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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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34 minutes ago, BrigtonClyde said:

I sympathise boys.

It's NYE, go out & enjoy yourselves. You're wasting your time on here anyway as the usual M.O.'s "it's been a bad wee run, let them blow off some steam...it'll all be forgotten in a few days...if we win the next game it'll be fine...if we win the cup game it'll be great"

They just don't get it & haven't for years

Have a good one anyway lads


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3 minutes ago, Elementary Penguin said:

How very pious and noble of you. Is this a direction from your 'superiors', to reaffirm to the dissenters they simply aren't welcome? 


Your buddy MDC seems to follow this ideaology also. 'Those who criticised at Cowdenbeath would not be missed if they never came back'. 


You don't deserve a football club to support with this attitude. 


Happy new year. 

sheepshagro is back hiya pal whare you been fannybaws lol

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57 minutes ago, Elementary Penguin said:

How very pious and noble of you. Is this a direction from your 'superiors', to reaffirm to the dissenters they simply aren't welcome? 


Your buddy MDC seems to follow this ideaology also. 'Those who criticised at Cowdenbeath would not be missed if they never came back'. 


You don't deserve a football club to support with this attitude. 


Happy new year. 

Take the tin foil hat off you absolute cretin.

Go back and look at your BC's posts and see the post where he makes reference to the "old guard" whatever that may be.

Its clear you must have a very active imagination to spin out the first two paragraphs with your usual garbage from one comment I make.

Its interesting to see supposed fans who have what it seems no interest in the club anymore but when things aren't going well they all come sneaking out of the woodwork to try and take some moral high ground!

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Take the tin foil hat off you absolute cretin.
Go back and look at your BC's posts and see the post where he makes reference to the "old guard" whatever that may be.
Its clear you must have a very active imagination to spin out the first two paragraphs with your usual garbage from one comment I make.
Its interesting to see supposed fans who have what it seems no interest in the club anymore but when things aren't going well they all come sneaking out of the woodwork to try and take some moral high ground!

The old supposed fans ha ha

What next real clyde fans :)

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Yip im out...Years n years o torture home/Away. Lot o my good friends have managed it,Time i done same..Hate broadwood the walk down the lot. Results dont help

I will see this season out; but honestly can't see me putting myself through this yet again next year........that is over 50 years man and boy looking like my time is almost up. I have never publicly stated this before but last two weeks in particular have done for me.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

Hopefully, Clyde will always be there for us all to support. If too many fans walk away then we'll struggle to continue.

We'll have good days and bad days. More be bad than good recently but we've still have a club.

Boards change, managers and players change. The Clyde supporters will always be Clyde supporters.

I hope you'll change your minds and continue to give your support to the only team you'll ever have.

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2 hours ago, haufdaft said:



I'm sorry you feel that way.

Hopefully, Clyde will always be there for us all to support. If too many fans walk away then we'll struggle to continue.

We'll have good days and bad days. More be bad than good recently but we've still have a club.

Boards change, managers and players change. The Clyde supporters will always be Clyde supporters.

I hope you'll change your minds and continue to give your support to the only team you'll ever have.

Aye well on reflection and a few halves! No doubt I'll be there next year, but today was so disappointing and on the back of this Month. However being in the presence of mixed Sellic and Sevco fans tonight at a New Years bash I have had a bit of a re think. What a bunch of zoomers and they are my friends. 

This is obviously some kind of addiction!

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8 hours ago, clyde66 said:

Manager going will change nothing.  The board and lack of direction is the problem.  The lack of any plan other than clear the debt for 10yrs is the problem.


The lack of fans will not been an issue though, your former chairman told me the club would be better without the old Clyde fans.

Do you ever leave the word 'board' out of your poisonous posts?

Keep your agenda to yourself.and go back under your rock.

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3 hours ago, Elementary Penguin said:

Let's be honest, TCM.... 5th in L1 is anything but boring, to any sensible being beneath 6th. 


Did 5th, 4th or 3rd in the First matter a f**k to you? I suspect not. Merely a giggle to pass the time, joke jovial about the players not fit to lace the boots of Masterton, Hood and Lloyd. I dont hear much appreciation, 30 odd years on, for any appreciation....not least from your mob. Maybe Knoxy knows....

