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Scott Allan

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Hibs should be sanctioned for their behavior by FIFA or someone, what if Rangers don't win the league because they keep Allan? Did they think of that?

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What's with all the hate towards Stubbsy? I can understand the jealousy from fans of clubs like Falkirk who have an utter cretin in charge like Peter Houston.

He is a bell

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I really can't see that Hibs or Stubbs have done anything wrong in this situation. The **** put in a derisory bid (payment terms to be negotiated) and we made it public to get it up them. We won't sell to them and if Allan won't go anywhere else then he sucks it up and plays for us for the season, he signed the contract after all. If another team comes in we get a lovely cash boost and are able to strengthen the squad in a few areas with the added bonus that the **** will be raging.

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It's actually Scott Allan's doing for throwing the toys out the pram, but whatever.

That is most definitely true. He'll be gutted when he realises his beloved **** cant afford to buy him in this window.

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It's actually Scott Allan's doing for throwing the toys out the pram, but whatever.

I agree with you, all he had to do was stay quiet, sign a PCA in January and walk away. His pettiness, combined with the arrogance of both Rangers and their fans have forced Hibs hands.

Of course, the media will twist it all so Hibs are the bad guys, Scott Allan is a saint & Rangers are where he truly belongs.

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That's a few very speculative posts to say the least from you in this thread Mystic Meg.

Lol! I'm not Mystic Meg and I'm not Tedi and he is not me!

I kind of know how it works. Tho have to say this is very interesting. Hibs have rubber stamped the 'very interesting' by stating that they will not sell to Rangers. Warburton is an ex-trader, a fox. The reason I think that he does want Allan, is Allan's transfer request. However if he always knew from the start that Hibs would not sell to Rangers and this could well be the case. He has not let it drop. By continuing the saga with bids that Hibs wouldn't accept from any club. He has caused major unrest within Hibs. Their best player, their fans, their head coach, their board, their morale, their confidence, their preparations, their players team spirit. So even if he doesn't sign Allan. Job done!

Hibs are a good team especially when full strength and more so with Allan and can get back on the rails when this ends but it will not be easy!

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Not sure what Rangers have done wrong in this myself.

Hows about unsettling a player and team that is under contract? Surely they could wait till the next window when thry coukd rightly contsct the player and agree a ore contract agreement, how would the rsngers like it if it was on the other foot?
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SUPERSOUTH, on 28 Jul 2015 - 22:06, said:

Hows about unsettling a player and team that is under contract?

Okay, we'll start here. 1) A team that is under contract? 2) Even if it's an unsettling job, what this has done is show Scott Allan doesn't want to be there. This is his problem. Not Rangers'.

they could wait till the next window when thry coukd rightly contsct the player and agree a ore contract agreement, how would the rsngers like it if it was on the other foot?

They could, but maybe they don't want to. Maybe they want to pay a fee for Scott Allan now. Novel concept I know, but these things called transfers.

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