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Holyrood '16 polls and predictions


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If the unionist parties have any sense - I'm look mainly at you, Labour - they'll have their own yes campaigns next time round rather than one that encompasses all of them. I think the battering they took was in part down to the fact they aligned themselves with the Tories, even down to sharing a stage with them.


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Project Fear paying off massively with certain demographics and some failings in the Yes campaign both contributed to the outcome. This is so blatantly the case that I don't actually respect the opinion of anyone who only comes down on one side of this.

I'd like to think both sides of this will prove more problematic for the No side next time. Scaremongering will certainly be a much harder proposition. With the continued decline of tradiotional media, it's going to be damn hard to spin the same guff - especially with every speech/leaflet/policy doc from last time getting easily brought up.

The other side of it is more hope than expectancy but I'd like to see a future Yes campaign learn from their predecessors' mistakes. No guarantees there though.

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^^^ the benefit of H_B on this forum, right there.

Agree with the majority of this post. I don't think yes spent more than no in the end though.

If the unionist parties have any sense - I'm look mainly at you, Labour - they'll have their own no campaigns next time round rather than one that encompasses all of them. I think the battering they took was in part down to the fact they aligned themselves with the Tories, even down to sharing a stage with them.

No has to be positive about the UK next time - I don't think they can rely on fear/smear again in a referendum. You just need to look at how dimly that chat was viewed during the general election campaign.

The Yes side did not pick the question, It was formulated by the Electoral Commission. See what happens when you agree with that lying c**t, H_B?

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Second seat was always going to be a fight between labour and the greens. Labour put effort into it and got in. Three labour and one SNP is the make up of the ward now iirc.

Next council, there's no way labour will return three, one will go to Greens. It could come down to where your name is on the ballot paper.

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The Yes side did not pick the question, It was formulated by the Electoral Commission. See what happens when you agree with that lying c**t, H_B?

Oh dear Darien Parp.

Yet another disaster for you here. The Electoral Commission did not pick the question. The SNP government did.

What a clown!

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In Sept 2013 TNS had Yes: 25% Look where we are in 2 years!

In August 2011 TNS/BMRB had No on 38%.

Look at the triumphant march from that to last year's 55% +

Astonishing transformation...

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In August 2011 TNS/BMRB had No on 38%.

Look at the triumphant march from that to last year's 55% +

Astonishing transformation...

In August 2011 IPOS/ Mori had No on 60% and YouGov/ Scotsman had No on 57%


Where did it all go wrong? Astonishing losses.

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