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Explosion in Paris


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It's being reported that arrests connected to last night, have been made in Bavaria

There are also reports of last night being linked to Belguim

If this is the case is there a European intelligence service, and if not are we likely to see one soon

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Always worth remembering that these attacks aren't some sort of geopolitical statement. Groups like ISIS see concerts, restaurants, football matches as blasphemy and legitimate targets. Remember the intercept around the time of the Glasgow airport attacks - the smae group left a bomb outside a nightclub and were heard to say that no-one could claim "those slags dancing around" were innocent.

This is what they (the radical Islamists, the salafists, the jihadis) believe.

They also hold us all responsible for the acts of our governments ie. bombing ISIS targets from drones and fighter bombers. They go for soft targets because they get to kill more of us before they're killed, unless they can find a sneaky way in, an attack on a secure Government or military target is likely to end quickly with few deaths and headlines.

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The express is an abomination of a shitrag at the best of times but this is just scraping the bottom of the barrel


Effectively man on twitter says.

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The express is an abomination of a shitrag at the best of times but this is just scraping the bottom of the barrel


Effectively man on twitter says.

How many times do we see these articles? Remember when Lee Rigby's memorial was going to be bombed by ISIS? Remember when ISIS were sending deadly spiders into our plumbing? It's embarrassing these folk are even employed and even more so that folk lap it up.
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How many times do we see these articles? Remember when Lee Rigby's memorial was going to be bombed by ISIS? Remember when ISIS were sending deadly spiders into our plumbing? It's embarrassing these folk are even employed and even more so that folk lap it up.

This is the most worrying aspect and inevitably leads to paranoia.

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