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In all seriousness, how empty must your life be that you see fit to create an imaginary friend and give them a fucking back story just to get one over a poster who has noised you up on an Internet forum. That's before we even consider that the poster who riled him so much was Magee. Fucking Magee. 

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If he wasn't such an utter creep, I might feel a bit sorry for him. He goes from one car crash of a post to another desperately seeking approval from others. Most people would clear off after it being made clear that nobody likes or respects them. Does he get some sick, sexual thrill from the way he is treated? Considering how much of a weirdo he is, the answer is undoubtedly yes.

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How do you send pretend conversations to yourself? Either you have to have 2 phones or use someone in your family's phone and change the name? Seems like a lot of effort. 


Anyway my day entailed a little overtime this morning, picked up my niece to stay over and just had a takeaway and a few beers, I shall be watching a film soon then boxing finishing of the crate before drinking a bottle of gin to myself whilst listening to rap until my girlfriend gets really annoyed about keeping her up and I slink of to bed. 

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Don't worry throbs I'm sure everyone at school really thought that guy that hung about with the janitor was really texting Avril Lavigne in his spare time. 

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13 minutes ago, throbber said:

When I was young and normal texts were all that was available then I would change the person I was textings name in my contact list to that of a celebrity to pretend I was in contact wth a famous person to make me feel better about myself.

I remember using names such as Avril lavigne, Fergie from the black eyed peas, Charles Kennedy and Pink among others.

This behaviour is more common than I thought.

Poet of the Macabre shagged Hayden Panettiere.

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