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No Man's Sky


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Disappointed in you, Mr Cat,if you're basing your reservations off of one or two reviews.

It's a game you have to play and decide for yourself.

Whilst it's not without it's issues, I'm fucking loving it.

It's not one or two reviews though, I've read/watched quite a few and even the best reviews aren't really convincing me to pay full price for it. I'd like to give it a whirl but at a far reduced price.
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I'm in the same boat as cat, I will eventually pick it up but not until it drops to about $30-40. $60 is just too steep for a game which is getting such mixed reviews. I could buy and use the refund but that only gives me.a.2 hour window and to be fair to the game thst wouldn't be long enough to form a honest opinion

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Fanboys are the worst.

They are, nms fanboys sending death threats to anyone who is giving it a negative review and even a negative steam review. Calm doon and enjoy your game, like everything artsie it's all subjective. Just because a fanboy might love it doesn't make someone else's opinion any less valid
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Fanboys are the worst.

Hes not forcing you to change your opinion or spend your money on the game. It's just that if you don't love it or want to buy it then you're wrong and need to be told numerous times how utterly amazing it is.
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On 12/08/2016 at 20:45, NorthernLights said:

There was a small update that downloaded after launch - about 18mb or so.  Since that was applied the fps seems to stable.  When I first installed I noticed the fps drop to under 20. 

Main grip for me at the moment is the fact you can't alt-tab out of the game properly.  I do this a lot when playing games normally on the PC.  In a game like this I can imagine I would want to do that quite a bit to share something cool I'd seen or done.  If you do alt-tab you do get onto the desktop but it impossible to restore the game and you need to kill it and launch again.  Hopefully they fix that sooner rather then later. 

So far I've just finished repairing my ship.  Looking forward to getting off the planet, which I have named Kinker after the village I grew up in.

Ive had that with games too. Running it in windowed mode, but at the same resolution as the monitor usually fixes it

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I've managed to get myself lost in space last night.

I was having a blast in my starting system -- my frozen, red planet and moons were full of gold and iron and I developed a good standing with the aliens who were mainly interested in trading the stuff.  My plan was to hang about for a good while to save up for a big space-ship and then head toward the centre.

I decided to jump to the next star system with my little starting ship just to try out the jump mechanic -- I ended up in the middle of a space-fight, I s*** it, so I turned around to jump back to my first star system but ended up clicking on the wrong direction and jumped to a completely different system.  Now got no idea how to get back, and stuck with not much money and fairly barren planets.  Jumping back on tonight to see if I can find a way back.

I miss my red, frozen planet :lol:


Edited by ScotlandGer
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I completely understand why this game has negative reviews but I love it.

Yes some of the creatures look shit and there are many, many dead wasteland planets but that makes it all the better when you finally discover a cracking giant crab or dinosaur.

The grinding and exploration is right up my street, thoroughly enjoying plodding through space.

Right now on a lush planet full of life and quite frankly I don't want to leave.

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After playing it a lot more, I'd say it's still a solid 6.5ish.  I'm still going to sink a stupid number of hours into it, but In most areas it's a missed opportunity.  Any future updates could push that higher, as there are plans for adding new features.  Will be very interesting to see what they come up with.

I found a planet covered in those horrible maze caves, but then realised there were absolutely hunners of Albumen Pearls hidden away in there.  Dumped all my stuff and filled up both my suit and the ship with them and sold them all up on the space station.  About 500k a load.  If it wasn't incredibly dull you could make an absolute killing just going back and forth picking them up.  Already picked up a 1m+ ship off the back of it.

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So it appears the mods are coming out on PC already...including one that address one of my biggest grips. http://nomansskymods.com/mods/lowflight-by-hytek-packed/

So it would appear that it was a design decision for the game to prevent the player from flying low......poor show.



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I landed on a pretty much lifeless planet.  One of the ones that says that Flora and Fauna are undetected.  Floating islands over a mostly water-based planet.  Lovely, so I set off and landed the ship on one of the islands so I could get to an undiscovered location under water.  Found it, then realised that my jetpack didn't have the juice to make it back up to meet the ship.  Now wondering an absolute wasteland of a planet to either find the materials to improve my jetpack (I need Omegon.  What the f**k is Omegon?) or one of the ship call points.  

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I landed on a pretty much lifeless planet.  One of the ones that says that Flora and Fauna are undetected.  Floating islands over a mostly water-based planet.  Lovely, so I set off and landed the ship on one of the islands so I could get to an undiscovered location under water.  Found it, then realised that my jetpack didn't have the juice to make it back up to meet the ship.  Now wondering an absolute wasteland of a planet to either find the materials to improve my jetpack (I need Omegon.  What the f**k is Omegon?) or one of the ship call points.  

Just kill yourself and respawn.....
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