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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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No enjoyment for me no more, even a goal is hardly cheered by myself when before it was sheer ecstasy the way it should be for most of us, When my late dad stopping going and more recently my friends i couldnt understand why but now i know..

Clyde FC massive part of my life but mid 30 games a season for past 25/30years has taken its toll...

Hope others make their own decision like i'm sure they will, im just stating mine,Perhaps bit o time away might recharge the batteries but as another friend n fellow fan put in a text "Its hard to chuck it,Even harder to come back" so who knows

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36 minutes ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:

The previous three posts from BC, TBP and Hd all have merit.

For me (though not everyone) you need two things to be true for people to find the time and money to attend football. 

1. It needs to be enjoyable more often than not. There are always days that are not but they need to be balanced by a similar or greater number of enjoyable games. For me it is also broader than the 90 mins on the pitch. By that I mean the pre match beer/chat/trip away etc.


2. You also need a belief or an element of hope that progress is probable or at least possible. This is where the vision and the delivery of the strategy comes into play. No vision or a repeated failure to deliver on a vision takes away the belief and the hope that playing at a better level, with better players on show and an atmosphere in the ground will return in the short to medium term.

The ambition of a significant proportion of our support for that level of performance and enjoyment generates a frustration and eventually decisions that can be read throughout any Clyde thread especially this one. 


Until number 2 above is delivered on, there won't be enough of number 1 which increases frustration, reduces attendances and and ironically makes the whole thing a catch-22. The clock is ticking.









Agreed, cause & effect, straightforward

I understand where HD's coming from, but it's a two way street

There's also something that seems to be happening more in football, not just at Clyde. Since when were fans supposed to view supporting a club an extension of their working week as opposed to a pastime or distraction?

Fundraising has always taken place and those doing so are to be applauded, but the amounts raised should be a bonus, not the mainstay of revenue. Now it seems Clubs are putting the onus on fans to do it all "if you REALLY love your club". 

To be fair David Dishon acknowledged this a few years back, you cannot continually draw from the same well, it's unsustainable. That's not a business model. Fans will do their part if they see their club shouldering the main responsibility, that's the way it always used to be.  


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The previous three posts from BC, TBP and Hd all have merit.
For me (though not everyone) you need two things to be true for people to find the time and money to attend football. 
1. It needs to be enjoyable more often than not. There are always days that are not but they need to be balanced by a similar or greater number of enjoyable games. For me it is also broader than the 90 mins on the pitch. By that I mean the pre match beer/chat/trip away etc.
2. You also need a belief or an element of hope that progress is probable or at least possible. This is where the vision and the delivery of the strategy comes into play. No vision or a repeated failure to deliver on a vision takes away the belief and the hope that playing at a better level, with better players on show and an atmosphere in the ground will return in the short to medium term.
The ambition of a significant proportion of our support for that level of performance and enjoyment generates a frustration and eventually decisions that can be read throughout any Clyde thread especially this one. 
Until number 2 above is delivered on, there won't be enough of number 1 which increases frustration, reduces attendances and and ironically makes the whole thing a catch-22. The clock is ticking.

Absolutely spot on
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Last season East Fife and Queen's Park robbed Clyde of promotion which most of Scottish football saw as Clyde's birthright. With both promoted teams hanging on in it seemed a good time to read what was happening to Clyde. Having read a few pages of the Clyde thread it was like entering a time warp. 

The same factions, divided opinion about Barry's managerial ability, a stadium which is a financial millstone and disbelief that Clyde are toiling to make the play-offs suggest the thread has been frozen. What is comforting is that Alimentary has not gone into self imposed exile and still know lots of big words and that the views of Jamesey Lawd, the rational voice of Clyde FC, is still respected.

Better leave now but it will be interesting to see where Clyde ,EF and QP start next season - any predictions ?


