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27 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:
27 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

So The Crown Office have asked the enquiry to redact Salmond's submission. 

What do you mean by 'nobody cares, nothing to see here' ?

Are you suggesting that The Crown Office are under the control of the SNP and are acting on their behalf ? That the Lord Advocate is compromising his integrity and his career to somehow help Nicola Sturgeon ?

Edit : I see that Salmond is actually doing exactly that. He's fucking nuts. A fruitloop conspiracy theorist of the highest order, twisted beyond reason as he desperately flails around looking for revenge and trying to stay relevant. 



You are a fuckin idiot.

Edited by The Ghost of B A R P
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2 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Maybe, but at least I was clever enough not to double quote a post. 

That’s a bingo.

As I said, a sleverin idiot, who knows absolutely f**k all about what’s going on... but who decides to shout louder just at the point where even folk who believed Sturgeon are wise enough to take a wee step back.

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3 hours ago, tirso said:

The civil service and the crown office have come out of this looking decidedly dodgy and unaccountable.

One manages to botch probably the most important harassment case in modern Scottish history and the other brought a case with a litany of flimsy material.

The legacy of this is women will not feel confident complaining or feel in power of their complaints.  It's a stain on Scotland however this pans out now.


The most breathtaking part of it is that those directly responsible are still in post, have never at any point even been placed on temporary leave, and indeed, one of them has just received yet another vote of 'full confidence' by the FM. It beggars belief.

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29 minutes ago, The Ghost of B A R P said:


The people who have done more to expose women in this, and therefore undermine confidence in how legitimate complaints will be handled, are the govt and civil service.

And à not guilty verdict is just a not guilty verdict, unless it was arrived at in the face of perjury, or anonymity has been abused in order to conceal a complainer’s earlier involvement in an unlawful civil service process.

Any half-intelligent person should have worked that out by now.

The truth is that the not guilty verdict has been taken as ‘open season’ to try Salmond over and over again... thereby increasing the risk that complainers will be identified (but somehow maintaining the absolute fantasy that the motivation is concern for the women).

I agree with you that in terms of 'exposing' these women to a piss-poor quality of service, reducing their chances of receiving justice, and spoiling the ground for other women who might find themselves in a similar position in future, then yes, the govt and especially so the civil service are absolutely the biggest culprits here.

With regard to 'exposing' the identities of one or more of the complainers, then no, I disagree. Certain actions taken by the govt might have piqued curiosity, but it was very much mainstream media reporting that 'joined the dots' and, unwittingly in my opinion, gave away the identity/identities.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
1 hour ago, The Ghost of B A R P said:

That’s a bingo.

As I said, a sleverin idiot, who knows absolutely f**k all about what’s going on... but who decides to shout louder just at the point where even folk who believed Sturgeon are wise enough to take a wee step back.

Cheers for the feedback Alex. 

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1 hour ago, NotThePars said:


Being awfully needlessly antagonistic here, fella.


Guy makes idiotic post, someone points out that he is a fuckin idiot... (looks around and confirms, yes, I'm on P&B)... what could possibly be 'antagonistic' about that? (Unless of course you prefer mild passive-aggression to actually responding to the substantive points people make...).

1 hour ago, Boo Khaki said:

I agree with you that in terms of 'exposing' these women to a piss-poor quality of service, reducing their chances of receiving justice, and spoiling the ground for other women who might find themselves in a similar position in future, then yes, the govt and especially so the civil service are absolutely the biggest culprits here.

With regard to 'exposing' the identities of one or more of the complainers, then no, I disagree. Certain actions taken by the govt might have piqued curiosity, but it was very much mainstream media reporting that 'joined the dots' and, unwittingly in my opinion, gave away the identity/identities.

If by 'mainstream media reporting', you mean Dani Garavelli, cheerleading for the govt, then yes, I agree.

Nobody's yet pointed out (I guess because they haven't read Salmond's final submission)*, that it was Salmond's legal team who explicitly requested confidentiality for the complainers at a court hearing during the judicial review... a hearing the govt didn't bother to attend. At that stage, of course, no one (lolz) imagined the confidentiality would be necessary in the context of criminal proceedings.


* Apologies to anyone who might not have been able to read the submission because James Wolffe and his Keystone COPFS have made yet another desperate attempt to suppress some of its contents (which will, once again, have absolutely nothing to do with the 'anonymity' of a 'victim').

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52 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Cheers for the feedback Alex. 

Thanks, Nicola... come back in a week or two and we'll run through the contents of your 'posts' again, eh?

(And tell 'Bob' that Stockholm-syndrome level defence of the indefensible will not only damage the prospects of independence, it will, if unchecked, end up risking the existence of the parliament itself. Always happy to help.)

Edited by The Ghost of B A R P
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27 minutes ago, The Ghost of B A R P said:

If by 'mainstream media reporting', you mean Dani Garavelli, cheerleading for the govt, then yes, I agree.


In part Garavelli, but it was an earlier and much more seemingly innocuous piece by another journalist that gave the game away for me. 

To be honest, I think given the fact that Scotland is a relatively small country, politics is insular, and this involves very public and recognisable people, that maintaining confidentiality was always going to be an order of magnitude more difficult to begin with. I think some people would have been able to deduce identities without any media pieces being written at all, but I do feel that certain journos and editors really failed in terms of sitting down and having a bit of a think about whether their 'innocuous' pieces would contribute to 'jigsaw' before they went ahead and published them anyway. 

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1 hour ago, The Ghost of B A R P said:

* Apologies to anyone who might not have been able to read the submission because James Wolffe and his Keystone COPFS have made yet another desperate attempt to suppress some of its contents (which will, once again, have absolutely nothing to do with the 'anonymity' of a 'victim').

It's got to the point where no one's sure if they're reading an original or redacted document... but, guess what, the redactions have f**k all to do with anonymity, and everything to do with Salmond's accusations of Wolffe and Sturgeon.

You live in a country where the head of the prosecution service is not only also a member of the executive... but can apparently countermand both the judiciary and the legislature... in order to protect himself and the executive.

Jesus wept so much there wasn't any fluid left in his body (with thanks to B. Manning).

They're going to get Holyrood shut down.

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5 minutes ago, The Ghost of B A R P said:

It's got to the point where no one's sure if they're reading an original or redacted document... but, guess what, the redactions have f**k all to do with anonymity, and everything to do with Salmond's accusations of Wolffe and Sturgeon.

You live in a country where the head of the prosecution service is not only also a member of the executive... but can apparently countermand both the judiciary and the legislature... in order to protect himself and the executive.

Jesus wept so much there wasn't any fluid left in his body (with thanks to B. Manning).

They're going to get Holyrood shut down.

A bit cringey replying to your own post but who's going to shut Holyrood down?


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1 minute ago, The Ghost of B A R P said:

Thought I'd helpfully remind you of something I said a minute ago, but as you wish...

Who do you think might try to shut down Holyrood? Batman? Lex Luthor?

I don't think anyone might try to shut down Holyrood. And I'm correct.

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