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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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2 minutes ago, cfcuk said:


The board will do nothing end of


You are probably right which is why we've become a joke of a club. They'll sit wringing their hands hoping things will improve without making an executive decision. "What, we are directors, are we meant to make decisions on the direction of the business ? I just thought it was supposed to give me a parking space and a padded seat ". Don't care how hard they supposedly work for the club. If they don't make some tough decisions now, they are useless and abdicating their responsibilities. Ferguson us taking us down at this rate and they need to address the situation. And that's a fact, not an opinion. 

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That's my mind at ease then. All it takes for some is a blazer or a tie to convince them everything is all ok. This need to feel asssured from 'authority' is just desperate. 
They have lied previously, over many issues. We have landed in court more times than Jamesie Cotter over many of the fibs which have emerged from that boardroom.
Out of interest, who are those 'shareholders'? We have none....unless i'm mistaken. 

There aren't any shareholders anymore ?
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That's my mind at ease then. All it takes for some is a blazer or a tie to convince them everything is all ok. This need to feel asssured from 'authority' is just desperate. 
They have lied previously, over many issues. We have landed in court more times than Jamesie Cotter over many of the fibs which have emerged from that boardroom.
Out of interest, who are those 'shareholders'? We have none....unless i'm mistaken. 

There is 321 shareholders, otherwise known as owners.

If you have evidence that these shareholders have been lied to over this then you should share it with the authorities. It's a serious offence and would end their careers at Clyde and in their day jobs.
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3 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

I don't think Ferguson will be putting money in.


I know he's minted but come on, surely he won't be putting 5-10k a year times 1/2/3/4/5/6 players from his own pocket?


f**k that.


He's desperate to make it in management so a few grand to invest in his future career probably won't put him off.

For what it's worth and as I said in the match thread, I fully believe he is putting money in. How much and what for I don't know but that's my thoughts. We are brutally skint yet can pull in the odd player here and there like Jordan McMillan, who would probably still be playing in the top flight if he wasn't caught taking gear. 

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Where did you pluck that figure from??
I don't think it can be ruled out. Would you not have been asking some searching questions of your own club if they didn't sack Lumsden when they did? 
It's not being randomly plucked out of thin air as a conspiracy to attack Ferguson or the board with. Unless you know the ins and outs of the club over the last few years, its best if you just keep it zipped. 

Just thinking 100-200 a week for a player x 10 month? Could see him at d throwing in some signing on fees or whatever but a years wage for a lower league player would be a fair whack like. Guys minted but surely not going to be that daft with his money.

My mate made £2,800 playing junior last season as a 4th choice striker for a team that wasn't anywhere near the east region super league. Guys in L1/2 will make a fair bit over course of a year.

Understand the accusations though I couldn't stand Lumsden so know how you guys will feel now.
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I don't have evidence. I have a working brain, eyes and a mouth which operate in conjunction, and have equally convinced me that things are most definitely NOT as they appear to have been.presented. This would be the case if we were 7th or 1st, which is kinda the point of the exercise, is it not?
Either way, if things are above board and legal, we're just shite. Is this still acceptable? 
We could get fucking relegated. 

So you think they are lying about Ferguson putting in money but also you think they are not lying?

If he's putting money in then it will be in the accounts, if it's not in the accounts then you are essentially accusing them of fraud. That's not an accusation that should be banded about lightly even on an internet forum.

Being shite is never acceptable but it doesn't get you the jail, although I hear today's performance was criminal.

McMillan is an amateur. Unless you play with Queens Park then amatuers don't get a wage.
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A few things we shouldn't accept from and/or be wary of in any future manager:

  1. Patter like 'I wish we got that backing every week'; 'it's up to them now [the players]'; or quizzical glances at supporters for yelling criticism. The manager doesn't own the club. He is in its service, isn't owed a favour by the world and the buck stops with him.
  2. Fundamental changes in approach over the course of a short period, especially when an earlier approach was set out with great confidence given real investment. Witness Ferguson's comments about having a mandate to sign players at six feet and above last season and his explicit disavowal of that philosophy at the beginning of this season*.
  3. Signing 'promising' attackers from East Stirling. Especially giants, who've played 30+ games for East Stirling and managed only a single goal.
  4. Signing former players who've 'improved' outside senior football, then doing nothing with them. Especially when their primary vulnerability is/was not being tall enough; we don't take them back unless they've been on a rack.
  5. Putting a different defence/midfield/forward line out every week.
  6. Running with a disproportionately large pool of midfielders/defenders/forwards.
  7. Punitive squad rotations: consistent performer makes uncharacteristic mistake and is banished or moved into a different spot.

*One of the reasons why it was obvious to me - and many not on this board - that we'd struggle for the play-offs this season is because we decided to start virtually afresh. Give me "we miss Easton" "we miss Lowden" all you like. A club like this doesn't see the ledger cleansed of the progress it has made, decide its going to dazzle the division, and then actually go on and do that. We are an injury to Peter MacDonald away from losing our senior status. Make no mistake about it.

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Pretty obvious Barry isn't still in a job because of his coaching skills.

The argument about whether you're manager puts money in or not would never show up in any accounts anyway.

Think the fans are the one's that suffer knowing no matter how bad it gets nothing is going to change quickly. 

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To be fair, I don't think anyone said precisely that. If anyone had, they'd have been sticking their neck out big time.

But you have to say... There has been a reticence about some. That is, to criticise the manager ahead of players. To my mind, that's almost always the order in which criticism should come from supporters. The buck stops with the gaffer. We'll all pick out poor performers and say how things should've been, of course. That's just football supporters, isn't it? But stuff like "We're spoiled with Barry"; comments about the "recovery pace" of Johnston, and insistence on the 'non-fault' of McNiff and so on... When this sort of patter comes from posters who're ordinarily on the money and unafraid to bash a manager... You do wonder.

Have we become retro-acculturated? Do we no longer know who's a good player, who's a good manager and so on. It crosses my mind. I'll put it no stronger...!

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Did anyone on this board think Ferguson will get it right eventually?

I backed him from the start but now realise that it just isn't going to happen , but I doubt the board share my views Ferguson conveniently takes the heat off them and deflects the utter shambles the club is from top to bottom

Better get used to this he aint going anywhere
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Aside from everything else, just in simple terms, I wonder what Ferguson thinks

That's a horrendous run of league results.  Forgetting about anything like "obviously disappointed / we'll just need to work harder" etc etc etc, would be interesting to know if he genuinely feels he can turn it around

I'm sure he's determined to succeed, to be a winner, but I wonder if he now honestly believes he can do it as opposed to maybe his pride pushing him on. 

I think he'll be there til the end of the season and we're in real danger of a relegation dogfight at this rate, so I can only hope that he and the players have enough about them to pick up points and quickly

Talk's cheap, it's far too deep into the season to just send out messages of hope. Win games, that's it 

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