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The Greenock Morton Thread - It's Better Than Yours

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

It's the club that I follow

Thankx for clearing that up - it's really hard to tell sometimes as it often seems that for you the club adherence is just a means to an end giving you a licence to troll. Though I do appreciate your use of the word "follow"as opposed to "support", which is something else entirely.

By the way, thought the team you "support" is Gretna?




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5 minutes ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

Morton fans eating themselves alive as per usual, but the rank stench of bitterness and abandonment emanating from this post is quite, quite delightful.

Almost as delightful as the nine point gap between ourselves and Falkirk. Which is still an even larger gap than what it was when Snake snaked off despite our poor form.

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3 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Almost as delightful as the nine point gap between ourselves and Falkirk. Which is still an even larger gap than what it was when Snake snaked off despite our poor form.

Do you think you will still have a 9 point gap at the end of the season?

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3 hours ago, virginton said:

Says the Walter Mitty fantasist who got banned from the Morton forum for being a racist. Swing and a miss. 

You know that’s not true Doc. When “Coach”  took over as a Mod he simply deleted a few accounts, my old one included. I am still active over there under a different account etc.

Thats the same coach by the way who uses sock puppet accounts to malign coleaagues in breach of SFA Disciplinary Rules 72 & 73.  What a plonker!

By the way I see one of your objects of affection, Davie Irons was binned for six matches recently. You know how to pick ‘em. 

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3 hours ago, Ranaldo Bairn said:

Morton fans eating themselves alive as per usual, but the rank stench of bitterness and abandonment emanating from this post is quite, quite delightful.

^^^.scrambling for any iota of relevance for his sinking club.

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3 hours ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Think it's yourself disgracing the name of Hoxha with the revisionism this time...

The main arguments against the squad now is there is no potency and the games are ponderous, with little attacking threat, coupled with a lack of pace and the defence is often all over the place with little help from the fullbacks putting pressure on central defensive partnership(s) prone to lapses in concentration. Going by the Morton board chat after each of our games under King Snake...

Ayr match thread...

"until we get denny fit n either jai or someone else in we're stuck with mchugh so it might be funny but thats all we have just now which is not ideal."

We still only have McHugh and the seaside league quality Thompson. We've lost Oliver, the only piece of creativity we had in the final third, I'd argue we're in a worse position upfront now than we were when this was posted on the 11th of July. King Snake (and Duffy) left us hanging with our options upfront.

"We have no shape no motivation. A lot of huffing and puffing. But nowt else"

This has been the same for every game this season with the exception of Partick at home

"Nothing up front. Nothing."

Five months later. Still nothing

"Getting pumped is never good but McKinnon all but admitted in his previous match interview that this would be like a warm up game. Still building his squad, players injured etc."

Our starting XI that day was Scully, Kilday, Iredale, Buchanan, Waddell, Telfer, Millar, McAlister, oliver, Tidser and MacLean. The manager admitted he needed reinforcements in key areas yet we're still playing, near enough, the same XI. He either never brought them in or brought in players no better than what we had like Tumilty or McKeown.

"Probably the only player who's even a candidate for pass marks is Millar, but we're going to need energy in midfield beside him"

Still awaiting a player who can bring energy to the midfield.

"We have very little pace in the squad, and hardly any goal threat."

Still the case...

"From being there 3·1 flattered them. Defence torn apart & toothless up front. "

So after our first game of the seasons the fans could see we had nothing upfront and a lack of dynamism in midfield, especially when we never had the ball, and those issues weren't rectified by King Snake. JJ can't rectify those things as manager as no coach in the world can turn young Lyons into Kante in three months and no coach in the world can take ten years off the legs of McAllister or Millar. He's stuck with four strikers: lump of wood Thomson, the imaginary Bell, supersub McHugh and permacrocked Johnstone.

Partick match thread...

"Michael Tidser is playing at left centre back"

At least JJ hasn't attempted this nonsense which only showed up how short we were of centrebacks (or how the ones we had weren't trusted). King Snake didn't rectify this.

"frustrating that we obviously lack so much up top"

This hasn't changed.

"failure to stop the cut back and the sleepy defenders failed to spot the runner coming in and the back post."

McKinnon's full back, Tumilty, being shite and McKinnon's centreback, Buchanan, not paying attention IIRC.

"Hoping Ray has some quality up his sleeve as we badly need more additions , the bench highlights that perfectly"

He didn't have anything up his sleeve but a bus ticket to Falkirk leaving us with the gubbins squad he left us. His only signing from this point forward was Rory McKeown was it not?

against Stenhousemuir

"Bit worried about defence. Not sure strap is ready for this level consistently yet and Tumility looked decent going forward but really didn't seem fond of tracking back which left the central defenders exposed at times. "

Even against League One's worst team our defence, cultivated almost entirely by Snake, was looking dodgy. It still looks dodgy. Kilday's lost all semblance of form, Buchanan's hit and miss, Tumilty can't defend and McKeown's bang average.

v QotS

"In a shocking turn of events Nothing is sticking up front with McHugh "

"Kilday and Buchanan all over the place at the back. "

"Loads of effort in the team but nothing up front. A ridiculous double save from Scully means we are still level. "

"A competent defence and we stroll a 2 nil win. Piss poor defending "

"Central defence and up front are our problem areas. See kilday is taking some stick but I think Buchanan was the poorer of the 2. We also offered very little upfront. Ideally McHugh needs to go and we can bring in another option. "

Still the same issues plaguing us. If it wasn't for Scully wonder saves we woulda been 2-0 down and despite, somehow, getting into a 2 goal lead we still couldn't defend and lost all energy in midfield as QotS over ran us to gain a draw. Every issue we have with JJ's reign can be epitomised in the last twenty minutes of this game.

