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Fear of the Dentist

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Go to the dental clinic on Bath St. The dentist I last used in there was a really attractive Spanish girl. You'd be so busy trying to pretend your not scared in order to not look like a pussy in front of her that you wouldn't have the time to think about how scared you were.

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9 hours ago, WaffenThinMint said:

I'm tempted to ask HOW long since you were last at a dentist in terms of years/decades? :huh: They're far different creatures than the butchers of yesteryear.

The needle for starters - if they do have to stick the novocaine (synthetic cocaine) in an awkward spot, that area gets numbed up before the needle itself goes in. It's still uncomfortable, but not the horror show of the past.

The bad old days of dentists taking the piss with children & seeing them as little cash cows they can drill, brace, fill & pull away (the cause of most people's terror of the dentist) are long gone - even in the scummiest areas there's plenty of checks in place to root out (pun intended) those more interested in drilling for gold than dental care.

If you go for sedation, prepare for the trippiest day of your life. Hypnoval (synthetic valium) doesn't knock you out, but makes you feel you're floating and are completely immune to pain. The dentist could kick f**k out of you with steel toecap Docs & you'd feel the impact, but not the pain. It also lasts a very long time, so make sure someone else is with you, as you will not be safe to wander the streets whilst on it (think of Richard Ashcroft in the "Bittersweet Symphony" video for how you are likely to behave - on second thoughts Paul Kaye in the "Vindaloo" one is more accurate). If you get a tooth pulled this way, it feels like someone pulling a Legobrick out of your jaw.

What I would say with dentists nowadays is you get what you pay for, and it pays to be prepared to try different ones until you find a good one - never "put up" with one you think is a c**t, your instinct is probably right.

Be prepared to go out to the "better" areas if need be - the dentists usually have the most modern equipment and tend to take customers less for granted. They'll cost you less in the long run as that £200 treatment you cursed them for three years ago will repay itself in six visits every six months of nothing needing done except a scale & polish, and ultimately far less treatment which would have cost more in the long run.

This broke me, all I can picture now is me fucking off from the reception high as a kite and going on an adventure 

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I've got the dentist this afternoon to fix a broken tooth. It's a swizz, a wee jag of lidocaine into the gum, a bit of jiggery pokery and then you spit in a cup and have a numb mouth for a while, nothing to worry about.

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12 hours ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

So tomorrow morning I'm going to be having some work done, some root extractions and a few fillings. 

Problem is I'm terrified of the Dentist, had a really bad experience as a kid. During  which my mum heard me swear for the first time as I apparently said "Get this fucking needle out of me" (I was 6) refused to go back til my late teens, had another bad experience, this time with the Dentist knew I was scared, didn't care and wasn't generous with the anesthetic. Then outside of a emergency extraction due to a abscess perhaps 5 years ago I've not been back. 

I requested sedation for the procedure and now that it's looming I'm bricking myself. 

Has anyone here had any positive experiences with sedation? Is it true you remember nothing? What was the whole procedure like? 

Any encouragement appreciated 

You'll be fine. "Some work" usually means something relatively minor.


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Procedure over and done with. I remember f**k all of it. Just the dentist saying "right we are done here" "I remember shaking his hand and thanking him. Not as groggy or out of it as I was expecting. 

Entire month is numb and I have a underbite like Bubba off Forrest Gump. 

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10 minutes ago, EdgarusQPFC said:

Procedure over and done with. I remember f**k all of it. Just the dentist saying "right we are done here" "I remember shaking his hand and thanking him. Not as groggy or out of it as I was expecting. 

Entire month is numb and I have a underbite like Bubba off Forrest Gump. 

I'm sure it won't take that long to get over the terror and you'll feel better in a few hours.

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