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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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28 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Rees-Mogg has looked at the publicity and influence that an unelected cqunt like Farage gets, and realised that his eccentricity and bizarre statements could get him quickly into the public eye. 

He's an intelligent man, far more so than the rest of them, and is dangerous because I suspect he's simply a face and a voice for some serious money (both domestic and foreign) that is lurking in the shadows, waiting to come out once the shackles of the EU have been thrown off. 

As to the other Tory MP's, they're shit scared of the Woman's Institute and ageing Gammons that make up the people who vote for them. I'd reckon that the vast majority of them are either Remainers, or at the most very 'soft' Leavers, but they're gagged because of the geriatric, xenophobic fuckwits who vote Tory. 


If you watched debates in Parliament you'd know the majority of Tory backbenchers are in fact gammons.

It's actually scary seeing loads of them sitting there then thinking about the fact that for every single one of them there are another 20,000 idiots who voted for them.





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1 hour ago, zidane's child said:

The fact that Rees-Mogg is also an MP in a very safe Tory seat allows him to speak his mind without fear of his constituents turning on him.

Agreed. He has been the MP for Dunny on the Wold for centuries.


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1 hour ago, pawpar said:

Agreed. He has been the MP for Dunny on the Wold for centuries.


Still cannae believe this is the same JRM that tramped the green fields of Macedonia, Auchmuty and Kinglassie at the 1992 general election. With his nanny helping him:1eye

I think he got aboot 10 votes for the tories

In fairness he was up 9 votes from the previous tory  candidate.

Probably some auld dears felt sorry for him:lol:

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15 hours ago, banana said:

He clearly spoke in the context of the subject of study. Why lie about what someone thinks (and said), especially when it can be referenced in a complete video?

Honest question.

Yes, I lied about being a brain surgeon.  How did you guess?

It is perfectly true that some people got to university and get a degree that has not been helpful in getting a job.
I know someone who went to university and did biology, psychology and archaeology.
Was that relevant for the job they are doing now?  Possible not.

As suspect like everyone, I know some stupid people who went to university and some clever people who didn't but that doesn't mean that everybody who went to university is stupid.

He seems to imply it does and then has a rant.

It is like saying "I can think of something that is wrong with the EU therefore it was right to vote Leave."

Faulty logic.

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12 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

JRM is a cvnt of the first degree who gets away with murder because he's a toff.

I wouldn't trust the cvnt to run a kiddies' roundabout never mind the country.

He is also very good at combing his hair and when interviewed by a fairly compliant media he does not lose his temper. 

For some Tories, I guess, that makes him an excellent candidate for PM.

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39 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

Yes, I lied about being a brain surgeon.  How did you guess?

It is perfectly true that some people got to university and get a degree that has not been helpful in getting a job.
I know someone who went to university and did biology, psychology and archaeology.
Was that relevant for the job they are doing now?  Possible not.

As suspect like everyone, I know some stupid people who went to university and some clever people who didn't but that doesn't mean that everybody who went to university is stupid.

He seems to imply it does and then has a rant.

It is like saying "I can think of something that is wrong with the EU therefore it was right to vote Leave."

Faulty logic.

That's closer to what he said, but why did you lie to begin with and are still partly lying now, though? He doesn't say anything of the sort that everyone who goes to university is stupid.

Honest question.

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17 minutes ago, banana said:

That's closer to what he said, but why did you lie to begin with and are still partly lying now, though? He doesn't say anything of the sort that everyone who goes to university is stupid.

Honest question.

I lied about being a brain surgeon because I was being facetious!

He does not explicitly say that everybody who goes to university is stupid but his comments imply that because some people are they can all be tarred with the same brush. 

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25 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

I lied about being a brain surgeon because I was being facetious!

He does not explicitly say that everybody who goes to university is stupid but his comments imply that because some people are they can all be tarred with the same brush. 

He literally states what kind of degrees he's referring to, and an example of what he's not ("science"). Why keep lying, for what purpose?

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1 hour ago, banana said:

He literally states what kind of degrees he's referring to, and an example of what he's not ("science"). Why keep lying, for what purpose?

Good question. Why does the man in video lie? Or, being more generous, does he simply not know what the f**k he's talking about?

2017's graduates were 2% more likely to be in further study or employment with a science degree, compared to a non-science one (92%/90%).

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9 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

EU migrant workers contribute £2,300 more per year to UK than average British citizen, study reveals


Obviously not a problem at all.  Bleedin foreigners.

Just another reason for middle england not to like them i guess


Edited by zidane's child
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The third series of the BBC Radio 4 programme ‘Brexit: A Guide for the Perplexed’ was broadcast on five consecutive days between 19 February and 23 February, 2018. Each programme was 12 minutes long and was presented by the BBC’s EU ‘Reality Check’ reporter, Chris Morris.

It was projected as an objective examination of the issues of Brexit, but it was not. Instead, Chris Morris and the programme team assembled and edited a range of contributions which were overwhelmingly biased against Brexit and pro-EU in their outlook.

The ‘meat’ of the programme was delivered by the 24 main interviewees who provided longer contributions. This group accounted for 48 per cent of the total airtime. 18 of the 24 were pro- EU/anti-Brexit; only three were anti-EU/pro-Brexit; two contributors made points both for and against; and one was neutral.

The 18 who made negative points on Brexit delivered 3,824 words (76 percent of words spoken by guests in this category), those speaking positively 352 words (seven per cent), and mixed/neutral speakers 838 words (17 per cent).

The anti-Brexit to pro-Brexit word count ratio was thus almost 11 to one. The ratio of pro-EU to anti-EU speakers in this category was 6:1.


SNP fanboys will no doubt empathise and join hands with Brexiteers against such disgusting ongoing bias from Project Fearism at the BBC :angry:

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1 hour ago, Baxter Parp said:

EU migrant workers contribute £2,300 more per year to UK than average British citizen, study reveals


Obviously not a problem at all.  Bleedin foreigners.

Does average citizen include pensioners, children, students and people not well enough to work?

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1 hour ago, Baxter Parp said:

EU migrant workers contribute £2,300 more per year to UK than average British citizen, study reveals


Obviously not a problem at all.  Bleedin foreigners.

Bloody EU migrants, coming over here contributing £2,300 more each year to the economy than good honest British people.

I didn’t die in two world wars only to live to see this happen.

God Save The Queen and her Greek husband.


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