V Alloa

"We've weakened every defensive position."

"Midfield faded badly again"

"The biggest issue for me though remains up top"

Weak defence, slow, tiring, aging midfield and nothing upfront. This was during our "peak" of the season as well.

v Dumbarton

"This is a riddy."

Yes it was. The argument that we played the weans doesn't make it less of a riddy. The worst Dumbarton team in a decade beat us and it showed up that we had absolutely no strength in depth in the squad and it required numbers. Either McKinnon thought what he had was good enough, in which case he's an idiot, or he spunked all his money on Millar, Jim, Johnstone and the conglomerate of charlatans he procured (so still an idiot) or he knew he was off to Falkirk and didn't give a f**k. Either way he left JJ with below average starting XI and nothing in the way of depth to allow him to manage his way out of it until January.

v Ross County

"Centre backs still worry me."

"Midfield works hard but too much reliance on Tidser for creativity."

We go top of the league by beating league favourites and fans are still worried about the defence and midfield. Says it all really. We are entirely reliant on Tidser for creativity but, on the other hand, he's slower than a week in the jail and, with no pace or energy in midfield to cover for him when we lose the ball, we need to flodd the midfield and/or sit deep which can nullify his influence if the opposition bothers marking him or adjusting their tactics accordingly. Settng the team up around Tidser is the calling card of idiots in the Morton support who can't seem to grasp that doing so gives us only one attacking threat which is fairly easily snuffed out.

King Snake left us with a mid table starting XI, with glaring deficiencies, and nothing in depth to fix it until the January transfer window. JJ hasn't impressed me so far but he's not far off par. One or two signings isn't gonna make us challenge at the top but it might allow us to play to some of the squad's strengths or plug up some of the issues the squad faces. Once he's made those changes then we can properly ascertain if he has the capabilities to take us further or we're better cutting our losses.

The only positive from McKinnon's time at Cappielow is that he clearly knows nothing about signing players so we can enjoy Falkirk's continued sink to the diddy leagues as the dross Snake brings in to Grangemouth will probably be on a par with the dross agent Hartley brought in.


Too long; didn't read. 

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3 hours ago, Rudolph Hucker said:

Thankx for clearing that up - it's really hard to tell sometimes as it often seems that for you the club adherence is just a means to an end giving you a licence to troll. Though I do appreciate your use of the word "follow"as opposed to "support", which is something else entirely.

By the way, thought the team you "support" is Gretna?

I don't use the word 'support' precisely because it enables gormless morons like yourself to harrumph at anything that isn't happy-clapping drivel to prop up the current, crap regime. That isn't how a football fanbase works though; thanks for playing anyway. 

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

I don't use the word 'support' precisely because it enables gormless morons like yourself to harrumph at anything that isn't happy-clapping drivel to prop up the current, crap regime. That isn't how a football fanbase works though; thanks for playing anyway. 

Harrumph, you really don’t do this syntax malarkey do you. 

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2 hours ago, virginton said:

I don't use the word 'support' precisely because it enables gormless morons like yourself to harrumph at anything that isn't happy-clapping drivel to prop up the current, crap regime. That isn't how a football fanbase works though; thanks for playing anyway. 

I’m far from being a moron, I possess an ample sufficiency of gorm thank you very much and I’ve never been known to happyclap. I’ve told you before that your insults are like water off a duck’s back to me, it would take a much better man than you’ll ever grow up to be to get under my skin and with your juvenile pish you’re just wasting your time and, more importantly, mine.

As far as JJ is concerned I’ve been for from impressed by much of the football I’ve seen under him and remain to be convinced that he will prove to be even a competent manager. 

However, you are yet again either missing or avoiding my point, which is this: whether you like it or not, and you quite obviously don’t, the man is here to stay - for the short to medium term at least - and there is nothing anyone outside of the boardroom can do about that. You’ve voiced your displeasure long and loud and often about his performance as manager to date, as have a few others. We get it. We got it the first time and we continue to get it on a daily basis. There is no fucking need for you to go on and on about him day after fucking day, we know where you stand on his stewardship and the constant negnegnegging from you and the other hysterical knickerwetters will achieve nothing other than boring the rest of us crapless. Criticise him and his team selections or tactics after games if you feel he deserves it, but in between times give it a fucking rest for a while.

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Why is it up to you what he, or anyone else for that matter, posts about? VT’s patter aside, If folk want to complain they’re well within their rights to, regardless of how long the manager is going to be here for. Martin Canning is unlikely to ever be sacked by Hamilton despite being a complete buffoon - are Hamilton fans to just shut up and get on with it then? It’s an internet forum, complaining is a very big part of it.

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9 hours ago, TheGoon said:

Why is it up to you what he, or anyone else for that matter, posts about? VT’s patter aside, If folk want to complain they’re well within their rights to, regardless of how long the manager is going to be here for. Martin Canning is unlikely to ever be sacked by Hamilton despite being a complete buffoon - are Hamilton fans to just shut up and get on with it then? It’s an internet forum, complaining is a very big part of it.

It’s not up to me and I never said it was. And I’d hate to take the blame for much of his output. 

Your post answers your own question though. He and the other knickerwetters have every right to post however much crap they want, whether it be about JJ’s competence or the colour of Holly Willoughby’s bush or whether BoJo or Rees-Mogg is the bigger arsehole, and if I get bored by it then equally I have every right to say so. I don’t like what they’ve been saying, or more accurately the number of times they insist on saying it, and they don’t have to like what I’ve been saying. They still have the right to say it and I have the right to say it bores me out of my skull. They also have the right to remain silent and it would be great if they'd use it a little more.

Complaining and generally moaning is indeed a huge part of these forums. I complained about a few persistent complainers. Big deal. Go complain about it.

Edited by Rudolph Hucker
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