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Humerous Game of Thrones moments

DA Baracus

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- Hodor shouting down the well at the Wall

- “Lots of people name their swords.”

“Lots of c***s!”

- Edmure Tully missing Hoster Tully’s funeral barge with the flaming arrows

- Stannis Baratheon’s grammar lessons

- “Would you shup up!”

“I can’t sleep until I say the names.”

“The names of every fucking person in Westeros?!”

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1. "It's a shame the throne isn't made of cocks, they'd have never got him off it"

2. "Grand Maester Pycelle made that same joke, you must be proud to be as funny as a man whose balls brush his knees"

3. "Do you lie awake at night fearing my gash?"

4. "Let them die, less enemies for us"....."Fewer"

5. Littlefinger's new accent debuting in season 2

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