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Mark Warburton

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Between 2001 and 2010, Rangers paid a total of £47.65m in to their Employee Benefit Trust. Details of the amounts paid in to the trust were declared in the club's annual accounts.

Show me a copy of the accounts and how detailed this declaration is.

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The accounts business does not impact on the 'cheating' charge at all, so I've no idea why you're going on about it.


im going on about it because various members of the board were talking nonsense about them not being declared, its how these boards work , someone makes a post, then someone else responds - hope that helps

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Good Lord. Even if we leave aside the personal insults you see as appropriate in a hitherto reasonable discussion, the above is ludicrous. I think we can safely say that you've lost this particular argument my friend.


for me to lose an argument, you would have to respond to my post with some sort of proof contradicting it, you havent done this, hope that helps

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Show me a copy of the accounts and how detailed this declaration is.

look for it yourself you lazy fud, ive responded with evidence proving you were wrong in your claim, which as usual was plucked for your head with zero proof

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look for it yourself you lazy fud, ive responded with evidence proving you were wrong in your claim, which as usual was plucked for your head with zero proof

I didnt make any claim. Now stop dodging the request you wee shitebag.

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I didnt make any claim. Now stop dodging the request you wee shitebag.

yep you did, google it fannybaws, plenty of news articles explaining it (ive even provided two of these ) and copies of the accounts available

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Between 2001 and 2010, Rangers paid a total of £47.65m in to their Employee Benefit Trust. Details of the amounts paid in to the trust were declared in the club's annual accounts.

Was it not Murray international or some part of the Murray empire that paid the EBT money into the accounts and not rangers company ?
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for me to lose an argument, you would have to respond to my post with some sort of proof contradicting it, you havent done this, hope that helps

You shifted the argument to one I wasn't having and although unprovoked, called me a moron.

A pretty comprehensive admission of defeat.

The 'cheating' charge came from the deliberate deceit involved in registration of players. It's a topic you've conspicuously failed to engage with properly.

Any observer who can read, will know why.

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Is that you, Bomber?  Want to see the deeds to?


Morning, Kinky.  I had a google around the Rangers and Stock Exchange sites and I can't see any sign of the accounts pre-2012.  


I think we need Fox Mulder in - is there a conspiracy to hide the details?


ETA: I found an extract on Rangers Tax-Case (that's a 'blog', bears) which shows Rangers paid 1M into the EBT in 2001 - a snippet of the 2001 accounts.  So, that's one question answered - they did declare the payments in.


Nothing shown on how/whether that money was disbursed to employees.

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yep you did, google it fannybaws, plenty of news articles explaining it (ive even provided two of these ) and copies of the accounts available

No, i asked a question of your claim.

I think we can leave it at that. If you cant provide a link to your clubs accounts to back up your ckaim, well, that says it all.

Youre a shitebag.

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The shenanigans which caused the collapse of Rangers are scandalous but, when you blow away myth and fantasy, an immense stretch of the imagination is required to declare Rangers cheated anyone. EBTs were not illegal in the 10 years Rangers used them and both the SFA and SPL were fully aware of them.

They were never hidden and always declared in the audited accounts under the term Remuneration Trust.

Rangers shut them down when the law changed in 2010 and also at that time it was said the club had been operating a dual-contract system in relation to the EBT. The SFA contacted Rangers and asked for an explanation, which was given.

The SFA then granted Rangers’ licence to continue playing, just as they had done every year of the EBT era. The SPL didn’t have any objections either at that time.


Did they register players according to the rules or not? - They did not.


Did this cause rangers any advantage? - Lessened their tax burden.


What is cheating? - Breaking rules for an advantage.


Did oldco cheat? Of course they did. They were fined for it too.


Do sevco fans like to rewrite history?  - We've always been at war with Eastasia.

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No, i asked a question of your claim.

I think we can leave it at that. If you cant provide a link to your clubs accounts to back up your ckaim, well, that says it all.

Youre a shitebag.


yawn, if you cant be bothered googling it you are a lazy tosser, that says it all as usual i have provided plenty evidence to back up what i said and the people who are claiming that it wasnt in the accounts have provided none 8)

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still waiting on that apology wizbit for your lies and accusation yesterday :lol:


Has Dave King appointed a NOMAD yet btw?

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yawn, if you cant be bothered googling it you are a lazy tosser, that says it all as usual i have provided plenty evidence to back up what i said and the people who are claiming that it wasnt in the accounts have provided none 8)

^^^ too lazy to provide references to backup his findings. That won't go down well at school son.

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yawn, if you cant be bothered googling it you are a lazy tosser, that says it all as usual i have provided plenty evidence to back up what i said and the people who are claiming that it wasnt in the accounts have provided none 8)


plenty evidence? a newspaper article. 


who's claiming it wasnt in the accounts?


all i'm asking you to do is back up your claim that Rangers declared the use of EBTs. Just show us the detail they went into when "declaring EBTs".


I think we all know the reason you are shiting out of providing any credible evidence is because the level at which you infer they were declared doesn't actually reflect what the club accounts listed.


The way you are going on suggests rangers listed all the players and the amounts paid. which any sane person would accept as a declaration.


Printing (EBTS: £X) is hardly a declaration.

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