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MONKMAN last won the day on April 30 2015

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    Queen of the South

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  1. So the £20B black hole that Labour repeatedly insisted was lies, turns out to be true. Who'd have thought it.
  2. Guy a work who’s in a made up middle management job just found out yesterday that his position is being made redundant. This comes as a surprise to nobody as the position didn’t exist a couple of years ago and we managed perfectly fine without it. Anyway, he chairs the end of day multi-department teams call and this is when he decided to tell us all his sad news whilst fighting back the tears. He hadn’t even finished his teary farewell when several people on the call started openly discussing and jokingly arguing over who would be taking his office. The guy losing his job is a complete knob who likes to talk about how much cash he’s got and the several properties he owns, so I couldn’t help but see the funny side of it.
  3. Sinner has withdrawn from Olympics with tonsiittis.
  4. That's the bizarre thing about many American politicians. A lot of them come across as monumentally thick, but but then you see that they come from Ivy League law schools. Vance at Yale, Cruz at Harvard etc
  5. Odds on a Harris win have come in from 9/4 to 6/4 in the last 48 hours. Money clearly going the other way now.
  6. Buttigieg would be the best choice, but it's just not going to happen for the obvious reason. The Republicans seem to have gone into absolute meltdown the past 2 days.
  7. Add in another $150m pledged from major donors.
  8. Just had a visit half an hour ago from a lovely TV Licensing lady asking if she could gain entry to my house to confirm that my licence exemption is valid. She was told that I do not allow strangers entry to my home unannounced, and that if she wanted to make an appointment to come back at a time and date that suited then I was more than happy to arrange. She told me that visits had to be an unannounced and again requested entry to my property. She was politely told no and I closed the door. Has anyone on here ever had the chap at the door?
  9. I know Terry McDermott's nephew, having worked with him for a few years, and as expected is as diehard Liverpool fan as they come. He was actively posting on Social media yesterday about wanting Spain to win. He'll always say he's "Scouse, not English".
  10. I cant even begin to describe how much I hope Spain win tonight.
  11. Medical timeout surely on the cards for Novax if this carries on.
  12. This is a first set demolition from Alcaraz.
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