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No Man's Sky


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Had an hour or so with it yesterday, and although they've made some good improvements, I found myself struggling to really get into it.  Probably didn't help that I started a completely fresh game (another shit design "feature", you have to manually delete your saves if you want to restart, rather than just having a new game option) but didn't keep my attention very long.

Things I noticed though were that resources are now a lot scarcer, particularly plutonium.  Where before if you landed at any spot on any planet, you'd see plutonium, you now have to actually hunt it out.  Good thing I guess.  The game also looks slightly prettier with the fixes.  Still some horrendous pop-in, but not quite as pronounced.  Animals also herd a bit more.  Herd is probably pushing it a bit far, but you now see more than 3 together, so a bit more realistic.  Got dropped into a pit full of those crab things that hate you.

I also tried Survival mode, which is...interesting.  I can see it being a love/hate thing.  I was put on a frozen planet, 6 minutes away from my ship next to some buildings.  I got a few resources and took shelter before setting off.  I was still 3 minutes away from the ship when my life support died (I'd already charged it once with what meagre stuff I could find) and only about 30 secs later I died, kicked all the way back to where I started.  I can see it being a nice challenge, but I'm not really sure I ever could have succeeded in that particular scenario.  Hopefully it's just a random selection thing and isn't the norm.


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  • 1 month later...

I've started playing this again after ignoring it for months. The 1st time I played it when it was released, I only played it for a week before becoming really bored with it.

Like forameus says it does look better, (I think) and there is definitely more creatures roaming about in quite large numbers on some of the planets and it doesn't seem as buggy. The base building has added more depth to the game but it brings it's own frustrations.

I've spent two days searching for a Armourer for my base, two fucking days! This means searching and crafting the materials for the warp drive which depending on the solar system can take hours to do. Once I move to a new system, I check the Space Station only to find that instead of finding the armourer I need, I always seem to get a farmer which I already have.

I should find this really annoying and should quit the game again but I'm actually really enjoying just exploring and wasting time on this whilst I catch up with all my podcasts. Once I find an Armourer or finish my podcasts I'll not play it again for months, hopefully with more upgrades and things to do.

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Did you find fide?

No unfortunately not, I am looking for interesting and intelligent lifeforms though. If I find him I'll let you and the rest of the forum know.
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  • 1 month later...

It's back!  Another huge update apparently, and although it looks like a lot of stuff that should have been there MUCH earlier in the life of the game, it proves they're at least trying to make up some of the faith they burned up.  Not sure if it's going to be anywhere near enough to tempt me back.  Might give it a few hours to see if it'll  hold my interest again, particularly the Permadeath mode.

Pathfinder Update

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On ‎14‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 23:55, Tamdunk said:

Did you find fide?


On ‎15‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 08:08, XIII said:

Has he actually posted anywhere else on here since he vanished?


On ‎15‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 15:45, t1t3h said:



No unfortunately not, I am looking for interesting and intelligent lifeforms though. If I find him I'll let you and the rest of the forum know.



On ‎16‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 10:54, XIII said:


Here I am.  Dreadfully sorry for disappearing on you all.  I had cancer you see.  It's quite the c**t, as it turns out.

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I'm not as sold on the multiplayer as some.  The problem was their intimation that it would be there.  It makes sense that this is a game that you spend largely alone, feeling like something really small in something really large.  But some sort of co-op play would've made things a lot better for some, at the very least a chance that you can meet other people rather than the talking in riddles excuse they gave (different timezones, guv, honest)

Again though, everything they've added should have been in the game from the start in some form.  Had they had these two updates in at the start, they'd probably have been alright.  Still not an amazing game, but a solid one.  

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21 hours ago, Fide said:




Here I am.  Dreadfully sorry for disappearing on you all.  I had cancer you see.  It's quite the c**t, as it turns out.

As returns go that's basically this:


Hope all is well.

Edited by KnightswoodBear
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What's it at now then?  I've no idea what it's 40% off of :P I think I paid around 40 for it new, if I was getting 40% off that, putting it to a touch over 20, I'd say that's a pretty good deal.  That's purely based on how many hours I got out of it though, so mileage may vary.

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