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Potential Signings for Top Table

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"Back to where we started" is indeed something we can agree upon. Whereas I however consider this regrettable, you welcome it, which as I've said, I find utterly baffling in someone who apparently has no fondness for either of the sides that benefited so hugely from such a distorted arrangement.

I actually think you do need to explain what you mean by "our standing in the game", because I think it's one of those received phrases that get parroted often, but are essentially pretty meaningless. I'm interested to know what it means to you specifically. Who is it that you have concerns about our "standing" with? How do you measure such a thing anyway?

There is absolutely nothing 'other' about the issue of distasteful baggage. Indeed, it's central to this discussion. It's got a great deal to do with why many of us hold the clubs in contempt and don't wish to see a game which is structured to ensure that they triumph. Similarly, in terms of what it projects about our country, it should surely be of concern to someone preoccupied with notions of our "standing".

" back to where we started " refers to our discussion, not the fact that Celtic and Rangers are back in the same league.

" it should surely be of concern to someone preoccupied with notions of our standing" your words not mine, suggests to me you know exactly what I mean by our standing in the game.

" distasteful baggage " is most definitely a different topic but when you claim it's central to this discussion, a discussion about competition, then it shows that you're only interested in demonstrating how much you detest Rangers. You seem to think that by focusing on the negative aspects of the club you will always be able to justify your views.

" don't wish to see a game which is structured to ensure that they triumph " all very laudable I'm sure but you don't have a realistic alternative instead you champion a structure that ensures that only one team can ever win the league.

In my first post I said it was time for a bit of honesty and at last I think we've got it. It's not really about the football because if it was we wouldn't be having this discussion.

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Yes I agree.  As you are an Airdrie supporter, there are many similarities with Rangers.  The most important being that the original clubs are no longer with us.

Is that all you've got?

Best not get involved.

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Is that all you've got? Best not get involved.

All I have got? Are we speaking about facts here? If so, do you have any to counter the position?

The only thing worse than Rangers supporters on here are the likes of you and 8mile that are too ashamed or perhaps embarrassed to select the club that you support. Pathetic really.

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Who's fixed what ?

We previously had a structure whereby the top two got huge swathes of prize money, before there was a massive drop off to third place.

It was also arranged that it was fine for either of the OF to be on TV every week, but only in away games, meaning that their gates didn't suffer, while others' did.

The media of course, utterly panders to an OF centric view of the game which doesn't just reflect what's there; it helps shape it.

Champions' League money coming into our two biggest clubs (I'm glad we've now lost a place) distorted things to a massive degree in our small country.

We were left with an illusion of competition, where only two clubs were really allowed to take part.

Personally, I don't think that's healthy, but it takes all sorts I suppose.

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" back to where we started " refers to our discussion, not the fact that Celtic and Rangers are back in the same league.

" it should surely be of concern to someone preoccupied with notions of our standing" your words not mine, suggests to me you know exactly what I mean by our standing in the game.

" distasteful baggage " is most definitely a different topic but when you claim it's central to this discussion, a discussion about competition, then it shows that you're only interested in demonstrating how much you detest Rangers. You seem to think that by focusing on the negative aspects of the club you will always be able to justify your views.

" don't wish to see a game which is structured to ensure that they triumph " all very laudable I'm sure but you don't have a realistic alternative instead you champion a structure that ensures that only one team can ever win the league.

In my first post I said it was time for a bit of honesty and at last I think we've got it. It's not really about the football because if it was we wouldn't be having this discussion.

Ok, I misunderstood you, but "back where we started" might also refer to the pre-2012 set-up and that still looks like something you're keen to see a return to.

You've still not pinned down what you mean by "our standing in the game", suggesting to me that you're not sure either - it's just a thing you've heard said.

Of course my view of this is shaped by how I regard the OF. I make no apology for that. That view has something to do with the baggage, but more to do with their dominance and their destructive ubiquity. I feel no need though, to separate the fact that our game is grossly imbalanced from the fact that that imbalance favours unpleasant, baggage laden clubs.

My alternative is that with only one half of the OF strong, that strength actually receded, helping other clubs to success and giving us a more even game. Had Rangers actually disappeared altogether, that would have seen a seriously diminished Celtic that others could have got at. A trend towards that has been evident. Given that a version of Rangers emerged, a return to what we had was probably inevitable though. For me that's thoroughly regrettable and worse than the realistic alternative that I had not only outlined, but which was in fact, in place.

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Sorry, my mistake. What is listed as your team?

Tbh I'm unsure. I'm a Rangers supporter, that much is clearly obvious. Whether that's listed is completely irrelevant to me. Would it calm your jets if I refrained from saying "we"?

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All I have got? Are we speaking about facts here? If so, do you have any to counter the position?

The only thing worse than Rangers supporters on here are the likes of you and 8mile that are too ashamed or perhaps embarrassed to select the club that you support. Pathetic really.

What position are you talking about?

A bit of clarity would be helpful.

"The only thing worse than a Rangers supporter"

Careful you'll get into trouble for suggesting that there's anything worse than a Rangers supporter.

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Reckon Greg Stewart would be a decent addition.


Press reports of Aaron Holloway from Wycombe / Oldham, another youngster to bolster the frontline.


The old faithful Charlie Adams rumour of a loan deal floating around again.  :blink:  Alan Hutton coming back rumours will be doing the rounds next.


What kitty did King say there was again? 5mil?

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We previously had a structure whereby the top two got huge swathes of prize money, before there was a massive drop off to third place.