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Having decided years ago to only attend the odd game as I personally have no faith in those who are guardians of this so called supporters owned club, I ventured out yesterday with my boy wearing the Generations shirt proudly. We shouldn't have bothered! 
The team have a fantastic forward in Peter McDonald but the defence is as woeful as the last time I visited. 
Cost of watching football at the bottom end including a programme ( bit cheeky to charge full price for a reduced version) and refreshments over £30. 
At that cost I'm not surprised crowds are dwindling.
I fully understand the guy who has had enough. If you are content to follow a club who have found their level in the bottom league as someone else said, then you can only expect to have a crowd base on par with East Stirling. 
You can blame the manager for the team performance, but the state of the club is entirely in the hands of those appointed to run the clubs affairs.
The name change started the decline in the support with the we are leaving/ we are not leaving Broadwood sagas compounding it.
Sadly I don't see this grand old club being around for much longer as it is being driven into the ground intentionally or unintentionally.
if you want people attend, you have to give them a reason to.....at the moment in my opinion there doesn't seem to be one.

That is a great post. When will people wake up & smell the coffee?

People talk about agenda's for supporters not going.
The reason why I've stopped going is that we are poor (would like to use stronger words) compared to a few years back and seem to be on the decline.
I went to Edinburgh away & couldn't believe how bad we were and we have went into decline since then.
There is no progress on and off the park & Barry boy gets a free reign without criticism.
He has not taken Clyde forward as he promised.
The guy has no man-management skills as shown once again in his treatment of publicly slating Smith last week.
I never rated the guy but was willing to give him a chance.
That chance has now gone and the rudderless board now need to grow a set and make a decision.
I won't hold my breath though.
The Vice - Chairman's New Year message fills me with dread......no vision at all.
This is from a guy who told the fans a few years back that getting relegated at the time into the bottom division wouldn't be a catastrophe as we would meet Queens Park who would bring a few supporters through to Broadwood.

I've been to every ground in Scotland following Clyde all my life & bit my tongue recently regarding the mess we are in.

When will the board realise that people have stopped going because the football on the pitch simply isn't good enough????

I'm sorry but I think it may be too late.
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The only positive i can take from any of this, or the actions over the last few years, is that it's clear that the club simply doesn't give a f**k whether 500 or 5 fans show up for games. Positive, in that a lot of people warned about it, and we now know exactly where the club stands. 
The usual defenders will pipe up about 'old guards', or that the club shouldn't bother with 'lapsed fans' or those who attend fleetingly, proving the point. Anyone who warned about it, was chased. 

I don't understand your statement that the club doesn't care if 500 or 5 fans turn up. Surely they do care given the need for finance.

I've also not really read many saying the club shouldn't bother with the lapsed fans other than some people chest beating.

I am all for encouraging all to come along to matches whether old or new guard.

Admittedly, I'm not into all the club politics that seem to get so many of our fans worked up but surely the survival of our club should take priority over internecine warfare or should we just all "hate ourselves to death"?
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Oh the broadwood politi bureau will be in secret meeting soon to rid club of the dissidents

Seriously I genuinely believe the board are only interested in the sycophants who tell them what a great job they are doing the fans who question them can dwindle away as for that drivel "new year's message " basically blaming fans not volunteering for the clubs woes pathetic and they wonder why the club support is on a downward spiral it was basically a cut and paste job from the the last five years

Absolute die hard clyde men who go everywhere and have but hundreds into club this season alone walking away :(

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I don't understand your statement that the club doesn't care if 500 or 5 fans turn up. Surely they do care given the need for finance.

I've also not really read many saying the club shouldn't bother with the lapsed fans other than some people chest beating.

I am all for encouraging all to come along to matches whether old or new guard.

Admittedly, I'm not into all the club politics that seem to get so many of our fans worked up but surely the survival of our club should take priority over internecine warfare or should we just all "hate ourselves to death"?

Honestly I'm not trying to start an argument do you really think they are doing a good job

What have they done in the past 5 years to encourage fans to come back ?

What new revenue streams have they created ?

Teams we were streets ahead are now in a better financial position

They blamed NLL, Ex directors now it's fans for not volunteering

I can understand you just want to go along watch the Clyde and not be interested in politics but you might just not have a club or watching them in the lowland league soon
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I can understand you just want to go along watch the Clyde and not be interested in politics but you might just not have a club or watching them in the lowland league soon


I do recognise your unhappiness, that you're disillusioned and I'm sure many of your complaints are valid but I genuinely don't understand how encouraging others to chuck it helps.
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I do recognise your unhappiness, that you're disillusioned and I'm sure many of your complaints are valid but I genuinely don't understand how encouraging others to chuck it helps.

