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I google imaged it so I can't be accused of that, and even if what you're saying was true. Your guilt by association tactics wouldn't invalid the quote.

Maybe not, but the 'quote' is invalidated by the very fact that it, erm, isn't a quote.

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I don't like Trump, and I consider him as someone who represents all that's wrong with baby boomer politics. Nor do I like any of the five candidates who have any realistic chance of winning the presidency. Mainly because they're all fundamentally big government types and that we're still going to largely see the same continuations in foreign policy. However, I consider Trump the lesser evil at this point. Sure I can understand people on here who want Sanders to win, but his chances are all but gone now. However, wanting wanting Hilary or Cruz to win at the expense of Trump is pretty low once you've actually researched into their past. There's a reason why MSM (who are 93% leftist authoritarian types), big business and special interest groups (who are reliant on government handouts and monopoly force) and the political class (who want someone whose subservient to them. So they can continue to push their globalist and NWO agenda) hate him. I admire Trump in the sense that he's fearless and doesn't give a f**k. These are qualities that destroy people and groups who are reliant of political correctness and shaming tactics to get their way.


What is it that people are banned from saying because of "political correctness"?

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What is it that people are banned from saying because of "political correctness"?

Because it creates groups of people who you're not allowed to criticize on the basis that they're "victims". There is only two groups of people who are immune from criticism in my mind and that's young children and crazies. It's a collectivist ideology that paints everyone with a broad brush. Being from a certain demographic does not make you a "victim". Like being poor for instance. Likewise, you can be a rich middle aged heterosexual white male and be a victim.

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Because it creates groups of people who you're not allowed to criticize on the basis that they're "victims". There is only two groups of people who are immune from criticism in my mind and that's young children and crazies. It's a collectivist ideology, being from a certain demographic does not make you a "victim". Like being poor for instance. Likewise, you can be a rich middle aged heterosexual white male, but be a victim.


But what does political correctness stop you from saying? You could always put it in a spoiler if you're worried. Trump is allowed to say most Mexican immigrants are rapists, drug dealers and murderers, which is not only politically incorrect, but a total lie. He wasn't punished for it, just got a load more votes.

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Marco Rubio's despairing response to being asked if he could support Donald Trump as the Republican nominee: 



Suspect some of the nasty undercurrent that goes with any US presidential election is getting to him. Do some googling of Rubio and the phrase "bubble boy" and you will quickly find what is flying just below the radar in mainstream media terms at the moment, and in the age of the internet every Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel type from coast to coast will be hearing about it.

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Trump is allowed to say most Mexican immigrants are rapists, drug dealers and murderers, which is not only politically incorrect, but a total lie. He wasn't punished for it, just got a load more votes.

Trump didn't say "most" illegal Mexican were rapists, drug dealer and murders, but that a lot of them were for it to be considered a problem. Using the NAPALT argument (Not All People Are Like That) does not discredit the issue. It just gives cover to things which are clearly wrong and immoral.

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Trump didn't say "most" illegal Mexican were rapists, drug dealer and murders,


I don't think there's room to interpret this in any other way:



“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.â€

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I don't think there's room to interpret this in any other way:

Ok, I've had a look into it, because the circumstances you've presented demands it. Here's the full quote... 


“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people. but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting"



When Trump said that, he was talking about a subset of Mexicans who had entered the country illegally. 


Here's how that was reported... 


"Trump's claim that illegal Mexican immigrants are 'rapists'." - New York Times

"He called Latino immigrants 'criminals' and 'rapists'.'" - Huffington Post

"He referred to Mexicans as 'rapists'." - The Washington Post

"Trump's comment that Mexican immigrants are 'rapists'." - Time Magazine

"Trump called Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals" - Associated Press

"branding Mexican immigrants as immigrants as criminals and rapists." - Hollywood Reporter

"Trump defends calling Mexican immigrants 'rapists'." - CBS News


It's clearly dishonest and based on their dislike of Trump and preference for Hillary Clinton. Which is done purely for the political and economic benefit of those who control the media. Trump is referring to illegal Mexican's; not all Mexican's or ones that have come to the U.S. legally.

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That should have disqualified him from being a serious contender, along with the lunatic halt to Muslim immigration stuff, but this is a party that has had David Duke as an elected reprentative in the past and deliberately pursued Nixon's southern strategy as their path to power.

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There is nothing in that full quote that suggests it is restricted to illegal immigrants.

And even if it were limited to that it would be both staggeringly wrong and still racist.

Trump did not say all or most illegal Mexicans were all these pejorative things. BTW, the term you're looking for is "xenophobic". 

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Trump did not say all or most illegal Mexicans were all these pejorative things. BTW, the term you're looking for is "xenophobic".

You are of course correct. He didn't say that. He didn't distinguish between legal and illegal Mexicans at all. So he was smearing legal migrants too. Hurrah!

He listed drug-dealing, crime and rape and then hastily acknowledged that "some" might be nice people. This means that he thinks "most" are not nice people, and infers that they are respectively, drug-dealers, criminals and rapists.

Also, no, the word I'm looking for is racist. He's also a xenophobe but that's besides the point.

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Some mental pictures from this.

All the nutters are out for Trump. Proper Nazi salutes all over the shop.


I read a decent point that the right don't want the Trump rally to be disrupted but applauded the capture of the federal building in Oregon by a bunch of militia.

So, that was a capture of an unoccupied building miles and miles from the closest city. It was after a completely unjust sentencing of ranchers under anti-terrorism legislation. The judge ignored mandatory minimums as unjust and the Obama Justice Dept appealed to enforce long term sentences on folks who had a different view on how to stop wildfires from threatening their land (it worked) and a small allegedly illegal hunt. A jury for the original case that the judge considered a miscarriage of justice was bused in from the city where people wouldn't understand the different theories of how to deal with rural western forest fires. This was after years of problems where the government had tried to force these ranchers to sell off their land by closing off roads and other such measures. The occupiers didn't hurt anyone and were trying to draw attention to an injustice in a small town that would have been otherwise ignored.

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What is it that people are banned from saying because of "political correctness"?

Apparently arguing against open borders and illegal immigration and suggesting that Islam has something to do with Islamic terrorism if you are in Chicago.

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