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Explosion in Paris


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Seems a lot of media outlets made an arse of themselves last night with the Calais image turning out to be an old one.

I guess its the challenge of trying to keep pace with the likes of Twitter, verification just goes right out the window.

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It's about time Britain, France, America and Russia set aside their differences on Syria, Al Assad etc. Let's focus on a world wide co ordinated response to destroying this vile death cult once and for all

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Scary to think how ruthlessly simple it seemed to be. Mainland Europe is always going to be a lot harder to monitor everyone coming in and out compared to here. You wonder what are the implications of something like this. You have to think that there will be troops on the ground in Syria but could be a clusterfuck unless everyone is involved.

Hopefully the leaders don't give in to ISIS first and foremost and not to the various knuckle dragging bigots out there who want knee jerk reactions.

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Always worth remembering that these attacks aren't some sort of geopolitical statement. Groups like ISIS see concerts, restaurants, football matches as blasphemy and legitimate targets. Remember the intercept around the time of the Glasgow airport attacks - the smae group left a bomb outside a nightclub and were heard to say that no-one could claim "those slags dancing around" were innocent.

This is what they (the radical Islamists, the salafists, the jihadis) believe.

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