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Mr Rational

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Given the Tories hold the overall majority and the speaker is one of their own, I think it is naive to assume that the mainstream Scottish interpretaion of what should be seen as a UK-wide issue for Barnett formula related funding reasons will be the one that will be adopted. The reason they conceded extra income tax powers was probably to be able to claim that Holyrood now has the tools it needs (misleadingly in my opinion) to set its own agenda fiscally. Once an English rather than a British agenda deliberately starts to be pursued it sets in motion a train of events that otherwise would not have happened. The fun will really start at the next election when EVEL becomes one of the key wedge issue between Labour and the Tories.

It will be interesting to see whether Labour is wearing its left or right glove when that time comes. They could either be massively in favour of EVEL or massively against it, depending on what they perceive will win the support of middle England (principles or actual beliefs need not apply).

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Given the Tories hold the overall majority and the speaker is one of their own...

He may have originally come from the Tories, but Bercow is certainly not "one of them".

He frequently makes life difficult for the government to the extent that the last meaningful act of the previous Parliament was an attempt to unseat him by changing the rules on electing the Speaker.

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Here's a question.

Suppose Westminster wants to discuss a policy which is ruled to be English only under EVEL.

Implementing any policy costs money.

We only have a certain amount of money in the UK.

So a portion of that money is spent on this "English only" policy.

By definition that leaves less in the pot for every other country in the UK.

And not a single MP outside England will have had any say in that whatsoever.

3 other UK nations will rightly feel mightily pissed off about this.

In what way do supporters of EVEL not realise that this is an own goal for the UK?

Kills labour stone dead also.

Speeds up independence imo

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This should test the Scotch cringe / Stockholm Syndrome mindset to the maximum.

Westminster ruling on the role of our elected representatives against the wishes of 58/59 of them. That'll be our fault for getting all uppity and annoying. What were we thinking? :(

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Of course he is. He is a servile spineless cap tipping unionist. He couldn't give a shite about Scotland. No unionist does....

This should test the Scotch cringe / Stockholm Syndrome mindset to the maximum.

Westminster ruling on the role of our elected representatives against the wishes of 58/59 of them. That'll be our fault for getting all uppity and annoying. What were we thinking? :(

It's very much like the former Scottish Labour MP, whose name escapes me who said that he would oppose independence, even if it was categorically show to improve the lives of his constituents.

The very worst kind of nationalism is British nationalism. It's myopic and Unionists have got a cheek when they get on their nationalist high horse.

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Scots have a bad name?

No they don't. A well liked people in my experience. Yes, there are plenty of curtain twitching middle Englanders (and probably the PUL Comminity) regularly punching in their keyboards on the BBC and Daily Mail comments sections about the jocks but who cares about them? As Ewan McGregor would say, "they're just wankers".

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By the way Kev the D. What you think of your master Cameron negotiating with China?


"Scotland and China


A joint government business forum to support increased introductions between Chinese and Scottish companies has been agreed in talks with China's Ministry of Commerce, First Minister Alex Salmond said today as he returned from the Far East nation.

Mr Salmond met Vice Minister Chen Jian on Tuesday at the Ministry of Commerce in Beijing, where it was agreed to establish a bilateral high-level forum to facilitate Scottish and Chinese company introductions, with meetings held alternately in the two countries."

"The First Minister added:

"This week's delegation to China has been a huge success, with great progress made in strengthening and deepening the diplomatic, cultural and economic engagement between our two countries."

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^ I had not read the whole thread. Personally, I'm opposed to large deals with China that leave our taxpayers with too lots of debt and financial risk.

The Chinese economy is in a precarious state due to the high levels of government and corporate debt. Chinese investors are rightly nervous about economic growth as the recent drop in the stock market showed.

We should not forget that Chinese firms have bought up British firms and then transferred manufacturing to Asia. Pringle is a classic example.

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