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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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11 hours ago, JamieThomas said:

They don't - they rightly believe that there are enough simpleton fuckwits in England that will lap up their shite and when it fails blame the EU. Then they whip up said simpletons and make their money. The idea that more than about 10% of the "notable" right wing actually believes the utter fucking bollocks they slaver is ludicrous. It's all to line their own pockets, whether it's Rees-Mogg or that wee w**k that lives in his maw's basement papping out Youtube videos.

If you want evidence of these fuckwits head over to the BBC website article on Sturgeon's speech - eye-watering levels of ignorance and racism.

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If you want evidence of these fuckwits head over to the BBC website article on Sturgeon's speech - eye-watering levels of ignorance and racism.

It's Gammon Central there - head-in-the-sand arseholes of the worst kind. 


That being said there's now more remainers putting their heads above the parapet and fighting back - absolutely mocking the gammons for the ignoramuses they are.

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4 minutes ago, Frank Quitely said:

If you want evidence of these fuckwits head over to the BBC website article on Sturgeon's speech - eye-watering levels of ignorance and racism.

Do you mean the comments section?  Some of them are so awful they are funny.

1 minute ago, Londonwell said:

Statement called in the Commons today at 15:30. Will no doubt be an update on Brexit- could be interesting.

May is going to tell the nation that the issue of a hard border in Ireland is proving to be a stumbling block.  This will come as a huge surprise to the majority of the people.

She will also say the EU27 are being difficult, i.e. they will not let us leave and retain all the benefits of membership.  Bloody disgraceful.


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I still say he should be taking some kind of a stance on what is, arguably, the biggest issue that's cropped up in this country since WW2.
Just sitting on the fence muttering that if May's Brexit deal doesn't satisfy 6 tests then they (Labour) will vote against it.
 Hardly a demonstration of strong and inspiring leadership.

This is not entirely unlike Gordon Brown’s old strategy for European Monetary Union where he had “Five economic tests”

Brown was refusing to rule out the Euro on principle (this placating Europhiles) but in effect was ruling it out in the medium term on the basis of practicalities (Thus placating Eurosceptics)

The principle difference is that there wasn’t a deadline so Brown was a little more free to kick the problem down the road
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Could be fun!



Lunchtime summary

  • Downing Street has said that Theresa May will deliver a statement to MPs at 3.30pm about Brexit following the talks ending in deadlock yesterday. The Brussels impasse heightened speculation that the negotiations will not succeed, and that the UK will end up leaving without a deal, although this morning Downing Street insisted the government remained confident of getting a deal. (See 1.32pm.) Michel Barnier, the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator, has also urged people to “be patient”. (See 1.40pm.) Downing Street also restated May’s determination that the Irish backstop in the deal must be temporary (see 1.32pm) and May is likely to make this point to MPs, to counter claims from Tory Brexiters and the DUP that she is compromising too much.
  • Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish first minister, has called for the article 50 process to be extended, saying that a “blindford Brexit” would be unacceptable.

Turning the paranoia dial up to 11?



Brexiters’ lack of trust in PM is so intense that @SteveBakerHW has told ERG he fears negotiating impasse is a ruse, or “synthetic”, to spook markets and Tory MPs, so ultimately they back unacceptable backstop and Chequers. “All this must be called out” Baker says



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2 minutes ago, Crùbag said:

Shame our teeth are rotten as we ate too much British jam and kicked out all the foreign dentists...

Luckily all the eastern european fruit pickers are leaving the country so there's nothing to make jam with. Will work out all right in the end.

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3 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

Luckily all the eastern european fruit pickers are leaving the country so there's nothing to make jam with. Will work out all right in the end.

So many variables.. but now no jam and no teeth either? We'll be sooking neeps to stave off the famine.

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11 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

Luckily all the eastern european fruit pickers are leaving the country so there's nothing to make jam with. Will work out all right in the end.

I though we would get jam tomorrow.  That’s what should have been on the side of the Brexit bus.


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8 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I though we would get jam tomorrow.  That’s what should have been on the side of the Brexit bus.


It would have slid off the bus and caused a traffic accident...

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10 minutes ago, badgerthewitness said:

So May's speech was basically, "Don't worry, we've got this." The same pish she's been spouting for two and a half years. I despair.

Oh, that's a new one. When did they program that into her extensive vocabulary?

Edited by BawWatchin
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