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No Man's Sky


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I'm going to say that it's quite good. I can definitely waste hours on end on it. Found a moon that was COVERED in gold, actual towers of gold that were pretty deep into the ground. Will post some pictures later of the beauty.

Think people dislike the sheer lack of direction you get in regards to the game objective though. You can get through it quite quickly if you want though.

Combat is limited. I've not really had to fight anyone at all.

NPC interaction is sparse but it can be funny and surprising sometimes. Learning languages of various alien races is fun.

One thing I'll commend it for greatly is its ability to make you absolutely gobsmacked at the scale and size of the planets and moons you go to. Got some cracking screenshots of lovely views.

8/10 for me. Hopefully with some DLC, it will realise it's original promise and potential.

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55 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

8/10 for me. Hopefully with some DLC, it will realise it's original promise and potential.

Is that going to be free though? Seems like there are literally dozens of major and minor features promised or suggested in the build up to release that didn't end up in the release. Bit of a rip off for such a full price game.

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Is that going to be free though? Seems like there are literally dozens of major and minor features promised or suggested in the build up to release that didn't end up in the release. Bit of a rip off for such a full price game.

Hopefully it's free. I think the developers promised that the updates would be free of charge. Could be wrong though. I didn't buy it anyway, got it for my birthday. [emoji23]
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15 minutes ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

£15 mark

The problem with the 15 quid mark is that the project probably wouldn't have been feasible. It's basically a small company trying to produce a AAA featured game, and getting caught with their pants down. Kudos to them for trying, but they clearly bit off more than they could chew.

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1 hour ago, banana said:

The problem with the 15 quid mark is that the project probably wouldn't have been feasible. It's basically a small company trying to produce a AAA featured game, and getting caught with their pants down. Kudos to them for trying, but they clearly bit off more than they could chew.

Nah, the problem was that Sony got involved and massively over hyped the game as a exclusive title. For what little you get with the game £15 is more than reasonable 

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15 minutes ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

Nah, the problem was that Sony got involved and massively over hyped the game as a exclusive title. For what little you get with the game £15 is more than reasonable 

I don't think Sony's blame can be in them over-hyping.  They can be blamed for not reining in Sean Murray.  Through all the wailing and gnashing of teeth, it just looks to me like they threw a guy out there who was immensely proud of his game, and promised things that he really, really wanted to deliver.  A lot of them probably got left on the cutting room floor, so they shouldn't have let the guy go out and do that.  I don't think any of it was malicious in any way, just inexperience and exuberance.  It's a real shame, because there's several aspects to the game that are either good ideas, or have the nucleus of something great.  All combined together, you've got a decent product, but one that could - and should - have been so much more.  

For example, I think the language stuff is pretty underrated.  It's quite original in that you have these aliens that you have no chance in understanding, but there's a mechanism in the game that allows you to gain an understanding slowly.  Unfortunately, like a lot of things in the game it feels like something that needed a few extra steps to really make it to brilliant.

DLC wise too, I'm not really sure where they can go with it.  They've burned a lot of the bridges they had with the player base, and by the sounds of it numbers have dropped off a cliff.  Is there really any feature they could add in that would make people flock back?  Multiplayer could be added, but by design you're extremely unlikely to ever meet anyone.  Base building...what's really the point?  The game isn't about that.  They essentially need to build another game on top of it.

Personally I'm now just about done with the game.  I'm now making the largest warp hops I can just so I can make it to the center and feel like I've "completed" the game.  I was really enjoying the discovery aspect and trying to 100% each one, but there just isn't enough there to hold your attention for as long as you require to do that.  I've maxed out my exo suit and got the upgrades I feel I need.  I managed to mine enough Gold, Emeril and Albumen Pearls to get enough credit to pick up a decent sized ship, and then spent a long time getting the upgrades to allow me to warp long distances.  Now it's just like "what's the point?".  I'll get to the center, and then I think that''ll be me.  I've still got the Witcher to finish, and finally picked up the season pass for Fallout 4.  

I'd downgrade the score I originally gave it (6.5 I believe) to a generous 6.  I don't want to place it at 5 as I think that's a little unfair.  It's above average, and there's enough in there that makes me want to come back to it.  But it's a massive missed opportunity, and that's the saddest thing.

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I bought my copy for £38 and sold it for £28.  I got half a dozen hours out of it, but after a few days off I didn't have the motivation to return.  Brilliant first impressions, but fundamentally it's a shallow, repetitive game that needs a lot more content added.  Life's too short.

Edited by bunglebonce
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4 hours ago, Bairney The Dinosaur said:

Reckon I'm still going to buy it, but perhaps when the price falls to about £25.

I'm looking for a game that doesn't takes huge amount of thought that I could play while listening to a few podcasts. This sounds perfect.

I like the trials for this it's kind of mindless after you learn how to control the bike, then it's just a case of perfecting each track and trying to get platinum medals.

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I reckon I've only travelled 0.2 Million light years (or whatever it is).  I've jumped about four systems.

I'm still kind of p***ing about getting money / resource slots / bigger ship before I plan to gun it to the centre.

I was on a creepy planet last night with squid things floating still in the air - they didn't scan as animal or rock, but when you shoot them you get some sort of valuable chemical to trade.  I'm fairly sure they move around when you've got your back turned to them (or I'm just imagining that, not sure :lol:

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