis the analogy I tend to think of is that it would be a case of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic given Scotland has to assume a share of that debt load. Was hoping for a definitive resolution from the referendum so minds could be focused on making the economy work better in a manner that secures the future of a generous welfare state, rather than turgid arguments about the location of the national capital. Saw a No as the way initially, but now find myself leaning towards a let's get it over with and get on with it posture.

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No point waiting until Westminster fucks the economy even more. The fact that we would be one of the richest countries in the world right now if we had gained independence 30 years ago is a great argument for not maintaining the union.

I have to say though....an advanced northern European country would never go the way of Greece... That's just daft.

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The idea that Scotland could end up like Greece is laughable. The UK is just as likely to end up like that with us stuck in it. Neither would ever happen.

Might as well warn us that a giant meteor could strike the Earth and extinguish all life.

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Jeane Freeman is going to stand to be my MSP. I'll now have a top quality MP and MSP.

Here she is giving Andrew Neil a humping.

ETA, she's actually standing to be the candidate for Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley so if there's any member in that constituency, please give her your vote :)

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So.....you want to go for a UDI, then?

If it was possible to do it and get away with it then it would be an absolute no brainer for Scotland. Today's younger generation are not going to be able to enjoy the life that today's pensioners, who got the best out of post-war socialism and the best out of Maggie and Blair selling the family silver, did for a variety of reasons and the quicker politicians get on with doing what needs to be done to address that the better things will be in the decades ahead. The independence issue is just a distraction and doesn't really solve anything fundamental.

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So independence is a distraction but the very unlikely outcome of UDI is not ? The only way we'll get to be able to get on with fixing our country is by democratically voting yes the next time.

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Aye, OK. Come the glorious day it will only rain at night and water will start running uphill etc etc. Things are so deeply messed up that either way there are huge challenges ahead and no guarantee of things ending happily ever after. My argument is that the constitution needs to be resolved pronto, and I don't really care which way, so that these challenges actually do start getting addressed properly before the excrement starts to really hit the fan in a big way. Westminster wasn't going to do that over the last few years, if it tipped things towards a Yes in Scotland, because regardless of the propaganda they are not going to easily let go of all the oil and gas. No was supposed to romp it, but 55:45 means that Scotland is probably on the way out of the UK in a 20 year time frame but the route to that destination is unlikely to be quick and easy, so the ongoing uncertainty over that will inevitably get in the way of issues like coming up with a system that ensures there will still be a reasonably generous old age pension waiting for today's younger generations.

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