Maybe your pal Mr Gracey knows or maybe Stevie Tennant and his monopoly money might know something as well?

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Maybe your pal Mr Gracey knows or maybe Stevie Tennant and his monopoly money might know something as well?


How about we change our name and move to EK to that lovely new stadium that was built and pay a peppercorn

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16 hours ago, The_BullyWee said:

Go back and look at your BC's posts and see the post where he makes reference to the "old guard" whatever that may be.


That term's been used by many people for years referring to fans who've followed the club from Shawfield to Firhill to Douglas Park & onwards.  Is that news?

You seem animated about its use in a specific post, can you show me which one?  Or on the assumption you've got a life and don't have time to traipse through posts, I'll explain it for you

We all inherited a situation due to a decision taken in the 30's that benefited the club short term, but was catastrophic long term. The idea Clyde had to sell their ground is a myth - what, he sold it to himself with his new organisation the GRA he set up to get around a ruling??

The idea is you learn from your own history.  The club are again looking at their long term future.  Presumably we all hope the club are around many years to come and flourishing, that future generations don't look back and ask why they were left with a legacy condemning them to forever being in the lowest reaches.  So it's a key decision and from the VC's comments today they've shortlisted 4 options.

So they have to balance that with kick starting the process via an option most of the existing support can buy into.  If only 200 or 300 go for it, there's no chance.  It's also time sensitive, to re-build they need to make a statement of intent.  As each year goes by, you only need to look at the posts of some diehards in the last 24 hours. But this is where the wider consultation last year made sense, use it as some kind of a guide.

So yes, they've got to consider it carefully but also mindful the clock's ticking. What has this got to do with any specific group of fans, old guard, new guard, train guard....what are you talking about?   


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Having decided years ago to only attend the odd game as I personally have no faith in those who are guardians of this so called supporters owned club, I ventured out yesterday with my boy wearing the Generations shirt proudly. We shouldn't have bothered! 

The team have a fantastic forward in Peter McDonald but the defence is as woeful as the last time I visited. 

Cost of watching football at the bottom end including a programme ( bit cheeky to charge full price for a reduced version) and refreshments over £30. 

At that cost I'm not surprised crowds are dwindling.

I fully understand the guy who has had enough. If you are content to follow a club who have found their level in the bottom league as someone else said, then you can only expect to have a crowd base on par with East Stirling. 

You can blame the manager for the team performance, but the state of the club is entirely in the hands of those appointed to run the clubs affairs.

The name change started the decline in the support with the we are leaving/ we are not leaving Broadwood sagas compounding it.

Sadly I don't see this grand old club being around for much longer as it is being driven into the ground intentionally or unintentionally.

if you want people attend, you have to give them a reason to.....at the moment in my opinion there doesn't seem to be one.









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The name change started the decline in the support with the we are leaving/ we are not leaving Broadwood sagas compounding it.

To be honest, I think the decline started before that.
The EK Clyde thing is no longer on the table. This, Broadwood and the board, I'm afraid to say, are being used as an excuse for fans that probably wouldn't attend anyway.

I've no issue with fans not going for any reason but to continually find excuses when none are required annoys me.

I go to the games because I support Clyde. I don't support the board, Broadwood or Cumbernauld.

I don't claim to be a better fan, I don't claim to be more loyal. I just enjoy watching Clyde.
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The previous three posts from BC, TBP and Hd all have merit.

For me (though not everyone) you need two things to be true for people to find the time and money to attend football. 

1. It needs to be enjoyable more often than not. There are always days that are not but they need to be balanced by a similar or greater number of enjoyable games. For me it is also broader than the 90 mins on the pitch. By that I mean the pre match beer/chat/trip away etc.


2. You also need a belief or an element of hope that progress is probable or at least possible. This is where the vision and the delivery of the strategy comes into play. No vision or a repeated failure to deliver on a vision takes away the belief and the hope that playing at a better level, with better players on show and an atmosphere in the ground will return in the short to medium term.

The ambition of a significant proportion of our support for that level of performance and enjoyment generates a frustration and eventually decisions that can be read throughout any Clyde thread especially this one. 


Until number 2 above is delivered on, there won't be enough of number 1 which increases frustration, reduces attendances and and ironically makes the whole thing a catch-22. The clock is ticking.









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