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Holyrood '16 polls and predictions


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Some Tories on Twitter scrambling for relevance about their "moderate vote increases". :lol:

They're polling ~5% ffs.


These idiots are pretty much the definition of "scrambling for relevance". The minor fluctuations in the baseline Tory vote probably follow the mildness of the winters or the number of times somebody jumps out from behind a door and shouts 'BOO!" on day time TV.

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Fair play to the young Labour chap that knocked my door yesterday.

A student at Cambridge, he'd was spending a few days in Scotland helping out with the Labour Party.

I told him that the local area was as Labour as it comes.

As safe Labour as anywhere in the South Wales or the North East of England.

It's been Labour since the working man got the vote in 1918.

And there wasn't a hope in hells chance today of Labour winning it.

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Fair play to the young Labour chap that knocked my door yesterday.

A student at Cambridge, he'd was spending a few days in Scotland helping out with the Labour Party.

I told him that the local area was as Labour as it comes.

As safe Labour as anywhere in the South Wales or the North East of England.

It's been Labour since the working man got the vote in 1918.

And there wasn't a hope in hells chance today of Labour winning it.

Did his wee face crumple?

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Did his wee face crumple?

To be fair to the young shiny face, serious officer class, he smiled.

Then again he probably didn't understand what this native was saying.

Think he probably lost it by the time i'd said ILP, Garngad, Candy etc.

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Reading through this thread and others, it's quite interesting to note that it wasn't that long ago that Labour fanboys were engaging in the same levels of arrogant smuggery that we're now seeing from SNP fanboys.

How did that work out?

The SNP will continue to rise for a bit before plateauing out.

Someone else will then present a challenge and their vote will fall again.

Arrogance and smug twattery will hasten that day.

Failing to understand that is failing to understand history.

Well obviously. It's not dissimilar to football. St Mirren have been better than Morton for years and I'm sure some of their fans revelled in rubbing that in Morton fans faces. If Morton utterly annhilate St Mirren this season, you can bet there'll be years worth of pay back coming their way. It's natural.

And, I seriously doubt the behaviour of a few folk on the internet will change much. Part of Labour's downfall was that complacency infected the party from the bottom right to the very top. How the SNP leadership and parliamentarians act is a lot more important than how the supporters act.

Literally nobody here thinks the SNP will dominate Scottish politics like this forever so your little lesson isn't really telling anybody anything they don't know. As long as the SNP are the only 'big' party in support of independence then they only need to dominate until independence is acheived. After that, it's likely the party political situation in Scotland will change significantly.

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Reading through this thread and others, it's quite interesting to note that it wasn't that long ago that Labour fanboys were engaging in the same levels of arrogant smuggery that we're now seeing from SNP fanboys.

How did that work out?

The SNP will continue to rise for a bit before plateauing out.

Someone else will then present a challenge and their vote will fall again.

Arrogance and smug twattery will hasten that day.

Failing to understand that is failing to understand history.

What an absolute bore. We're enjoying our day in the sun just like anyone would in the same situation. It was only last September we had to put up with "arrogant smuggery" from unionist cretins. Don't you remember? Anything in return is just exactly that. You sound like a lot of them yourself with all the SNP baad nonsense you keep coming out with

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Imagine still voting for Labour in Scotland.


only a minter in your book,but then you don't believe in peoples democratic right to vote how they want to in elections,i bet you get well upset when you read about people voting for other parties than the snp,thankfully not everyone is blinded by the snps lust for independence.

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Do you honestly think people who support the SNP are blinded by the smps[sic] lust for independence?

By the way how's your anti-China stance going?

Yes some are,they dont care what the snp do as long as they get another vote.

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Even amongst the fuzzy affros and kevthedees of this world oaksoft still manages to be the most wrong, boring useless poster in the politics section. It's some achievement.

Even more of an achievement given he thinks everyone on here is thick and too stupid for him to debate with.
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Yes some are,they dont care what the snp do as long as they get another vote.

Well then that's not being blinded then is it, that's making a democratic choice.

To give it the big 'poor wee oppressed Labour voter' act whilst dismissing the choice of thousands of SNP voters because they've been blinded is stupid even by your standards.

Oh wait, by your standards, it's par for the fucking course.

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Has Ad Lib been on recently?

Wouldn't mind reading his take on there being a Lib Dem Councillor up until 2012 in Langside, and them now getting 2.9% in the by-election this week.

Surprisingly good result for the BFs IMO.

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Well then that's not being blinded then is it, that's making a democratic choice.

To give it the big 'poor wee oppressed Labour voter' act whilst dismissing the choice of thousands of SNP voters because they've been blinded is stupid even by your standards.

Oh wait, by your standards, it's par for the fucking course.

I dont feel oppressed i cast my vote and respect the democratic result,as for being blinded my point is that many have joined the snp as they see it as the party that will get them independence, will these same people push the snp on other issues like health,education,law& order etc.

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I think there's a level of truth in kevs ranting when it comes to pro SNP folk. Would help if he wasn't a thick hypocritical c**t though.

I personally don't think there's such a catchment as "pro SNP" (or indeed most political parties) that allows for such glib generalisations.

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