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Making a Murderer


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On 8/15/2016 at 18:58, The OP said:

A confession is direct evidence. In this context 'testimonial evidence' is something you have come up with and not a term of art. Testimonial evidence would be evidence given on the stand by a witness (including the defendant), which is generally direct evidence.

In his testimony Brendan actually denied involvement. It was in his police interviews and his calls to his mother that he confessed. The recordings of both are direct evidence of his involvement.

Direct evidence could also be a witness saying they saw it happen.

Circumstantial evidence is evidence which requires you to make an inference, ie a puppy is sitting next to a pile of poo. The inference drawn is that the puppy pooed.

The door was locked and no other animals were in the room. This is further circumstantial evidence corroborating the inference that the puppy pooed.

I'm using poo as an example because Avery is as guilty as a puppy sitting next to a pile of poo.

Is the puppy in a locked room?

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  • 4 weeks later...
8 hours ago, dumbhusky said:

if you liked making a murderer, you'd definitely like west of memphis: http://www.movieream.com/watch-west-of-memphis-online-free-streaming-84351

I've watched that and I'm still not sure Echolls and his mates are actually innocent, couldn't say for certain they are guilty either but they are the most likely culprits imo.

There have been a few documentaries made about that particular case and they seem to take the scatter gun approach by trying to create other suspects. Terry Hobbs is probably the only one that hasn't been debunked completely.

Making a Murderer is a much better documentary (which is also biased but not to the extent of WoM which was produced by Echolls and his celebrity mates).

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if you liked making a murderer, you'd definitely like west of memphis: http://www.movieream.com/watch-west-of-memphis-online-free-streaming-84351

The Jinx life's and deaths of Robert durst, and central park 5, are 2 real good docs similar to making a murderer. As for the Avery case I think he is innocent and is a pure set up job, I also have a feeling that won't go away about teresa halbachs brother and ex, but I think the true killers are Scott Tadych and Bobby Dassey
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Just starting Episode 4

Brendan, I feel sorry for this kid, its bloody obvious his IQ is in the single digits. Here he is being clearly told what to say and has no clue about the implications. Here he is saying he helped his uncle rape and murder someone and he is wondering when he will be going back to school to turn in a paper? Later he is wondering when he will be able to see Wrestlemania? This is obviously a kid that exclusively writes with crayon and really has no grasp of the situation. 

Do i think Avery could have the capacity to kill? Actually i do, the letters he sent to his ex wife show he has a dark side to himself and some of the conversations over the phone you hear hint at this too. Saying that, do i think he killed this woman? Not in the slightest, do i think he is stupid enough to do so given the situation he was in? Absolutely not. He was fully aware that with his lawsuit the police, media just about everyone would be looking for any excuse, any reason to come after him. I honestly think he would be too scared to fart in public much less rape and murder.

Oh and the police officer saying that the womans keys just happened to show up after 3 days investigating, very questionable.

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27 minutes ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

Just starting Episode 4

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Brendan, I feel sorry for this kid, its bloody obvious his IQ is in the single digits. Here he is being clearly told what to say and has no clue about the implications. Here he is saying he helped his uncle rape and murder someone and he is wondering when he will be going back to school to turn in a paper? Later he is wondering when he will be able to see Wrestlemania? This is obviously a kid that exclusively writes with crayon and really has no grasp of the situation. 


Do i think Avery could have the capacity to kill? Actually i do, the letters he sent to his ex wife show he has a dark side to himself and some of the conversations over the phone you hear hint at this too. Saying that, do i think he killed this woman? Not in the slightest, do i think he is stupid enough to do so given the situation he was in? Absolutely not. He was fully aware that with his lawsuit the police, media just about everyone would be looking for any excuse, any reason to come after him. I honestly think he would be too scared to fart in public much less rape and murder.

Oh and the police officer saying that the womans keys just happened to show up after 3 days investigating, very questionable.



Don't forget to eat and drink!

It's very absorbing stuff and it just get's even more crazy, I actually thought it was going to be a hoax at one point.

Edited by Tommy Nooka
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On 1/4/2016 at 19:46, MarkoRaj said:

Just finished watching the full thing.

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Actually pretty depressing to be honest. They don't have a hope in hell of overturning the convictions now they've been stiffed by the 'suco' (cringe)

Glad katz got his comeuppance the p***k. Scenes in my living room when he got punted. Couldn't stand his smirking when they were revealing the boy's confession and pretty much throughout. My blood was boiling when they had the gall to be so offended to reporters at the accusations of corruption after what had happened previously.

The fact that they all refused to concede that Avery was innocent of the rape, that cretin with the framed drawing/mug shot, Lenk and Colburn being involved at all, never mind finding the key bits of evidence after they had already passed the case over due to a conflict of interest, all had me utterly seething.

But the absolute pinnacle of disgust was for the boy's state appointed attorney and his scumbag investigator. They should be in jail. Absolutely corrupt to the core. Supposed to be supporting a young boy with learning difficulties and they're stringing him up for the benefit of the prosecution. I don't know how they can sleep at night, I really don't. The video of him trying to tell the truth and being dismissed and manipulated into making a further statement was fucking harrowing. And then the cheek of him greeting in court at the guilt trips that he himself had laid out to get the boy to say what he wanted! Horrific.

I completely lost my shit watching that video. The poor kid is clearly strong armed into making the statement that they wanted him to say. If that alone isn't enough evidence that this was clearly a set up then i don't know what is. At this point(im 5 episodes in) Im strongly leaning towards the Brother, that creepy as f**k statement about starting the grieving process when they haven't even found her bloody car yet made me lean towards him, then when i heard he had access to her voicemail and claims to have heard all her messages and not deleted any when its obvious that some have been absolutely convinced me. He is a shifty b*****d. 

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On 30/09/2016 at 08:26, EdgarusQPFC said:


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I completely lost my shit watching that video. The poor kid is clearly strong armed into making the statement that they wanted him to say. If that alone isn't enough evidence that this was clearly a set up then i don't know what is. At this point(im 5 episodes in) Im strongly leaning towards the Brother, that creepy as f**k statement about starting the grieving process when they haven't even found her bloody car yet made me lean towards him, then when i heard he had access to her voicemail and claims to have heard all her messages and not deleted any when its obvious that some have been absolutely convinced me. He is a shifty b*****d. 



LoL I love how everyone jumps to accuse the brother just cos he comes across a bit weird, even though there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever, effectively doing what they're raging at the prosecution doing to Avery/Dassey


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
Who did it? Her brother or her ex?

They didn't say anything specifically about that but did say that they didn't think her killer would ever be convicted, that if Avery (and Dassey) are ever released the police won't bother to reinvestingate properly.

I put a question in asking why they thought Avery was acquitted in a lesser charge. They didn't read it out but Dean Strang mentioned it in one of this answers, he said that illogical verdicts and jury compromises were something that happened but weren't grounds for an appeal.

It was a good event, I really liked listening to them. They spoke about criminal justice reform and were actually pretty positive about it, pointing out that the pressures some of the criminal justice policies create are themselves drivers for reform. The compère asked about Trump but both pointed out that, while the DoJ provides funding for state cases, 95% of justice in the US are at a state level.

The compère was a bit dull and the crowd seemed permanently to be going for a piss, with a few talking all the way through as well.

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