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Holyrood '16 polls and predictions


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Are you disputing these figures thicko?

Which of them are you casting doubt on?

Nice to see you skimming over the facts Anthony.

Can't say I blame you for ignorning my post as it shows what an abject fanny you truly are.

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Nice to see you skimming over the facts Anthony.

Can't say I blame you for ignorning my post as it shows what an abject fanny you truly are.

I'd have thought after your abject humilation on the Catalonia thread, you'd be avoiding all talk of polling to be honest....

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I'd have thought after your abject humilation on the Catalonia thread, you'd be avoiding all talk of polling to be honest....

Now I have you attention, perhaps you could comment on the following:

In August 2011 IPOS/ Mori had No on 60% and YouGov/ Scotsman had No on 57%

Why then did No eventually nosedive to a mere 55%?

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Are you disputing these figures thicko?

Which of them are you casting doubt on?

What I'm saying is I seen you getting pumped about this subject only a few weeks ago you complete and utter dick. Cherrypicked figures mean nothing.

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The Yes campaign had an awful lot of advantages also. They picked the date, the question, the franchise and took for themselves the "positive" side of the debate. They enjoyed a massive financial advantage also, and cominated social media and grassroots campaigning.

If only we had the banks, the supermarket giants, the BBC, ITV, Radio, the newspapers and various international politicians like President Obama on our side then it could have been so different eh? We didn't even have Kermit the Frog....

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If only we had the banks, the supermarket giants, the BBC, ITV, Radio, the newspapers and various international politicians like President Obama on our side then it could have been so different eh? We didn't even have Kermit the Frog....

Never mind kermit,Supergran was free.


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Well the SNP running of the police is shambolic. They have taken a world class police service and ruined it totally with this merger. It doesn't work.

Compared to likes of s yorkshire with their Hillsborough n Rotherham child abuse scandals, the met with its institutional racism n corruption police Scotland is in far better shape. There is clearly plenty of improvement needed but the unionist desire to classify it as a force in crisis is risible compared to the state of many forces down south. Its illustrative of the base problem with current unionism.....desperate to find any stick to hit snp with rather than make a coherent positive case for the union.....this inability to find a positive way to campaign is doing the snps job for it. The 'get over the referendum ' rhetoric does the unionist case more damage than good. Its represents a fundamental lack of insight into the Scottish electorate who traditionally dont like to be dictated to. Hence snp have been very careful not to use same sort of language following general election and were careful to stress that they want to represent all voters irrespective of how they voted. Unionists sound like they are scared of continued democratic process....why? If they have a strong enough case Scotland will never vote yes.....but instead they are whining about another Referendum. .....if the electorate wants one then there should be one.....simple democratic process. There is no such thing as a 'forever more' electoral decision....otherwise why keep having elections for govt?

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Compared to likes of s yorkshire with their Hillsborough n Rotherham child abuse scandals, the met with its institutional racism n corruption police Scotland is in far better shape.

Classic whataboutery...

What on earth does that have to do with the police leaving a crash victim to die near Stirling because of their pisspoorness?

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Classic whataboutery...

What on earth does that have to do with the police leaving a crash victim to die near Stirling because of their pisspoorness?

How tragic using one incident to try and prove a case against Police Scotland.

I believe this incident wasn't even a 999 call.

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How tragic using one incident to try and prove a case against Police Scotland.

I believe this incident wasn't even a 999 call.

Yes, certainly just the one incident of utter incompetence Police Scotland have been involved in...

There certainly won't be a national review of Police Scotland governance and a resignation from the Chief Constable


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SNP holds South Ayrshire Council ward in by-election

The SNP has held a South Ayrshire Council ward following a by-election which was called after the previous incumbent was elected as an MP.

The SNP's John Wallace won the Ayr East ward after the vote on Thursday.

Turnout for the by-election was 34.4%, with 4,006 votes cast out of an electorate of 11,638.

The by-election was called following the resignation of Corri Wilson, who was elected as SNP MP for Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock earlier this year.



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