I don't see anyone encouraging fans to chuck it

It's the exact opposite I'm worried that diehards are giving up on us

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I don't see anyone encouraging fans to chuck it

It's the exact opposite I'm worried that diehards are giving up on us

I'm not specifically referring to you entirely but the tone of you and some others gave me that impression.

If I've picked you all up wrongly then the fault is mine.
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34 minutes ago, haufdaft said:


I don't understand your statement that the club doesn't care if 500 or 5 fans turn up. Surely they do care given the need for finance.

I've also not really read many saying the club shouldn't bother with the lapsed fans other than some people chest beating.

I am all for encouraging all to come along to matches whether old or new guard.

Admittedly, I'm not into all the club politics that seem to get so many of our fans worked up but surely the survival of our club should take priority over internecine warfare or should we just all "hate ourselves to death"?


It's not a question of "politics" HD, it's basic

If ANY club gets driven into the ground, it has a direct effect on the standard on the park. If that reduces dramatically to the point it's barely watchable, the only way to counter that is offer some kind of hope / vision for the future that the majority can buy into, take it on the chin short term. If that's not in place, serious problems

But OK, cards on the table. Can anyone explain to me what "agenda" literally hundreds of Clyde fans had pre name change debacle to stop going other than the quality was garbage & there was no long term strategy to get enthusiastic about? Anyone??

Nobody starts supporting Clyde expecting titles and trophies every year, but we've an understanding of our history, a respect for it and also our potential. We're operating with around 30% of our fanbase in attendances now... I've read all the spin contradicting that in the past few years. But unlike the M.O. of those following most teams in the bottom 2 divisions, generally content with their lot which explains why theyve spent 95% of their existence in them, we should expect something better

The day guys like SSB & CST post what they've done, if that isn't a wake up call I dont know what is. The days of 'just turn up and see what happens otherwise the club might die" are gone

You can agree / disagree with people's decisions,  it doesn't matter, they've made them. Appeals on here won't change that and neither will shirking responsibility

The way forward? Accept reality, learn from mistakes made (everyone makes some), and give the majority a reason to engage. 



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25 minutes ago, BrigtonClyde said:

It's not a question of "politics" HD, it's basic

If ANY club gets driven into the ground, it has a direct effect on the standard on the park. If that reduces dramatically to the point it's barely watchable, the only way to counter that is offer some kind of hope / vision for the future that the majority can buy into, take it on the chin short term. If that's not in place, serious problems

But OK, cards on the table. Can anyone explain to me what "agenda" literally hundreds of Clyde fans had pre name change debacle to stop going other than the quality was garbage & there was no long term strategy to get enthusiastic about? Anyone??

Nobody starts supporting Clyde expecting titles and trophies every year, but we've an understanding of our history, a respect for it and also our potential. We're operating with around 30% of our fanbase in attendances now... I've read all the spin contradicting that in the past few years. But unlike the M.O. of those following most teams in the bottom 2 divisions, generally content with their lot which explains why theyve spent 95% of their existence in them, we should expect something better

The day guys like SSB & CST post what they've done, if that isn't a wake up call I dont know what is. The days of 'just turn up and see what happens otherwise the club might die" are gone

You can agree / disagree with people's decisions,  it doesn't matter, they've made them. Appeals on here won't change that and neither will shirking responsibility

The way forward? Accept reality, learn from mistakes made (everyone makes some), and give the majority a reason to engage. 



I've read some deluded shite from fans of so called big teams in the last few years but this one really takes the prize :lol:

Real sleeping giant Clyde.  Poised to bring in a new manager who will triple their attendance and realise their potential :lol:

Keep expecting pal.  You've had plenty practice and a lot more to come :lol:

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I've read some deluded shite from fans of so called big teams in the last few years but this one really takes the prize :lol:
Real sleeping giant Clyde.  Poised to bring in a new manager who will triple their attendance and realise their potential :lol:
Keep expecting pal.  You've had plenty practice and a lot more to come :lol:

Makes for some absolutely incredible reading. Same thing over and over. Optimism/were the big team every pre season, devent but ok start, get carried away with it whilst everyone else looks on wondering why, few bad results and the pages and pages of moaning/talking about decline of the club happens.

Reality check lads eh. You lot are doing away ok, just stick with it.
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