It was also arranged that it was fine for either of the OF to be on TV every week, but only in away games, meaning that their gates didn't suffer, while others' did.

The media of course, utterly panders to an OF centric view of the game which doesn't just reflect what's there; it helps shape it.

Champions' League money coming into our two biggest clubs (I'm glad we've now lost a place) distorted things to a massive degree in our small country.

We were left with an illusion of competition, where only two clubs were really allowed to take part.

Personally, I don't think that's healthy, but it takes all sorts I suppose.

We've got what we've got thanks to the greed of our so called elite clubs who have colluded with the O F for years to take what they can and protect themselves as much as possible at the expense of the poorest clubs in our leagues. Some of them actually had the nerve to talk about sporting integrity at the time of Rangers collapse more like sporting hypocrisy and opportunism.

First there was to be no more sharing of home gates. Never mind we'll form a premier league for our elite teams and play each other 4 times and just think we won't have to share our gate money with the likes of Airdrie or Queen of the South. Oops a full time club is going to be relegated, I know we'll change from 10 to 12 then go back to 10 when everything settles down. What can we do to make sure this never happens again. Why not introduce a 10 000 all seater stadium requirement before entry into our elite league can be granted. That should stop them for some time and it did just ask Falkirk. Eventually this was reduced to 6000 but it had already served it's purpose which had absolutely nothing to do with football, and so it went on.

Recently the formation of the s p f l was achieved only by the threat of the lower divisions being cut adrift with no possibility of promotion to the top leagues. What made matters worse was the fact that the poorest clubs in our leagues were now lumbered with a t v deal which resulted in even less money going to them. I wonder how long it'll be before they try and do something about the money generated from cup games.

As far as money being earned from the Champions League is concerned I wouldn't be to overly concerned since the days of a Scottish team doing well seems to be a thing of the past.

Don't be kidded into thinking that everything that is wrong with the game in Scotland is the fault of the O F because it's not. None of the structures you complain about could have been put in place without the approval of others, the same people who claim to be whiter than white.

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We've got what we've got thanks to the greed of our so called elite clubs who have colluded with the O F for years to take what they can and protect themselves as much as possible at the expense of the poorest clubs in our leagues. Some of them actually had the nerve to talk about sporting integrity at the time of Rangers collapse more like sporting hypocrisy and opportunism.

First there was to be no more sharing of home gates. Never mind we'll form a premier league for our elite teams and play each other 4 times and just think we won't have to share our gate money with the likes of Airdrie or Queen of the South. Oops a full time club is going to be relegated, I know we'll change from 10 to 12 then go back to 10 when everything settles down. What can we do to make sure this never happens again. Why not introduce a 10 000 all seater stadium requirement before entry into our elite league can be granted. That should stop them for some time and it did just ask Falkirk. Eventually this was reduced to 6000 but it had already served it's purpose which had absolutely nothing to do with football, and so it went on.

Recently the formation of the s p f l was achieved only by the threat of the lower divisions being cut adrift with no possibility of promotion to the top leagues. What made matters worse was the fact that the poorest clubs in our leagues were now lumbered with a t v deal which resulted in even less money going to them. I wonder how long it'll be before they try and do something about the money generated from cup games.

As far as money being earned from the Champions League is concerned I wouldn't be to overly concerned since the days of a Scottish team doing well seems to be a thing of the past.

Don't be kidded into thinking that everything that is wrong with the game in Scotland is the fault of the O F because it's not. None of the structures you complain about could have been put in place without the approval of others, the same people who claim to be whiter than white.

Little in there, that I'd disagree with actually.

However, the OF have benefited most from such change. They were happy for those beneath to pull up the drawbridge and live off their crumbs, because the deal was so sweet for them.

The OF's dominance is therefore entirely destructive for our game, whether directly their 'fault' in every instance or not. Their presence and power has brought out the worst in other clubs.

Only the fracturing of that duopoly has brought about some advances in things like the all seater rule and the distribution of prize money.

You know all this, yet still welcome its return.

For me, that's bizarre.

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Reckon Greg Stewart would be a decent addition


Could be but I think for Rangers to really challenge they're going to need Steve Davis, Nikica Jelavic type signings. Two or three players who'll significantly enhance the quality of the team. 


Sure, Rangers will need around five players so someone like Stewart could be included in that but they're going to have to spend if they want to compete with Celtic. 

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Little in there, that I'd disagree with actually.

However, the OF have benefited most from such change. They were happy for those beneath to pull up the drawbridge and live off their crumbs, because the deal was so sweet for them.

The OF's dominance is therefore entirely destructive for our game, whether directly their 'fault' in every instance or not. Their presence and power has brought out the worst in other clubs.

Only the fracturing of that duopoly has brought about some advances in things like the all seater rule and the distribution of prize money.

You know all this, yet still welcome its return.

For me, that's bizarre.

Since I started watching football way back in the sixties I would like to have been able to say that Scottish football has developed and progressed but I can't . Instead it's stumbled from crisis to crises rivaling some of the best soaps on t v . For me the return of Rangers to the premier league is merely the next episode and like all good soaps should have lots of twists and turns. I wonder who'll cuddle up to them first?

I can't wait to find out.

You talked about distribution of prize money, Im honestly not too sure how that works but I do remember something about the Championship sides getting more with less going to leagues 1 and 2 and I don't think the premier money was actually reduced. Robbing Peter to pay Paul springs to mind.

You say my views are bizarre well if that's true then it's because I've been exposed to Scottish football for a long time.

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